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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. Now the paramedics are joining the party? WTF?


    The videos show a stocky Dallas paramedic, hands on his hips, standing over a homeless man who is lying in the street.

    The paramedic, Brad Cox, shakes his head and says something to the man.

    As he tries to sit up and turn around, the paramedic kicks him in the face. This time, Cox’s commands can be heard clearly.

    “Get up again,” he yells. “Get up again.”

    The  man staggers to his feet and limps toward the paramedic. Cox takes a fighter’s stance and throws a punch, striking the man in the head before he again falls to the ground.

    The August 2019 confrontation was captured on the body cameras of a Dallas police officer and a Dallas County sheriff’s deputy who were watching from a few feet away.

    Cox is also a 45-year-old mixed-martial arts fighter. At the time of the incident, he was on probation for tampering with government documents related to his treatment of another homeless man who later died after Cox and another paramedic denied him medical care. And according to at least one police sergeant, Cox had a reputation for acting aggressively toward people on calls.

    The man Cox kicked and punched on the video that day was Kyle Vess, a mentally disabled 32-year-old with a traumatic brain injury who had been living out of a motel. Police said he had been setting grass fires on the Interstate 30 frontage road in West Dallas.

    • Rage+1 1
  2. 1 hour ago, fattyflattie said:

    I’m not certain that’s what the “pearl clutchers” of late have been frustrated with.  The latest example (this week), a man out of bail for a murder charge, robbed and then ran over a 71 yo woman, killing her. 

    Those "pearl clutchers" need to check their privilege.

    "In 2020, 18,796 defendants were charged with new felonies and misdemeanors while out on bond, a number that has tripled since 2015, county data shows. Approximately 89,600 individuals were charged with felonies and misdemeanors in Harris County that year."


  3. 30 minutes ago, HornOnTheBayou said:

    My thoughts as I began to read the OP:

    A shooting in Chicago. Why does this deserve a new thread?
    Oh wait, the shooting took place in Austin!
    Nope, not the Austin I live in, Austin is a part of Chicago.
    So, wait, why does this story deserve a thread in a board about Longhorn sports?

    I guess, in summary, my response is:

    So GIFs | Tenor

    Wait - so we don't make huge fucking deals out of local issues? You mean if a E--list actor in Chicago stages a fake hate crime it doesn't get covered nationwide? Huh. You equating yourself with Al Bundy makes sense now.

  4. 1 hour ago, mdleast said:

    With all apologies to MENSA Herman, we all know which coach is really playing 5-D Chess:

    That can't actually be real. If it is ... it might be the stupidest twit ever, and that is saying something.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    You would think an attempted murderer would be a high risk to society. If I was the person he was attempting to kill, I wouldn't feel very safe at all right about now.

    But that's where the facts of the case should be considered. By all accounts, this was an isolated event in response to bullying, harassment, being robbed, etc. This looks more like a small kid getting picked on and not a gang banger or serial offender. I would have lunch with him and have zero concern. What is the value of having him sit in jail for a year? Only good that comes out of that is he learns how to be a criminal.

    Again, the facts may change, but at this point I suspect he's in exponentially more danger from the guy he tried to kill.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. 1 hour ago, cabowabo said:

    A $75,000 bond for taking a gun to school and shooting several people is whack, unless you're in Harris County.

    I respectfully disagree. IMHO bail should not reflect the crime committed but the danger the defendant posses to the community. I'm a lot more concerned about a serial rapist or armed robber being released vs. this kid. I have not read anything that indicates he has a history of violence or would likely commit a similar crime in the future. Not sense for a kid to rot in jail - no real value to keeping him locked up.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. I cannot imagine what could go wrong ... not to mention pretty racist ...


    CHICAGO (WLS) -- There is an outcry from the mayor and some Chicago aldermen after men linked by police to a deadly gang shootout in Austin last week were released from custody. Prosecutors declined to charge each of them with a pair of felonies, including first-degree murder.

    The mid-morning gunfight, which left one shooter dead and two of the suspects wounded, stemmed from an internal dispute between two gang factions, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

    New video from city pod cameras shows what police say is two people pulling up and opening fire at an Austin home. They ducked for cover as the people inside fired back. One person was killed and two others were hurt in the shootout. Three people were arrested.

    Police sought to charge all suspects with murder and aggravated battery. By Sunday morning, a Chicago police spokeswoman acknowledged the suspects had "been released without charges."

    The Cook County state's attorney's office explained that prosecutors had "determined that the evidence was insufficient to meet our burden of proof to approve felony charges," a state's attorney's office spokeswoman said, adding that police officials agreed with the decision.

    But a police report framed the state's attorney's office's decision to decline charges in a different light: "Mutual combatants was cited as the reason for the rejection." Mutual combat is a legal term used to define a fight or struggle that two parties willingly engage in.

    Mayor Lori Lightfoot and some West Side aldermen called on Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx to reverse her decision on the case.

    "If they do not feel like the criminal justice system is going to hold them accountable, we're going to see a level of brazenness that will send the city into chaos and we cannot let that happen," the mayor said Monday.

    Foxx said there was not enough evidence to support felony charges, and police said the people arrested refused to tell them anything. But Lightfoot, herself a former prosecutor, believes there's evidence to make a case.

    "I think that there's evidence there. We've got videotape, we have a marked squad of uniformed officers who were on the scene observing it," she said. "At a bare minimum, the individuals who initiated the firefight must be prosecuted."

    "I think it goes beyond frustration, I'm furious about it," said 29th Ward Alderman Chris Taliaferro, who oversees the ward where the shooting took place.
    The Cook County State's Attorney's Office released a statement in response to the mayor's calls, saying: 

    "As a former federal prosecutor, the Mayor knows of the ethical obligation of the prosecutor to only bring forth charges where the facts, evidence, and law support it. She is also fully aware that as a prosecutor we are obligated not to try cases in the media. It is unclear why she has chosen to make such statements, especially absent the full information that was presented to our office by CPD. The detectives reached out to our office on Friday and acknowledged at the outset that given the chaotic nature at the scene they were unable to determine how the events unfolded. We reviewed the evidence that was presented to us in consultation with the detectives and they agreed we were unable to approve charges based on the evidence presented. However, as always, as additional evidence is gathered we stand ready to bring charges when appropriate. Additionally, the facts the mayor presented today simply are not in line with what was presented to us by CPD, and not born out by the evidence we received. The staggering violence that is devastating our communities is horrific, however, we must still adhere to both our ethical and legal standards in evaluating charges. As a former prosecutor, she knows that."

    Last week, Cook County prosecutors came under fire after making a similar argument after a teenager was stabbed to death during a fight in suburban Schaumburg. The family of the victim, 18-year-old Manuel Porties Jr., later told WGN that prosecutors specifically said they weren't charging the 17-year-old suspect with murder because the fatal fight amounted to mutual combat.

    • Fuck You 1
  8. On 10/6/2021 at 10:51 AM, lateshow said:

    I'm gonna have to disagree. Tony was markedly darker and a more vile character by the end of the run from the beginning. 

    This. In Season One he has some level of code or conscience. Final season Tony would have whacked Uncle June without remorse. He was relatively rational and reasonable, which is why he was able to rise above his peers. Toward the end he had fully submitted to his dark side.

    Development does not require becoming Tonisha and opening a beauty parlor.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 22 hours ago, Pam Cummings said:

    I especially loved how in one scene, Dickie Moltisanti is bemoaning the fact that his wife can't bear children. Then two minutes later we're introduced to baby Christopher. Zero explanation as to how he came about, i just thought that Dickie left his wife for the Italian broad at first. But.....no. Still confused as to wtf happened there.

    I too did not realize until he killed that the Italian bird was not his second wife. #noracist Of course it would have been consistent with the movie to have Chris' mom murdered and totally fuck up The Sopranos backstory.

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Go Pokes said:

    This is also true.  Lot's of family and political drama like GOT, but interspersed with what is going to have to be some crazy ass battles scenes where multiple people are riding around on dragons.  Damn, typing that out makes it sound like a real challenge to keep this from getting cheesy.  I kind of wish they'd have just gone all the way back to the beginning of the Targ rule and Aegon I landing his big ass dragon in what will become King's Landing.  Maybe they'll skip around in the time line if it lasts enough seasons.  

    That's what I thought would have been cool. As an angry bookfag, I enjoyed the world he created and the history. This has the makings of basically GOT II replacing the civil war with an intra-family war. It would tickle my whisker if they did some flashbacks and gave some backstory on the First Men, the Andals, the COTF and especially the Night King and the Doom of Valyria - would love to see Aegon fleeing and showing up on the beach met by a couple of knights from Storm's End. I think his taking of Westeros would be much more fun than Targ's fighting Targ's ... but they fuck and get nekkid so there is that.

    Agree with the general sentiment that the shitshow of the last few seasons and fat ass' lack of ability to do shit really extinguishes any strong desire to see it.

  11. It's been fascinating watching some of these old cases get solved by DNA (99%) and other methods. EARONS and Zodiac maybe the two most high profile out there that have been solved / likely solved. There have been several local cases across Texas solved during the last year. I heard today there might also be a lead on the Maura Murray case.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    They keep saying it wasn’t a random act, but a targeted ‘beef.’  

    I get him shooting the one person he was fighting with.  But he shot two other students and a teacher, seemingly because they were just there.  Whuh?

    We had a school shooting long before they really became a thing ... it was due to a "beef." Fortunately, only two kids hit and no serious injuries (relatively speaking).

  13. 9 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    The Laundries are heartless and probably evil, but they’re smarter than given credit for. They’ve played this almost perfectly since Brian rolled up in the van sans Gabby. They lawyered up immediately, probably blocked Gabby’s family members on every platform, have made no public statements, and refused to speak to the press.

    Many thought the library outing was a bizarre move, but after some investigation it’s likely they used public computers to communicate with Brian. Better yet for them, libraries wipe their search history every night. Very tough to get a warrant that quickly for a computer at a public library. I doubt they came up with this on their own. This sounds like something from the mind of a criminal defense attorney. 

    Brian could conceivably be communicating with parents and sister with a burner phone and solar charger. 

    The general sense I get from listening to the legal watchers is that Brian will have to make a mistake to be found. He stopped making mistakes when he was reunited with his parents. The search could go on for a long time. 

    100%. They likely prepped before he became a suspect with burner phones, solar chargers, etc. And they are smart to go radio silent because they are starving the story of oxygen, so the public will lose interest. I understand it is not easy to survive in the wilderness, but not impossible he has some help.

  14. 5 minutes ago, PassiveAggressiveCoach said:

    Man, you have an awesome woman. If mine saw me sticking my finger in some hot 24 yr old's ass I better fucking move fast. 

    For my 40th, I said, "I'm getting a sports car, a motorcycle, or a girlfriend." Old Lady's response: "Please get a girlfriend. Save me some work. I'll pick her out."

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  15. 2 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    I’d agree. Paulie reconciling with his mother was a really nice moment on the show. 

    Chris turning rat and going Hollywood is probably a more interesting ending than getting run off the road by Kennedy and Heidi. The heroin addict thing didn’t work for me either. Tony promised to whack him if he ever slipped again, and slipped over and over again. We get it, Chris has a drug problem. Somebody put him out of his misery. 

    Janice had a redemptive arc. Giant whowa/pain in the ass to loving wife and mother to Bobby and his children. Bobby is probably the only person in her life that ever loved and respected her. Really tragic. 

    I always loved Johnny Sack. He went from an invincible shark to a desperate man trying to defend his wife despite it maybe costing him everything including his life. You felt terrible for him when he cried at his daughter’s wedding. You felt worse when you watched him die in a prison hospital. Vincent Curatola was terrific throughout the show. 

    I’ll politely disagree with your sentiments on Tony. He didn’t learn shit. He’s the same guy in Episode 1 and Episode 86. 

    Agree and disagree. I do not think Tony is the same guy in 1 and 86; however, that does not mean I think he learned something. I think the power and the money slowly consumed his better instincts. Maybe it is just stereotypical Lord Acton, but he definitely digressed over the six seasons IMHO both professionally and personally. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  16. 1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Which characters were developed during The Sopranos? Certainly not Tony. He was the exact same character at the end of the show that he was at the start of the show. Certainly not any of the other mobsters. Or Tony’s mom. Or his sister. Not Carmela. I guess Meadow was. Who cares about AJ? But the lack of character development is one of my biggest criticisms of the show. (That and introducing new storylines that get abandoned without resolution.) It just didn’t happen. Finding a new grift isn’t character development. It’s just mobsters being mobsters. 

    I don't know ... I'm not a critic, but I think Tony went from a reluctant leader to a paranoid irrational leader ... Paulie was multi-dimensional around the story arc of his mom ... Christopher's passion for Hollywood but ultimate succumbing to his darker instincts ... Adriana's turmoil around being a rat. Maybe that's not sufficient but I think zero is being too harsh.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  17. Add me to the list of not really sure what the point of that was ... too much of focus on distractions that took up time better spend on the family dynamics. Needed less random subplots and more focus on Livia - Janice - Johnny - Junior as well as how they fit into the broader family.

    - The Giuseppina story made no sense other than they thought they needed an Helen Reddy caricature ... much less buying that she randomly fucked a dude and then randomly confesses for no reason

    - The McBrayer / black empowerment thing could have been cool but never really went anywhere and did not tell us anything that was not obvious

    And the timelines and acting was bad. I guess I assumed Silvio and Pussy were maybe 18-20 and Paulie was 25-30 maybe? Agree that teenage Tony seemed more like a gentle giant than the future boss - he's just came across as a doofus with zero edge. And the others were playing caricatures of their counterparts, and Silvio was embarrassing: a funny skit but no way 18-yo Silvio acts like 50-yo Silvio.

    At the end of the day it was basically Easter eggs and throwbacks for fans and a biopic of a character no one wanted a biopic about. 

    Last but not least - the Junior whacking Dickie for laughing at him falling down the stairs ... a stretch even for Junior. And does anyone think it would be consistent with Junior's character and ego that he would not have bragged about it? Please.

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