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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. Okay. I will always admit that my conclusions likely are poorly worded, and as a data guy I will be the first to admit one cannot quantify "loudest" in this sense. So fair point. So that being said if you'll forgive my imprecision and appreciate my acknowledgement, I think reasonable people can agree that teachers have been quite hysterical about returning to work, so does not feel like a huge stretch they might be among the most vaccinated as a group. But feel free to agree to disagree.
  2. https://www.nea.org/resource-library/nea-position-covid-19-vaccines + see the statistics above.
  3. Agreed. The problem from day one, virtually everyone's response was reactionary. Our public health leaders did not help but constantly contradicting themselves and making political statements masked (pun intended) as "science." I have tended to mute the experts in the favor of data because the "experts" do not agree and frequently change their guidance. Look at my post above - ironically those most loudly calling for mass vaccinations and those one would think would be 100% onboard show vaccine hesitancy inline with the general public.
  4. Fascinating stats from NYC: ~40% of NYC school teachers and public hospital workers have not been vaccinated. Among NYPD and NYFD, ~60% have not been vaccinated. MTA workers are vaccinated at the highest rate but on ~65%. Pretty shocking in the area with the highest mortality rate.
  5. No idea how to fix this. Exponential bad because spread will have disproportionate impact.
  6. I think the OP gives common criminals way to much credit for being able to consider complex economic models and the time value of money ... or maybe they do and that's the point?
  7. The cynic in me definitely thought back to Waco. Definitely not above the pail for the 'gubmet to find ways to increase budgets and power.
  8. That's one of the main reasons I've always thought these militia threats were a little overblown ... while the orthodoxy is problematic the orthopraxy always seemed so mutt & jeff.
  9. As noted, a combination of factors: 1. The NFL continued to erode the fanbases of SMU, TCU, and Rice, and those schools became less viable compared to big state schools 2. The rampant cheating of the early 80s really broke down relationships among the universities as well as hurt the competitiveness of the on-field product 3. In the late 80s / early 90s Texas regularly flirted with the Pac(8?) 10, and aggy with the secsecsec - as noted, Texas did not want to join the secsecsec for academic reasons The Big 8 became a good compromise because it met everyone's goals: kept Texas and aggy together in a conference that was a good option for both schools. The XII might have continued to be a great conference if corn were not such little bitches. In the early days, there was not a better conference out there as virtually every school had some great years teams particularly corn, OU, and KSU.
  10. Because everyone cares what I think ... I'm really tired of the wokies promoting morbid obesity. The Victoria's Secret catalog is no longer fappable, and Target is littered with fat girls in swimwear. Can we agree we can both oppose so-called "fat shaming" and not celebrate morbid obesity? We're going to have to pay for all this beetus and heart disease. We're not doing fat girls any help by telling them to celebrate their size 30 and have another run through the CiCi's line.
  11. I'd take more battery life and software updates that don't make the phone worse instead of five cameras.
  12. No reason to be concerned. I'm 99% sure no fungus or pox can penetrate my $3 cotton mask from Wal-Mart that is blinged out with "PHAT."
  13. Just drove from Dallas to Austin. Three-lane interstate and we still cannot figure out the basics of how to drive on the highway.
  14. I feel like I need to respond "systematic racism" or "white supremacy." Is that wrong?
  15. Clay Jenkins basically is a Monkey fucker FWIW ... not sure if he's got the pox yet.
  16. Little bro always going to act like little bro.
  17. I think Janice is more like her mother i.e. manipulative. I mean the sickest scenes in the show are when she steals other women's food for Bobby and gives them to Uncle June and tosses Karen's last ziti. I mean that's some dark shit. I think Tony's just a stupid, selfish prick - there are myriad times where he could have some basic human dignity and sympathy - i.e. refuse some honorarium or listen to some legitimate concerns - that would have gone a long way. No wonder everyone hates him in the end. He's about as self aware as
  18. These are the same people that have been screaming about Big Pharma conspiracies for three decades now demanding everyone get monthly covid boosters and that no one should ever use hydroxychloroquine or ivermecin ... we are now dominated by people whose favorite show is "Ow My Balls."
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