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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. 1 hour ago, Willfully Horn said:

    You might read the NPR article linked. Fox’s retractions sometimes come in court. That’d be a dealbreaker for me, but you obviously are on a different path.

    I think people tend to forget that even cable news have "straight news" programs and "opinion" programs. I do not watch any of them, but I always take opinion shows and editorials with a grain of salt as everyone should. Fox hardly is alone in intentionally or unintentionally parroting disinformation red meat to the Idiocracy.

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  2. Don't think this is going to end well.

    California smash-and-grab thieves were back at it on Friday — with one crew hitting up a Home Depot to steal sledgehammers, crowbars and other tools, authorities said.

    The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said the Lakewood store’s entire hammer section had been cleared out by the mob of eight during the robbery, which took place at around 7:45 p.m. local time, Fox 11 reported.

    The suspects — who range in age from 15 to 20 — fled in getaway cars parked outside the Home Depot, the sheriff’s department said.

    It was one of several brazen flash-robberies in the area on Black Friday.

    The Los Angeles Police Department said it issued a city-wide tactical alert after a large group raided a Bottega Veneta store in the ritzy Beverly Grove neighborhood, CBS LA reported.

    The robbers pepper-sprayed someone inside the Melrose Avenue boutique and made off with several high-end items, cops said.

    Three armed men also stole a Rolex watch from a jewelry store on Melrose Avenue on Friday night, according to KTLA. The suspects used a handgun in the incident, which occurred just before 7 p.m. local time, the report said.

    The robberies came after more than $25,000 of merchandise was plucked from the shelves at a Nordstrom in LA’s Canoga Park neighborhood on Wednesday.

    The Golden State has recently been plagued by a troubling trend of smash-and-grab raids, prompting one San Francisco tech store to hire bulletproof vest-clad security guards for a staggering $30,000 each month.


  3. Years ago had a good friend (much older couple) who grew up at the end of the Galveston heyday. Galveston and the mob is a fascinating story that probably deserves more national attention ... probably would make as good of a movie as anything about the five families or the Outfit.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, mchookem said:

    if i recall correctly (and i may not)...

    1) Walker wasn't about murdering someone (i can't remember who) on behalf of the Y after he got branded and he just wanted to hit the road  and that alone bought his ticket for the train per Y rules, but whoever took him to the station took pity on him and let him go instead...and he turned back up at the Yellowstone. 

    2) Lloyd started a fight in the bunkhouse with Walker ostensibly bc the blonde that used to fuck him now fucks Walker (see post #1363) ...and apparently fighting in the bunkhouse carries a sentence of murder. but i think Lloyd is also the one that was supposed to take Walker to the train right? and Rip's been pissed about that ever since.  that also puts a little more depth into why Lloyd's so pissed that Walker took his girl i guess.

    it's all very complicated. and ridiculous. i can't stop watching 😄

    Thanks. I forgot about Lloyd and the buckle bunny (I have a genetic defect where I cannot remember movies / TV shows at all). Agree with bill ... fighting seems like would be pretty regular and hardly an offense worthy of taking the train, but ... 

  5. 1 hour ago, Huckleberry said:

    You're such a pussy.

    I have to be honest. One must simply just stand in wonder of the intellectual powerhouse that was able to turn such a phrase. Dylan? Ginsberg? Kerouac? I must admit the awe in which you have left not just me but all of us. Thank you sir.

    I hope your candidacy for the presidency of the rapist-misogyny club is everything you had hoped and more. Please give us more privilege hard and deep.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Fuck You 3
  6. This is a tragedy where no one acted wisely. Custody battles have claimed more than a few lives. I ultimately blame the mom for being an insufferable See You Next Tuesday that caused the entire thing. I've known plenty of family law folks - the horror stories are unreal. She intentionally is both antagonizing her ex and putting her new toy with an obvious Napoleon complex in a shitty situation. I'm guessing the guys wishes he would have said "FU" and re-activated his Tinder account.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Auto Driller said:

    What made it even worse is they had an incredible 2-point play ready to go. If they run that throwback TE screen in 2OT it’s a win for sure.

    And alumni aren't going to bust your balls for nutting up and going for the win when you're clearly the inferior team.

    Someone should have told Harsin his QB and kickers are walkons. Might have changed his calculus.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:
    28 minutes ago, Auto Driller said:
    When your team is clearly playing above their own abilities, your QB literally can’t walk, and your defense has been on the field for 30+ additional plays than the opponent’s you HAVE to go for 2 when you have a chance to win. This game is another reminder that college football coaches are generally just wealthier versions of the meatheads that coached us in high school.

    Same as when we played OU. And Herman played for OT instead of the win. As the weaker team, you should always go for the win. Just like Kansas did against us. There was no chance in hell Auburn was winning that game by keep prolonging it and hoping Bama makes a mistake. Go for the jugular. You are 6-5 for fucks sake. You were a 21 point underdog.

    Even wifey knew this. Stupid decision. Harsin and Herman must have the same esthetician. #brazilian

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