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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. 57 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    The dead lived in the city where they were killed.

    The killer did not live in the city where he killed the victims.

    I realize this is CR, but ... Rittenhouse's family lived in Kenosha, so it's not like he didn't have any connection to the are. And while not dead, the third guy - and myriad other rioters - came from out of town.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, MillerEP said:

    For those asking me if I was serious about being ready to leave this bullshit conference, I am 100% serious. I haven’t felt that this league has treated us very fairly since the LHN debacle. We got all the heat for wanting to leave, despite OU also coming over (they got a free pass), we’ve had god awful officiating, and I’m not talking about the constant no call holdings/PIs, or occasional call not going our way. I’m talking about total hit jobs like the okstate game a few years ago or BS phantom flags like the roughing the passer two weeks ago.
    I do NOT think moving will magically make us any better, we’ll suck there too if we don’t get this shit fixed, but at least we won’t have the worlds bullseye on our back with the likes of Bama, Florida, Georgia and other established SEC favs hogging the attention. And not to sound like aggy, but a loss to Vanderbilt or Kentucky has less sting to it (at least for now) than those fucking yokels in wvu, Baylor, Kansas, or tech. Maybe having a year or two under the radar will give us time and breathing room to right this ship.

    Maybe C-USA will take us.

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  3. I still cannot wrap my head around how this team went from up 28-7 vs OU to losing six (likely seven) straight. Unprecedented collapse. That's coaching.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. 4 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Crossing state lines with an AR-15 to incite violence and killing two unarmed people seems like a possible federal charge.  It’s not going to happen though because this DOJ isn’t interested in the political fallout from such a move.  

    in other news:


    Bless your heart. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Bullneck said:

    Not so fast, my friend,



    Muhammad fucking children we live in Idiocracy ... at least it will take away resources from raiding parents and journalists. Let's just welcome the police state.

  6. 2 minutes ago, goatsaag said:

    I've seen similar things to this several times now where people are worried that there is now a precedent that a person can just show up wherever they want with a gun and then start indiscriminately shooting whoever they want based on "I was afraid for my life".

    I don't understand how this case would do anything of the sort. It wasn't some South Park "It's coming right for us!" situation. Everything was on video and we all got to see what happened. No matter what you think about Rittenhouse (he's an idiot who basically has zero chance now at becoming a reasonable human being), whether he should have been there (obviously not), or open carry laws (completely fucking stupid and should be done away with), he didn't just show up and start shooting whoever he felt like shooting.

    Exactly. I swear I wonder sometimes how 95% of the country manages to shit on a toilet and wipe their ass and wash their hands. No wonder the Chinese will own us - we are a collection of absolute fucking morons. The worse part is we let these people vote.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Disco Missile said:

    I got sucked into this trial by accident because of a YouTube rec on a lunch break. I saw the moment when Grosskreutz admitted on the stand that he ran after KR and wasn't shot until he pointed his loaded gun at KR's head. My jaw hit the floor and I was hooked.

    Watching the prosection's case unravel and ultimately blow up in their faces was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I really can't understand how they looked at the evidence and talked to their witnesses and made the decision to charge him with murder. And then to double down once the trial went pear shaped and they should have dismissed the charges. Incredible stuff.

    The media has made a total mess of everything surrounding this case, but the trial itself was about as clear cut a thing as you could ask for. Glad the man got the verdict he deserved instead of a mistrial or some other oddity that would drag this out unnecessarily.

    This is largely how I landed in addition to generally opposing nationalizing local issues. The amount of disinformation about this cause makes you realize how disinformed the average twatter hysteric is and how our ideological media continually disinforms and divides.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Mainstream media is evil. They tried to convict a person, who was obviously defending himself, because he dared to defend himself against an attack by a a riot mob they agreed with.


    It is amazing the disinformation that fuels the emotional hysterics. Reading through Facebook there are still people out there that believe Rittenhouse crossed state lines with a gun, drove directly to the riots, randomly shot three black people, and left.

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