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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. 1 hour ago, futureman said:

    there’s an article in a recent chronicle that pretty much lays it all out that reed is an innocent man convicted by a racist all-white jury. it’s pretty convincing!

    I have some ocean-front property in Arizona.

  2. 19 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    One thing that I had not noticed before, or my attitude has changed by this rewatch:  Meadow is a twat.  She's also not that hot.

    Re-post: rewatch makes me really hate Tony and glad he got clipped. He's a terrible person and a terrible boss. I mean the big stupid oaf makes some freshmen-level mistakes. I did not realize how incompetent he was the first time around. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    Cuban official to be interviewed by Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC in moments. Just an FYI for those watching the media coverage angle.

    You cannot make this stuff up. I could write the script.

  4. 3 hours ago, williemackgarza said:

    Monsters like reed do more damage to the anti death penalty movement.
    Hes a stone cold killer and serial rapist.
    He damn well knows it. Everyone blindly following the innocent man defense is being hoodwinked once again by reed.
    Kill this fuck and be done with him.
    Doesnt deserve to still be breathing.

    I oppose the death penalty, but I agree with your sentiment. But as I noted, I think that's the case in virtually all of these celebrity cases.

  5. 2 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    Why might that be? Could it be that the Cuban government, for as corrupt and inept as it might be, isn't actually a murderous, genocidal, totalitarian regime as portrayed by the Western press and anonymous people on the Internet?

    I realize this will provoke "move to Cuba if you love it marry a Castro statue and kiss it!" responses, but at a certain point the lack of beef has to trigger some doubts about how trustworthy all of this supposition is. Right?

    For me it provokes sympathy and a recommendation to spend some time here: https://library.austintexas.gov/

    The covid canard is a chuckle as well.

  6. This probably will shake out to "professional" conferences and "amateur" conferences - not literally but a few with large alumni bases with big NIL salaries and those that keep them small or avoid it all together. It will be interesting to see how this ultimately lands with faculty and administrators. I am sure having your students making exponentially more than the professors will not sit well with many. I could envisions where schools like Duke, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Stanford, etc., might take a step back in athletics vs. spending more money on football players.

  7. 2 hours ago, Blotto said:


    Or, just hear me out here.....we tell you to shut the fuck up, and we accept the invite that everyone else in the SEC is likely to approve. Personally I would prefer we head to the Pac or B10 , but if the SEC is where we end up, it should be as humiliating as possible for aggy. 

    I would prefer not to go to the SEC, but the big silver lining is just making aggy crazy ... just because of craziness like this.

  8. 1 hour ago, HoustonHorn said:

    Actually it's more about talking past each other by lumping opinions you disagree with into a single position taken by the "other" side instead of correctly attributing a position to the single poster who made a specific statement. Then claiming goalposts are moving.

    Just my $0.02 from mostly observing the discourse here and I'm not accusing you or anyone specifically. But it happens all the time.

    That's fair in this particular issue. It is more about people tending to take extreme, blanket positions and then taking the reverse depending on the T-shirt.

  9. 2 hours ago, SizzleChest said:

    Tony sourced the Spoons hit to Gigi.  Patsy (perhaps partnered up with Butchie as I speculated above) sources the hit on Tony.

    AJ was at home when the decision was made to go to Holsten's.  He was lounging on the couch with his high school gf (after he picked her up after school).  He presumably took her home, then went to Holsten's to meet his parents and sister.  So, I don't think Little Carmine would have known about Holsten's.  It had to have been Meadow-->Patrick-->Patsy-->Butchie.  Patsy then gets the casino and book to run and Paulie keeps the esplanade, with NY having a much stronger hand in running all of it.

    Okay, I'm having a brain fart. What was the name of Tony's twin brother that Spoons whacked?

  10. Putting this here because it is such a current event. I thought this podcast with Don and Sandra Samuels from Minneapolis was one of the best discussions of this topic I have ever listened to. It really brings a nuanced and multi-faceted approach to an issue so frequently discussed in black and white.

    I would recommend a taking a listen if you're actually serious about these issues. The first part features another guest ... think they're about 30' in or so but it is obvious who is who.

    The Megyn Kelly Show

  11. Obviously confirmation bias, but re-watching the conversations between Johny Sack and Paulie take on a darker twist. On Patsy ... I get revenge. I get the long game. Two refutations:
    1. Professional - he's in a good spot with Tony and stability is good in this line of work unless you're #2 or #3 or a competing family; he whacks Tony there is a decent chance he gets got in the post-hit chaos
    2. Psychological - as we at Tony's pool ... Tony killed his twin. You do not outsource revenge for that. He would want Tony to know that he killed him. I just cannot ever buy that he would hire a hit man to avenge his twin.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Thatguy said:

      And this is the thing. I am not trying to knock anyone here. This is just something I do not understand. At some point you have to weigh the pros and cons. What is the draw to a neighborhood like The Heights for people who are raising families? I mean, I see the cute houses and tree lined streets. I cannot see what benefit there is for the child. Schools are inferior. You cannot let your kid walk around the neighborhood. Break ins are frequent. Once a month my wife leaves our garage door open overnight because she hits the button and just walks away without hanging around to see if something is causing it to open back up. I have my hotrods in there with all their parts. TIG welder. Mig welder. Tools and toolbox. Air compressor. Engine stand. You name it. All items accounted for everytime. I can cut my daughter loose around the neighborhood. They can walk to the pool, the park, or friends' houses. Shopping is close. In fact, everything they need is right around the corner. Everyone is riding bikes and walking around out here. Children included. People don't play about the schools. My daughter's middle school counselor is a PHD. They recognize the kids' achievements with signs outside your house, academic or otherwise. That might sound dumb, but my daughter is excited about getting her signs when she gets to high school. Hey, whatever motivates her to work hard. THEY ACTUALLY PRACTICE ZONING. You want to build apartments you say? Keep it moving to the next suburb over. While the top of the burb is only around 4 million, the poor kids' neighborhood is 300k to walk into. That means all you Surly guys can afford it, but the riff-raff cannot.


       Negatives? It takes 45 mins to get downtown with traffic, 35 without. The aforementioned social circles are tough to break into. Your house is likely not going to be a one-off Craftsman. While there are some mom and pops, a lot of what you will be walking into is chain. The Black People you are trying to culture your child around are going to be just as awkward about Black Culture as your kid is. Golf Karts.

    I live in a similar area in another metro area and agree 100%. And I don't doubt @royiv experience either. Like every other opinion in 'murica, we have a particular segment that feels morally superior and must constantly express that superiority by degrading anyone that does not see the world the way they do. I'm more of a live and let live and don't feel the need to virtue signal about others' choices. The great thing about America is we have lots of options and folks can find whatever works for their families. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Ames with Kids isn't something I'm super familiar with, as we didn't go there that often when I was a kid (being as my dad farmed) but I'll give it a shot.

    Golf courses: 

    -Homewood is the muni course.  Very reasonably priced, very family friendly.  Also popular with drunk college kids due to low cost. 

    -Veenker is the University of course.  I'm not a big golfer, and I love the Venk. 

    -Coldwater is a links course that's right next to the Jack Trice tailgating area.  It's pretty highly regarded by golfers in the area and would make for a solid pre-game round on Saturday.

    Bars (keeping this to places I would take a kid): 

    -I don't know their kid policy, but Welch Ave Station in Campustown is in the basement of Pizza Pit, which is definitely kid friendly.  It's a venerable ISU sports bar that's been around forever, has great memorabilia on the wall, games on TV, good beer selection, and you can order in from Pizza Pit (get the Inferno Wings - pure deep fried deliciousness).

    -Es Tas is a Campustown sports bar as well.  It's tacos, while not authentic Mexican clearly, are fucking delicious.  They also have great fried cheese curds.  Whole menu is solid, but these are my favorites.  They have a very good beer list.

    -West Towne Pub:  if you're staying out in west Ames, this is a solid neighborhood option.  They do nothing exceptionally well, but everything is good.

    Ames bars just aren't really that kid friendly in general.  It's mostly wildly drunk college kids and/or alumni recreating their college years for a day.  If you want more bar recs, I can pass them on, but these are legitimately about the only bars I could think of off the top of my head that I'd be fine taking a kid to.

    Breweries (all kid friendly):

    -Alluvial is the premiere brewery in Ames, and legitimately one of the Top 5 or 10 in Iowa, which you may scoff at, but we legitimately punch above our weight on beer.  It's located on the north edge of town and has a beautiful taproom that sets on the edge of 40 acres of restored native prairie.  It's a really beautiful and uniquely Iowan setting, and their beer is fantastic.

    -Torrent is located in downtown Ames (a completely different neighborhood) from Campustown.  It's not an elite brewery, but it's got a fun tap room with lots of games that will keep a kid having a good time, and their beer is in the good-to-very good range.


    -Hickory Park.  I would almost never recommend this to anyone, but kids love it.  It's an iconic Ames spot that people used to call BBQ before they actually had BBQ.  It's main draw is having very reasonably priced decent food (their idea of BBQ is limited to ribs and smoked chicken, both are ok, but not worth your time).  The burgers are actually pretty good here, and the real draw for the kids is an extensive ice cream menu and the old school ice cream parlor within the place.  I avoid it because the food is just decent at best, it doesn't have a full bar, and it's just got a bit of a cattle shed vibe to the waiting room and seating.  Other people are going to tell you to go here, and they're going to rave about it because they don't know better.  I just want you making an informed decision.

    -Jethro's.  Across the road from Hickory Park.  Calls itself BBQ.  Don't order off the BBQ menu, it's very average.  Everything else (extensive salad, burger, sandwich, etc menu) is quite good, and their wings are exceptional.  Usually has a good beer selection, good mixed drinks, tons of games on, and is generally a fun atmosphere.  Their apps and sides are great and seem to go over well with kids.

    -Cornbred.  Legit BBQ based menu.  Kind of a higher end menu overall, excellent local beer selection, nice bar, family friendly, and cool downtown location in the old depot building right in downtown Ames.  Wife and I hit this place up nearly every visit to Ames.  Even a Texan will enjoy this meal.

    -Cafe Beaudelaire.  Brazilian place in Campustown.  Unique menu with some excellent burger options.  The Long Islands are legendary.  They've won Iowa's best burger before.  For good reason.

    -Brick City.  Standard American fare, good beer list, nice/newer part of town north of Campus.  They've also won Iowa's best burger before.  For good reason.

    -Great Plains Sauce & Dough.  Pizza joint downtown.  It was never my favorite, but most ISUers absolutely love it.  It's an iconic local spot and everyone dips the wheat crust in honey.

    -Grove Cafe.  Old school breakfast joint downtown.

    -West Street Deli.  Neighborhood sandwich joint in West Ames.  I lived 2 blocks from here my last year in Ames and probably survived because of it.  Damn delicious, perfect for lunch.

    Stuff to check out:

    -Reiman Gardens:  beautiful botanical garden adjacent to Jack Trice.  Big hit with the kids, and just a really cool place in general.  Worth your time to wander around and take it.

    -Central Campus:  Iowa State's campus is absolutely gorgeous.  The central part in particular has a park-like feel with the large open lawn and campanile between 2 of the older buildings on campus.  The south end is framed by the Memorial Union and Lake LaVerne.  Go hassle the swans.  You will be behind peak leaf season, but early November is still usually fantastic weather.  The Jack Trice statue and memorial are here.  Very worth your time.  The Memorial Union is kind of an ISU museum/gathering space.  Kick around there a bit.

    -Tornado simulator:  Exactly what it sounds like.  The tornado simulator is located on campus in Howe Hall.  Apparently you can make an appointment to see it.  "Access is by appointment only. Call (515) 294-5666 or email aere-info@iastate.edu." per websit

    -Tailgating.  Our tailgating scene is awesome.  Just wander around.  People will feed you and give you alcohol.  There might be a couple of "horns down" but it will almost assuredly be in jest.  We generally have no beef with Texas.

    -Ledges State Park:  about 15 miles west of town, Ledges is situated around a canyon that dumps into the Des Moines river.  Lots of beautiful sandstone bluffs and small streams.  It's a great place to go for a hike and explore.


    This is what I'd suggest for doing with kids in tow.  

    Any school-related advice? Taking oldest there for college visit soon.

  14. On 7/12/2021 at 6:01 PM, JimmyJames said:

    I used to like Cuban Americans but apparently they came out scrong for trump last election therefore they suck. Not sure about the actual Cubans position on trump so I’ll have to defer on the protests for the time being. 

    This quiet part said out loud includes more information content than any other post in this thread.

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