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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. 19 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    you ain't lying. you could see the fear in his eyes.

    i think the verdict was correct.

    i wish it hadn't become so politicized. but that was inevitable. 

    i worry about things i can't talk about on this forum about guns in social situations. but this is the correct verdict, imo.

    Surliness aside. This post and some others (@Lobo ) give me hope that there are at least a few people left capable of thinking beyond the binary, tribal stupidity that dominates our current world. #nohomo

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  2. 1 hour ago, Captainant said:

    dude, LoveStreet is just bud light with lipstick now

    Fair enough. Honestly never had it ... I stick to the IPAs. Probably art of suggestion, but to @elfenix point - Hoppadillo seems to have lost a step.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    This thread's got me thinking about some Electric Jellyfish or Rodeo Clown.

    I miss those days when the local Goody Goody had the Karbach 12-packs of four great IPAs, including Rodeo Clown.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 minute ago, closetohumping said:

    But the white flight wasn't to get away from African Americans, it was to get away from Asians right?  1 reason is they tend to be super competitive in school and the other I've heard is "it don't feel like Merica anymore."  I was watching a Coppell basketball game on the tele and a few of the players were Asian.  Pretty neat imo.

    Have to spin the wheel to see if Asians are "white supremacists" or "oppressed" ... depends on the day. 

  5. 33 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Wasn’t trying to insult you but I probably do all the time anyway posting on the bathroom wall we call the net. If so I apologize.

    I don’t care what the jury does here and neither should you or anyone else. All we should care about is was the process fair. I have criticized the judge but ultimately it doesn’t matter. 95 percent of the time the jury gets it right.

    The real problem is almost always the system and the laws itself. That should be the focus, not the ultimate result of any particular case. In this case, it shows the obvious flaws of open carry laws, which we had previous figured out back in the 19th century Wild West. We’re regressing.

    No worries and fair enough. I agree 100%.

  6. 30 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    What’s naive is thinking the entire jury thinks the same as you do and would automatically acquit.

    If it makes you feel better it’s not over. They still could acquit. Nobody really knows why they’re taking their time. It’s just tea leave reading to speculate why that is. 

    I apologize if I led you to believe I have any of my self-esteem or psyche tied up to the outcome of a trial half-way across the country. Although generally I think it is poor look when the most powerful institutions of our culture punch down on a minor and others react to disinformation and foment division, but that's probably just me. I just lack the need to find conspiracy and outrage under every rock, but I do generally hope justice is served.

    Similarly, I think do not think I proffered myself as any sort of expert just expressing my opinion, which seemed to be the point of this thread.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Based on the way the trial went, I am surprised the jury has been deliberating for as long as it has. That leads me to believe likely there will be a hung jury, or it might settle on a lesser charge to try and split the baby in a politicized trial.

    Having watched some of the trial and listened to commentary, I do not think the prosecution proved its case. However, it would naive to believe the jury may be haunted by externalities.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Samson's Wig said:

    I don't live in DFW, have never lived in DFW, and will (likely) never live in DFW.  Is this overblown or sound about right for that community?  In other words, is this driven by a handful of racist idiots or should that area be avoided like the plague? 

    There have been accusations for a few years, but does not seem like it has been a major story (but I do not watch the local news religiously). 

  9. Just now, washparkhorn said:

    The prosecution sent it when they received it (after Tucker Carlson bought the right to the video.

    Defense says there was not adequate exchange of the video because it was in .mov format and their non-apple phone plays the file in a compressed format (I think). 

    Thanks. I'm getting selective limits on rep but future posrep.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I’m not an IT whiz, but couldn’t they put the file that Krause sent argument to bed just by checking his sent folder in his gmail? If it was 11MB when he sent it and 4 MB when Wisko got it, we’d know something compressed it. Likewise if it was only 4MB when it was sent we’d know he sent the wrong file.

    Apologies in advance - hard to follow the trial discussion amidst the bullshit. The issue is the prosecutor withheld the high-res file, correct? I'm sitting on the world's longest work bullshit call so did could not tear away to read the full motion.

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