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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. Not sure if Jimmy actually shows up, but the P.I. shares with Howard that the mediator took a bribe from Jimmy (or someone else), and they catalyzes the drug-induced meltdown. Big open question if he's not there is how they get the meds to Howard. Seems like if he was going to be there he would not need to trick the daughter for the WebEx info ... I just assumed he'd listen or maybe pretend to be a claimant. Guessing that's the consistent tragedy of the show - the characters always made bad, selfish decisions and usually when they're the closest to an exit.
  2. Respectfully disagree. I guess the argument could be made that by delaying the settlement, the seasoned citizens may pass without getting the benefit; but I think there are other ways they could do that, i.e. lobby the residents behind the scenes and mobilize them to demand a settlement. IIRC, the thought for Jimmy and Kim was they could get their fees sooner and use that money to fund their practices; but now each has a pretty clear path to standing those up via Lalo or the Mercer Foundation. I could be wrong but seems a mix of vengeance and the joy of the con. I think the interesting story / psychobabble is Jimmy and Kim's trajectories are converging. Jimmy grew up in a stable, solid home and rebelled to become a screwup con-man. Since the Chicago incident, he's been fighting his nature and trying to do the right thing and live like he was reared. Kim grew up in an unstable, dysfunctional home and rebelled to become a successful attorney. Since she met Jimmy, she's been fighting her nature and becoming the con-woman like she was reared. Both oddly catalyze the other's true nature, and the phone call / broken arm was the dot where the lines cross: Jimmy wants to make the low-risk, safe play while Kim throws her entire future away by pushing forward with D-Day ... given this is BCS/BB universe, cannot see it working out well for her.
  3. Stolen from a podcast ... they're going to try and run the Chuck play: 1) give Howard some evidence via the fake picture that Jimmy is bribing the mediator (the money withdrawl, the faked pictures); 2) give Howard whatever drug Jimmy was testing at the vet's place that will make him erratic and jumpy, which they setup with the hookers and blow. Either to cause Howard to lose it completely in a public setting or something divorce HHM and Davis & Main. Like Chuck, he starts making accusations toward the mediator, which would not go well. Not clear if it is just to screw with Howard or to force a settlement with Sandpiper. At this point it just seems vindictive vs. practical. I'm guessing he lives if disgraced ... he's a high profile civilian, and I think Lalo's too smart to hit him knowing the heat it would bring. My guess is D-Day goes sideways for Jimmy-Kim. I am torn around whether Howard is clever enough to realize he's being conned and Jimmy-Kim are ahead of him (they planned to be followed) or if he's arrogant enough to think he caught them with his P.I.
  4. He mentions Lalo and Nacho during the first meeting with Walt and Jessie in the desert. It is interesting if they're going to be factually consistent: - Nacho: he's a top lieutenant for the local drug gang, so it is odd that it's been (1-2 years?) and he's not seen or heard from Nacho but assumes he's still calling shots? - Lalo: definitely more complicated because currently Saul thinks he's dead, so he's going to have to realize he's alive at some point in BCS ... I guess he could be alive in BB, but he seems like too major of a character as capo of the Salamancas he never shows up in BB Maybe the timeline is closer than I realize, which would make more sense. Speaking of, so what is the consensus of where we are in BB? How far away is Walt's cancer diagnosis from last night's episode, a month or a couple of years? IIRC, Saul seemed pretty established in BB, so I had always assumed there was a 1-2-year gap. EDIT: checking online it seems like BCS is 2004, so we have four years to BB ... so does seem really strange Saul would think Nacho and Lalo were still players in the game in 2008.
  5. Now it's clear that Kim "broke bad," so she owns whatever happens moving forward. Still feel like we'll get the curve ball that something with Lalo-cartel sends her into hiding vs. anything with Howard ... speaking of - definitely making poor Howard sympathetic. He's a good dude. I'm starting to really dislike Jimmy and Kim for their obsession with "D-Day." It's just mean, vengeful at this point for no reason. Feel like Lalo gets it in the lab ... he'll probably be buried somewhere that will be LOL reading forward in Breaking Bad, like right under where Walt and Jessie work.
  6. The car crash seems like one of the most stupid events in TV history not only because it was the unoriginal car crash trope but also because there was zero payoff. Ozark should be classified as fantasy-science fiction: this unremarkable family from Chicago outwits and defeats the cartels, the FBI, the mafia, the local criminal gang(s), dozens of powerful politicians ...
  7. Is this letting us know it's Monday?
  8. She sees like a real See You Next Tuesday. The whole TNMC bullshit soured her for me. "Voice of a Generation" comment made me spit my beer up.
  9. CSB Warning/The Mrs. breastfed our kids, but with #2 she got a bad flu and dried up.
  10. If only that was cyanide.
  11. Third. He was my favorite player growing up. Most of the casting is spot on, but the Dr. J actor looks like he should be in 80s porn not on the court.
  12. Caught this on a plane this week. Not a PTA aficionado, but probably makes more sense in the context of his canon. I couldn't really track with Haim as this massive beauty that captured the eye of every man that saw her. Licorice Pizza : Fast Times :: Licorice Pizza : Tower Records. I probably would have enjoyed it more a year ago, and it didn't feel like we were heading warp speed into the late 70s.
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