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Everything posted by ernest_t_bass

  1. Where do you see this on Disney+ ? Edit 1: Disregard - Was looking for it on Star Wars page, but it was on home page. Edit 2: They don't even have season 6 in the suggested episodes!? WTF!?
  2. I finished Clone Wars last weekend. The final episodes were some of the best TV I've seen in a while. From a cartoon! I've started Rebels. 2 Eps. in.
  3. Argo fuck yourself
  4. I have disgusting feet. I can't stand looking at them, so I sure as shit won't let anyone else TOUCH them!
  5. MIL brought over some subway today. Sandwiches had mayo on them. Beautiful gesture by her to bring food, but I hate when people put things on food that they like, but not sure if others like, especially if they can't be picked off easily (like sauce). Trivial b/c it's free food...
  6. Bluetooth automatically turning on on my iPhone.
  7. "I used to do drugs. I still do. But I 'used to,' too!" - Mitch Hedberg, RIP
  8. Weather? Not catching?
  9. Wife was heating up a sauce cup in microwave, and didn't pull foil all the way off the top. Starts sparking, and I tell her to open the door. Keeps sparking, "OPEN THE DOOR!" She runs the opposite direction.
  10. I not only hate them, but the cost that people are wiling to pay for them is mind bottling to me. I'd like to see numbers on ear pods found in lost and found. To see people walking around with Something About Mary semen on their ears, looking like complete douche bags, yet not giving a single care in the world makes me laugh
  11. I've watched the whole series 2x, and I didn't mind him.
  12. So far, lots of 2nd placers to Jar-Jar.
  13. Is there a worse character in all of film history than Jar-Jar Binks? For that matter, is there a worse group of people than the entire Gungan race? Making my way through the Clone Wars, and it is almost unbearable any time Jar-Jar or any of the Gungans are on. List them.
  14. I've also seen that same joke before, for different events. Try harder, YNW Migzz.
  15. I don't drink but Diet Dew
  16. Are you saying the waterfall tour, don't do? Or just the regular National park don't waste our time?
  17. Closing in on 60 days, so we want to book different family excursions. Staying at Tulemar. Any suggestions from this list? We're planning zip-lining, probably full day waterfall tour. Thoughts from those of you who have been? https://tulemar.com/activities/
  18. Call me old fashioned, but an untucked shirt that is not supposed to be untucked, wrinkly pants, messed up hair, unkempt facial hair... it doesn't set a good example to the kids about a sense of pride in presenting yourself like you give a fuck.
  19. I have a big problem with how professionals dress to work, when it doesn't align with professional. I use that term loosely, b/c I'm talking about a school setting. Teachers dress so incredibly sloppy, and it sets a terrible example for kids.
  20. Coco. Dammit, where's the tissues.
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