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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. 2 hours ago, DonkeyCigars said:

    Why are people so adamant that he didnt commit suicide?

    Think about it; you are caught dead to rights. Your options are hiding out and running around before getting caught and sent to prison to die or just walk knee deep into a swamp and shoot yourself and then become swamp food and then oil one day.

    What is the end game from hiding out in the wilderness somewhere? I would imagine you would eventually want to make it to a non-extradition country but there is too much media attention for you to hitchhike to Mexico or get to Cuba somehow to then find someone who can provide you with a fake ID to fly to Africa or whatever.

    If the media attention didn't go from 0-60 last month I could see it, but now? He's dead IMO.

    Yeah but think about our national attention span. I'm guessing the average Joe out there could not pick him out of a lineup especially with some basic modifications. Guy hangs out in the wilderness for 30 days or so and then can move to Canada or Mexico. I'm assuming the family is being tailed but not crazy to think there is a friend or relative not on the top of the radar that could grab him and hide him out. Not worth the time if you get caught but crazier things have happened. They likely had time to get burner phones, etc.

  2. 2 minutes ago, DonkeyCigars said:

    Both your two outcomes seem like it would take an immense amount of luck and/or ability and skill to stay hidden for this long. I don't peg this guy as being skillful or that lucky, but I guess stranger things have happened.

    I have not absorbed the case like many, but I did hear he has some pretty legitimate survival skills. I'd take the he's probably somewhere remote that he has some familiarity with from previous trips. There is a lot of wilderness out there if you know what you're doing.

  3. Freaking Euless: https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/judge-to-euless-santeria-priest-can-sacrifice-goats/1859279/

    A federal judge has barred Euless from enforcing a rule to prevent a Santeria priest from sacrificing animals in his home.

    In a final judgment this month, U.S. District Judge John McBryde of Fort Worth also ordered Euless to pay for the costs incurred by Santeria priest Jose Merced.

    His attorney, Eric Rassbach, said Tuesday the ruling means Merced can resume priest ordination ceremonies involving animal sacrifice.

    Merced's suit accused Euless of violating his religious rights. The city argued the sacrifices jeopardized public health and violated its slaughterhouse and animal cruelty ordinances.


  4. 20 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    As a runner and as somebody who walks their kids to school a few times a week, in the past few years, I may or may not have shoulder-checked a cyclist or stepped out in front of a few who had to stop or go off the sidewalk and/or crash, who thought they were doing the Tour de France past groups of little kids on a tightly-packed sidewalk.  Pulling out one's cellphone and pretending to record them while they start to yell at you/get back on their bikes, and asking them "why do you think you can try and scare or knock over little kids on the sidewalk, what's your name, why are you trying to scare 5 year-olds who are just trying to go to school, are you trying to get arrested for injuring a kid?" makes them vacate the scene quickly, lol.

    I like to bike with my kids, but it's Austin, so I've taught my kids to always assume that at any given stoplight or stop sign, somebody will blow through it while on their cell phone.  The cyclists who think everybody is watching out for them, it's only a matter of time until they blow through a stop sign or stoplight and encounter a motorist with the same attitude.  It won't be soon enough for many of them, because they are fucking everything up for the rest of us who like to occasionally bike.

    That's exactly why cyclists have zero sympathy outside of cycling communities. I live in the burbs, but one with a heavy cycling community. I have seen cyclists just blow through lights and just expect everyone - cars and pedestrians - to just get out of their way. A little self-awareness would go along way. For example, do you really need to bike during rush hour? When you're holding up rush hour traffic because you're biking when everyone is trying to get to work is no way to win friends and influence people. A little common sense would help the rest of us have more sympathy for the community. For every cyclist upset about coal rolling there are 1,000 people who have been almost run over by one while jogging or crossing the street.

  5. This kid needs to face some serious punishment. I have little patience for this crap. And I'm definitely not in the pro-cyclist camp as I have been annoyed by them both as a driver and a runner. As a group, they have that weird contradictory attitude of "we have the right to the road as much as cars do" and "you little runners better get out of my way on the hike/bike trail, or I'll run your ass over." That does not excuse the kid for intentionally hurting a group of them.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. On 9/24/2021 at 8:39 AM, phdhorn said:

    Talis up front about resuming beheadings/amputations/executions:


    This is my favorite quote in all of it... looks like more stadium fun coming up.  Wonder what the ticket price tiers are?

    I never been able to wrap my head around this tension we often have in 'murica between opposing "cultural imperialism" (if that is the right word) and then being surprised when other cultures behaved differently than we do. It always feels schizophrenic when we strongly support non-Western cultures and do not want to impose our values on them but then seem shocked when they actually have different values, i.e. they're not to concerned about the intersectionality of their leadership. No value judgment but just a weird reality possible only in 'murica.

  7. 41 minutes ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    This thread got me wondering about Big 12 teams and conference titles.

    The following have all won Big 12 titles:

    • OU
    • Texas
    • OSU
    • Baylor
    • TCU
    • K-State

    Other schools' last conference title:

    • West Virginia - 2011 - Big East
    • Texas Tech - 1994 - SWC
    • Kansas - 1968 - Big 8
    • Iowa State - 1912 (!) - Missouri Valley


    I'm never understood the aggy shade about XII ... a conference it never won.

  8. 2 hours ago, dcar00 said:

    FG kickers should get more run in the HOF IMO because they are very responsible for the outcome of games many times and actually affect the scoreboard a lot(unlike 99% of punters) but...they are kickers.  I'm sure the Ravens all treat Tucker with great respect but HOF voters are a different breed.

    Agreed - kickers are exponentially under-rated IMHO. Probably because they tend to be a little quirky most other players (and future coaches) don't really get them. Capt. Obvious, but a good kicker can dramatically change in-game strategy. The Cowboys would be 2-0 if Greg the Leg didn't get the yips against the Bradys.

  9. 8 hours ago, Nicole44 said:

    I love how his attorneys said he’s just fallen into a slump since their deaths…like the embezzlement and drug use only started after his wife and son were shot and yet they say he’s been addicted to drugs for twenty years. Which is it? Guy is in deep if they care about getting him on multiple insurance fraud issues. 

    Are you going to tell us what you did to trigger the CR betas? Did you tell them they had to shower after football practice or something? I have seen so many pussies angry at a woman since Tara Reade got fired.

    • Haha 1
  10. 39 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    This might all blow over in a few years. My kids are eight years apart. My son came out of his mama calling everything racist...he had a meltdown once after a little league game because Jack in the Box sold an "Asian salad,'' which he thought, at the time, so very waicis. He's a 25-year-old army vet now and thinks his old self is hilarious. His sister has always rolled her eyes at his overwoke antics....So i dunno.

    Any time my son doesn't get what he want's he either says "you're racist" or "because I'm black." I like that the kids are making fun of the race-hysterical betas.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    I'm genuinely curious what the Rice MOB is gonna do this weekend?  Will they take on our song or go for less controversial low-hanging fruit like SEC move, upcoming primary for governor between two Longhorns, or?  I dunno, what else are we in the news for as of late? 

    Getting Deliveranced by pig unfortuantley.

  12. 37 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:



    I don't think McCullough meant they used race to decide starters. There was more at play in terms of politics who would be starters. What I gathered from the comment was basically Texas is your small town Texas team so whomever has the booster/boosters daddy, school board members kid, and etc will play instead of the better player because of politics.

    Wait. Hold on. I think I need to sit down. Are you actually suggesting that people make up excuses for not getting what they want? Surely you jest. There is no way a player would ever find some bogeyman to blame for not winning the top job. Get out of here.


    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 1
  13. 12 hours ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    I hope Casey ends up being awesome, but the way some of y'all talk about him makes me wonder how ya'll got the secret game tapes of him succeeding at this level outside of one half of a bowl game. 


    The 1/2 bowl game was pretty good. Being a QB is more than beautiful passes ... ask Jeff George.

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