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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. 16 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Yep.  John promised to pay all of Jimmy's Bill's if he promised not to rodeo.

    I thought John was talking to Casey's ghost for damn near 2 full episodes until RIP said something to him.  I thought that was what Beth was referring to when John asked what else they killed. Then, I thought they were going to pan down to John talking to nobody when Beth shot the chime.

    Got it (thanks all). I did not connect that Jimmy was "rodeoing" ... assumed he was doing his job and got shot off his horse.

  2. On 11/8/2021 at 9:49 AM, Hate said:

    Ultimately don't the people at the show also bare some responsibility here?  I've been to many many festival type events and never encountered anything like that.  Yes, the organizers are to blame.  Yes, Scott has blame for encouraging the gate crashing.  But this wouldn't have happened had people at that show collectively used their one or two functioning brain cells to see that things were getting out of control. 

    Yes, but the concertgoers do not have large insurance coverage. The city and LiveNation should have responsibility to provide a reasonably safe environment (not a legal argument but a moral on), and of course Scott bears much of the blame for encouraging his fans to disregard reasonable security precautions. I would assume legally the question will be whether the city and LiveNation met their legal obligations in terms of security and safety. Not sure how true it is, but news reported that people were crashing the gates before the concert, i.e. the crowd likely exceeded capacity ... feels like that was the venue's responsibility to ensure capacity was not exceeded to unsafe levels.

    Terrible tragedy.

  3. 4 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    Other stuff out on interwebs that someone else is openly trying to dox the jurors. Another reason those incredibly poor excuses for journalism by the usual suspects WILL lead to someone else getting hurt after the trial, but they will never accept any responsibility. 

    Yeah, but then jury will be a function of white privilege and a symptom of white supremacy, so they deserved it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Captainant said:

    if you want to burn 20 someodd hours, Blueprint for Armageddon is an excellent podcast series by Hardcore History/Dan Carlin that goes into every detail and intricacy of WWI from prelude to epilogue. Fascinating stuff.

    That SOB is to blame for my rabbit hole of obsession with The Great War! I loved his podcasts ... he got a little to much TDS for my taste but still good work. I started Supernova in the East but too much competition these days. Now that it is done need to go back and re-start. I also loved his older episodes on the history of Rome.

  5. On 11/7/2021 at 7:34 PM, phdhorn said:

    Intertribal killing, taking of slaves, raping, pillaging, and all that other good stuff has been around in Africa long before Giovanni Whitebread showed up. Same as in the pre-Columbian Americas. If there's anyone who still believes the myth that the societies were edenic before Europeans showed up fails history miserably.

    Here's a goody talking about such  a massacre in Africa -10,000 years ago.


    The anti-factual talking points that pass as "history" among the woke narratives may be worse than the artificial American jingoism of the 20th Century ... especially among people that ostensibly have an academic credential. Even the concept of "indigenous people." Whoever was there when Europeans arrived took their land from someone else. Despite the horrific treatment, still not sure there were not many American Indian tribes that would be relieved to see an American show up vs. some Apaches or Comanches. The world has been a brutal, violent place filled with oppression and slavery since Creation.

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  6. On 12/7/2020 at 1:03 PM, Parliament said:

    I have a friend who was a history major in college. He works in sales now, but is still a huge history buff. He says WW1 had a more significant impact on World history than WW2.

    Leading into WW1, Europe was only global power. All of the wealth, trade, military, colonization scientific invention, EVERYTHING was eurocentric. Then the Great War happened and they poured all of their wealth, and an entire generation on men into it. Communism got its footing in Russia. Europe was doomed to never recover.

    WW2 was nothing more than Europe's last gasp at hegemony. But by then, History has already passed them by. Interesting take.

    Like most of us, my history classes spent maybe one day on WWI and a week on WWII. During the last 10 years, I've really become fascinated with The Great War.

    I agree 100% - World War I had a much larger impact on on world history than World War II:

    • I shifted the center of global economic power from London to New York
    • The collapse of the Ottoman Empire removed the stabilizing force in much of Eastern Europe and the Middle East
    • Catalyzed the Russian revolution and victory for the bolsheviks and led ultimately to the USSR, Cold War, etc. (Germans sent Lenin back to Russia in a train with the aim of destabilizing the empire)
    • Cemented a Anglo-Franco alliance after centuries of war and rivalry
    • Collapse or the Austro-Hungarian empire removed the stabilizing force in Eastern Europe and launched balkanization
    • The re-drawing of the geographic maps in the Central Powers can be viewed as the start of both WWII and 9/11

    And it is amazing that the war began on bicycles and horseback with soldiers dressed in 19th Century colorful uniforms and ended with massive slaughter in trenches from airplanes, machine guns, and long-range artillery.

    • Drool 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Go Pokes said:

    What sucks for Jimmy? That he got hurt? I was confused by where they were sending him if that’s what you’re referring to.

    Can someone be kind enough to remind me what word he gave to Dutton? Was it to not ride?

  8. 12 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    IllinoisEnergyProf on YouTube has a great series of videos on the Chernobyl disaster and the following improvements in reactor passive safety, turns out those ruskies built some shitty and unsafe reactors lol

    But even something like 3 mile island isn't physically possible in newer (read: developed since the 90s) reactor designs

    Probably a stupid question, but have there been commensurate improvements in transmission technology, i.e. could we today more efficiently build more remote reactors without worrying about losing significant efficiency in the transmission process?

  9. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Those people live in an alternate reality. 



    I have some sympathy for them. If one gets all information exclusively from partisan web sites, one would believe your alternate worldview is reality. It is always amazing when you read polling data or watch videos how there are enormous amounts of people in the U.S. that have strongly held believes about realities - not opinions but literally basic facts - that are completely divorced from the actual data.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    It's all fun and games until the mob comes for you.....as they always do, as history has repeatedly revealed.  

    That's why I'm generally not a fan of nationalizing local stories. In a perfect world, our cable news would actually dedicate time to things that actually affect our lives (domestically and especially internationally) as opposed to these stupid stories like this that just inflame already polarized morons.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 9 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Grosskreutz should legitimately be charged with aggravated assault. He knew Rittenhouse was running to the police. He chases him down.. He pulls his concealed weapon on him and was going to shoot before Kyle shot first. Then tells a friend he wishes he had killed him. These are facts from his own testimony.

    At the very least he admitted to: unlawful concealed carry of a firearm, brandishing a weapon, and assault with a deadly weapon.

    He won't be because this never was about justice. It is political theater for twatter blue checks.

    In fairness, I am not watching the trial but just reading your reports ... I have a respect for Grosskreutz for being honest. I'm naive, but I would assume many witnesses would just lie (in cases where they could not obviously be charged with perjury). Okay ... maybe I should retract that given the "chasing" comment LOL.

    Do you think the defense  will put Rittenhouse on the stand? I had heard it said it would, but at this point can it help or only hurt?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Goofyboy said:

    Seems like Africa was fine until the Europeans carved it up.

    For a continent whose primary export was slaves. Pretty sure 90% of its GDP was from selling other humans to Arabs and Europeans.

  13. 8 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Yeah, Kyle was a dipshit asshole.  And so were many like him.

    Those that attempted to forceably disarm him, if that's all they were trying to do, were also dipshit assholes.

    Protestors that looted and vandalized were dipshit assholes.

    It's a vast cornucopia of dipshit assholes.

    Rittenhouse was foolish, but his "heart was in the right place" if you will. He went there with the intention to keep peace and help people - he's even seen on tape trying to help a rioter.

    The brownshirts went there just to burn, loot, and murder and bring destruction on innocent, hard-working people.

    I get that has not real bearing on the facts of the case, but it is so weird to hear people who regular rely on "good intent" attack Rittenhouse as some sort of domestic terrorist bogeyman and excuse intentional criminals. #clownworld

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  14. On 11/1/2021 at 11:01 AM, troph said:

    This is where I will explain the popularity of trans porn and trans escorts - even charging premium rates - suggests several of you are lying about what you like. And that’s the real problem. Like what you like but just like Republican homo politicians who persecute gays in public there is a special place in hell for straight men who fuck trans women then claim “ewwww” when the topic comes up in conversation.


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