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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. I have coached my daughter repeatedly: kick, grab, punch an attacker's sack with impunity. If that fails, claw they's eyes out.
  2. On the Howard line, it is a lot of suspension of disbelief. It seems like Jimmy and Kim expected to be caught and followed with the ends of having the PI see the fake mediation judge doing something that will trigger a settlement. Howard will fall into the trap because he'll assume they were not planning on being followed. I do not think Kim leaves because of legal stuff but because of the cartel; however, it is not obvious why she would be at risk but not Jimmy unless Lalo figures out that she knows he is alive and that puts her in danger so she orders a Hoover repair. The trouble here is Lalo must be alive in BB (which seems impossible) or there is another reason she never returns. I think she is still alive and is the phone call Saul gets every year at 3 p.m. on his birthday, which means she was not actually around during BB and we just didn't see her. I think Lalo ends in the lab. That's the evidence he's looking for - the cartel will forgive lieutenants fighting but likely not Gus going rouge and building a super-lab outside of its realm. Guessing he finds it and there is the Gus-Lalo confrontation. Capt. Obvious but it's a shame Lalo wasn't in BB ... he would have made a great foil with Hector although the bell is a TV classic. Still don't really know what to think of the Lalo / Nacho comment in BB. I think Jimmy was just throwing out two random cartel names that where top of mind because nothing else really makes sense ... I would seem clear by then he knew both were dead.
  3. https://www.skeptic.com/research-center/reports/Research-Report-CUPES-007.pdf
  4. I have not read the entire draft, but parts I have indicates it is pretty narrow. I think a lot of the disinformation is designed to create artificial hysteria. The reality is with live with this fact today around things like guns, marijuana, capital punishment, and I'm sure a host of other issues. Just for the record, I am consist on my support of federalism independent of a particular issue, which is why it is frustrating to discuss with 99% of folks who have a different POV depending on the particular issue.
  5. Not to distract from the OP, but that is one of the the geniuses of federalism it allows concurrent diversity and cohesion. I've never gotten the "we need to divorce as a nation" argument form either side because we actually have the ability to live "in separate bedrooms" if you will.
  6. I have a son and a daughter. I worry about both ending up in this terrible, complicated situation. I think the college, drunken date rape is one of the most difficult situations to navigate, and I do not have a lot of confidence in universities' ability to fairly deal with it. Traditionally, the've seemed to approach it on the edges, which rarely has turned out well for the parties involved.
  7. Ozark was a fever dream of weird conspiracy theories and paranoia where only Karen is good and wins in the end. It was a caricature of the caricatures Karens everywhere believe is reality.
  8. In fairness, these days "neo-nazi" basically means "disagrees with me."
  9. Team Amber ... don't care ...
  10. Definitely, but aren't the bigger assholes his "friends" that have gladly floated him all these years for the extra tickets only to change the rules when they win? I think there is enough assholery to go around.
  11. Agreed. No idea what the Canadian case law is but curious what our brilliant barristers would apply assuming this was in the U.S. Spot on though ... lottery groups probably need more detailed paperwork than a family trust.
  12. I think this and @irishtexan have the best takes. It is a fascinating issue. Not a lawyer, definitely not a Canadian one, but if they consistently left his allocation in the total pool, which seems to be the case since they were actively collecting from him for his lapsed payments, he effectively remained in the pool and the others floated him and implied he was continually participating. Greed is a Cardinal Sin for a reason. What sucks is the they're going to spend more on attorney's fees than just settling for 50% or something.
  13. Easy to change out if he gets grease or "Gus Sauce" (don't be dirty perverts) on his tie.
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