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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. Someone posted somewhere that Ohio State spends ~$15M on its "DEI" bureaucracy. Maybe I am wrong, but I never thought most colleges and universities had significant problems with diversity, equity, or inclusion. Did I miss a crisis I should be outraged about? Pretty sure you could take that word salad for any university at any time and replace the germane buzzwords and get a similar gobbledygook.
  2. That's eating me ... he goes to painstaking efforts to build a big hole in a relatively isolated area but somehow has a tunnel in the middle of a city neighborhood? They go to so much detail about some things, this seems an odd gloss-over. I too am in the "Team Howard" camp. He seems like a decent guy and has never acted inappropriately toward Jimmy or Kim. He a little douche-y but probably no more than every attorney successful on this board. Despite all of Jimmy's silliness, he's generally polite and cordial to him. Not to go psycho-analyze, but Jimmy seems to always blame someone else for his mistakes, and Howard carries all of his Chuck guilt.
  3. Agreed. Both seem plausible. I was just trying to glean whether they were hired by Gus or he gave them a ton of money to be his front house ... would have to be an awful lot of money to "hey, pretend a cartel lieutenant lives here just in case someone wants to kill him." But to your point, the obvious and intentional banter and concern about the HOA makes me lean toward they're more real than hired actors, but who knows ... I was trying to contemplate how Gus got that tunnel built ...
  4. I mean ... I still just completely flummoxed. But yes, particularly how they do not react to the machine gun man in the kitchen or moreover when Gus walks in. Are they his actual neighbors who he pays to be a front house? I thought they would be his undercover, neighborhood spies, but they seem to just be normal neighbors, if Nextdoor on Blast!
  5. I thought it was without question his executed partner was his partner and partner and his death drives his rage. I'm completely flummoxed by the biking couple and Gus' house-compound.
  6. I get the sense that the only loose dog in this scenario Mrs. @CoTex. I also feel like enough Shaggsters have tapped that ass so they can provide some counseling and comfort to answer "How do I deal with my wife being a frat house whore and sold out to Austin (bleck) pimps)?
  7. I think we ended up at the same spot ... really creepy response to the point of requesting verification at the next event with women or children present.
  8. The story was setup as the usual trope ... black guy has some excuse for whatever he did wrong because of some white guy ... but then they did the big 180 and revealed the tormentor was African American (shout out to East Texas and "High Yella") ... and then Haywood played the "But Whitey" Card for all his problems and when Kareem told him the team voted ... he freaked out ... not because he realized he fucked up but because he realized the couldn't play The Race Card and blame it for all his problems. He finally came to terms with the only person responsible for his problems was him - an African American - and not some 18th Century cracker.
  9. You keep telling yourself that Dahmer. Whatever gets you to sunrise without taking the life of a co-ed.
  10. I'm not sure what is creepier ... I guess at the end of the day your reflexive, creepy whataboutism is quite a bite more creepy that your obviously uncomfortably thought out plan to kidnap and rape a woman.
  11. The scene (however fake history) between Haywood and Kareem was powerful ... I cannot believe it was able to get filmed in today's Hollywood.
  12. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Are you trying to spread disinformation that "native" Americans were not all irenic? fucking racist. White men that believed they were men did this!
  13. Just seig heil to the Russia hoax and wear your Wal-Mart mask when you run alone in the desert and you'll be fine.
  14. Auditioning for The BezOst!
  15. Wake me up when she poops in his bed LOL.
  16. Does it matter if I argue Hunter Biden or laptops aren't real or both? Which gets more "biggest threat to democracy" points? Is there a realtor with a flagpole I need to blame for taking down 'murica?
  17. Is this the part where you tell us about stolen elections?
  18. https://www.yourtango.com/news/melissa-lucios-daughter-claims-mom-guilty-abused-mariah-her-death
  19. Given the gnashing of teeth, I can seem the legacy twitter folks seeking to unleash chaos before the deal closes. Petty but not surprising. Capt. Obvious, but I think no one except bad actors would oppose getting the bots executed. Speaking of disinformation, I came across this fascinating story about how people use social media to fan it. I definitely came across my fair share of fake "experts" but this seems to take it up a notch by the use of classic Instagram influencer. In fairness, no idea who is the author, so take it with a grain of salt I suppose.
  20. Might these be the dots: https://www.kltv.com/2022/04/25/longview-attorney-appointed-court-appeals/ By KLTV Digital Media Staff Published: Apr. 25, 2022 at 3:33 PM CDT From the Office of Governor Greg Abbott AUSTIN, Texas - Governor Greg Abbott has appointed L. Charles van Cleef to the Sixth Court of Appeals, Place 3, for a term set to expire on December 31, 2022, or until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified. Charles van Cleef of Longview is an attorney and has 30 years of experience in state and federal courts, including both trial and appellate law. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas, the Bar Association of the Federal Fifth Circuit Court, and the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. Additionally, he is a former member of the Gregg County Bail Bond Board and the Tyler Planning and Zoning Committee. Van Cleef received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from The University of Texas at Austin and a Juris Doctor degree from South Texas College of Law.
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