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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. 17 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Wayne Brady was hilarious on The Chappelle Show. 


    And won Masked Singer.

    May I get an honest clarification? I genuinely cannot keep up with the changing terminology?

    Trigger Warning:


    If a trans person medically transitions does the label change? Is "transgender" what I guess once was called a "cross dresser" and full medical transition is what is / was called a "transsexual?" I'm honestly not trying to trigger anyone but genuinely do not keep up with the changing terms.


  2. 28 minutes ago, Hate said:

    Jesus Christ.  I've said this before and I guess it needs to be explained again, but if that stupid kid just wanted to shoot looters and those rioting he had more than ample opportunity to do so.  He could have taken out as many as he pleased.  He shot people attacking him.  That's it.  It is like you and Pam aren't even looking at the facts and are just clutching your pearls.  All reasonable people here would agree that he should not have been there period.  He definitely should not have been there with an AR or any other type of firearm.  I think we all would agree with that.  But just because you don't like the "team" that you think this kid "plays for" doesn't mean that he didn't act in self defense.  Use that big brain and look at the facts of this particular event and stop being an emotional fucking juvenile. 

    I appreciate the effort ... but to hammers everything looks like a nail.

  3. 54 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Where do you get that from his post.  It's entirely reasonable.

    A person carrying a rifle in public pretty much automatically escalates any confrontation into an armed assault that may or may not be self-defense, murder, or attempted murder.

    It is entirely reasonable to blame the confrontation on the person that confronted. I have not seen any evidence that Rittenhouse was confrontational, so the problem is not him or the gun but the mouth-breathers that attacked him apparently for no valid reason. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  4. 13 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    For most foreign airlines, tickets are cheaper in their local currency. So, it pays to use a VPN and their native language site. Just walk through the buying steps in the English version first to map your way through if you can’t fumble your way through the foreign site without a cheat sheet.

    Domestic airlines too. You likely will find a different price if you were to login from the UK for JFK-LHR. It will depend on a particular flight, but airline pricing has a lot of complexity behind its revenue management systems.

  5. 4 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if thousands of whiny CR voices cried out in frustration and were suddenly silenced, as they realized rittenhouse could not be charged with Thought Crimes. 

    Don't underestimate the impact on mail clerks the ability to join a cacaphony of mouthbreathers to scream stupendously about a random teenager even if the outcome will get them no closer to leaving the basement than the formulation of an original or critical thought.

  6. 1 hour ago, markstanco said:

    I am guessing this is their answer to Amazon, but I feel bad for the unsuspecting that won’t Google pricing. That’s nearly 20% higher.

    Probably yes and no. I would assume you get more efficiency with online shopping so contribution margins do not have to cover real estate and overhead associated with a retail stores. And they probably assume a decent % of savvy customers will shop in their stores and just buy online, so for all intents and purposes the retail stores become a sort of catalog showroom for some items that do not require same-day usage.

    Take it up a notch - I read about Target (I believe) whose app will actually update pricing using geo-targeting, so if a customer is in a defined radius of a Target retail store, he'll get "retail" pricing comparable to the retail store price vs. the true online price. So practically, check the price away from the store, take a screen shot, and then re-price while you're in the store and see if it changed.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Satoshi said:

    Yeah I got chastised on CR for making fun of skateboard guy.

    Unless you’re Jason Bourne, attacking a guy holding an AR with your skateboard is 99% of the time going to end up in serious injury or death. What an absolute dumbass.

    That's the way the CR go ... facts don't matter just the t-shirt.

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  8. On 11/11/2020 at 11:35 PM, lateshow said:

    Posted in the Amazon Thread, but wanted to keep this one updated. Love this show. As everyone has said, Urban nails this role as Homelander.

    Starlight is straight up smoke. Maeve is hot. Shue is still hot, but aged. Stormfront, meh. Some of you might recognize that’s Aya Cash, who was on You’re The Worst. Seems there were fellow fans of that show on here.

    I really liked Banshee and did not realize same guy played Homelander. He's a great actor.

  9. On 10/21/2021 at 12:41 PM, redswingline said:

    Baylor is marginally better than last year. The difference is they couldn't pad their record vs. prairie view a&m types.

    If you just look at their conference performances 3 things are obvious.

    1. their OL sucks - which is no surprise because it sucked last year.  they cannot move the ball on the ground against teams with a pulse.

    2. they can't pass rush against teams with a pulse.

    3. ISU dominated them in the 2nd half, OSU dominated them in stoolwater.

    LOL. TTT. 
    Y'all stupid... #cr

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