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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. A racist POS kills a bunch of people and the media is like: "what?"
  2. Who knew Gaige Grosskreutz was surly?
  3. 89EB609D-2AB0-45B2-8661-50EACCB780BF.MOV
  4. https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2021/11/24/smash-and-grab-robbery-looting-louis-vuitton-san-francisco-union-square/ https://deadline.com/2021/11/thieves-looters-mass-robbery-the-grove-nordstrom-los-angeles-1234879561/ https://www.foxbusiness.com/retail/3-suspects-california-nordstrom-looting-arrested
  5. I was assuming of the 6% of people on twatter 1% are not complete fucking morons.
  6. 5% of the country is addicted to being outraged online. Because no one really is spreading disinformation or arguing about this case, classic fallback to hysterics and conspiracy theories. Everything no matter the result always means:
  7. Just like to shout to the CR from taking a pretty decent discussion of the trial into: and
  8. We had this discussion on another thread about the intent of bail. I'm sort of "three strikes" guy on it. You screw up once, low bail. You're a habitual offender, reconsider. Have to balance criminals' rights with the communities' rights. Pretty sure a person that ignores the laws about domestic violence might not be super intimidated by another piece of paper.
  9. That dude didn't slow down or use his horn to let people get out of the way. He was going full speed through those people like he was playing GTA. It was completely intentional to do the most damage he could. Don't need social media posts to confirm that, give him the electric chair and be done with it. I don't disagree (although I oppose the DP).
  10. It is a difficult issue. Just because the guy is a racist POS doesn't mean he intentionally ran over a bunch of people. He's obviously not the local Mensa chapter president so maybe he thought driving through a parade was an efficient escape route. The one thing we know is everyone is suddenly switching opinions about these kinds of things.
  11. Agreed. Larry getting comeuppance for being Larry always delivers. That's his genius - making 10' of gold out of taking a hotel umbrella.
  12. Ask Dave Chapelle about the "entertainment" exception. LOL. I can see both sides, but as you demonstrate it seems like an obvious way to inject bias into a finding of fact not directly germane to the facts of a particular case.
  13. (Non-lawyer randomly speculating) I've always wondered about this. I get that a person' previous actions do not necessarily mean they acted unlawfully in a subsequent situation. I know if I was a juror - and this is where the lawyers will yell at me - I would would want to know if a person has a long history of violence or a squeaky clean record. But I get the inherent bias. Specifically with the Waukegan situation, might be critical to establish motive since there is really no rational explanation for driving through a crowd (outside of a clear explanation).
  14. I can now check handicapped. #equity
  15. That noise you hear is the ideological media slamming the brakes on a story.
  16. Can someone clarify: are the Proud Boys the "white supremacist" group led by the black Hispanic guy or the fascist terrorists that did $2B damage to minority neighborhoods last summer?
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