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Everything posted by ernest_t_bass

  1. Eternals is the only Marvel movie I've never finished.
  2. How many universes are there!? Loved this movie! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I think my daughter and I are going to go check out Dr. Strange tonight.
  4. I knew he was cold and ruthless, but I didn't realize the chewing, crude swearing, etc. (if that is true)
  5. Re: Bird in the press conference. I'm assuming that was made up? Was Bird really that brash, and was he really a tobacco chewer?
  6. Good point
  7. So we just completed an outstanding trip to Manuel Antonio/Quepos (Tulemar), and I already want to get back. What is the next destination in this great country to see? Arenal volcano? Other volcano? Gulf side?
  8. My daughter and I saw it, and we both enjoyed it.
  9. Daughter and I saw Morbius. I enjoyed it. Don't care what the critics say. She enjoyed it too.
  10. Northwest Ohio. Still sucks.
  11. My view from last night's Cavs/Mavs game.
  12. Solid. I agree 100%
  13. I love my 16.5 year old daughter, and I would die for her. But I don’t like her very much. Is that fatherhood? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Great meeting you! We have to make sure we get a photo together tonight for Shaggy peeps. Hopefully everything works out tonight! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Greetings from Tulemar! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. US Cash - If paying in pre-determined set amounts, are high bills (100s/50s) OK? I've heard that, if you want change, then nothing higher than a $20 bill. For our excursions, I plan to get larger bills, so I'm not carrying around tons of 20s, etc. Kosher?
  17. So sorry to hear that, Bear!
  18. My 16.5 year old daughter is a normal egocentric teen, who worships the ground that her whore mother walks on, and "talks" to dad when she needs something. Tried to have a conversation with her today, to try and communicate to her how her actions affect people. That went real well (full sarcasm).
  19. I love my children. Adopted my oldest daughter, and my ex-wife and I had my 2nd daughter. I wouldn't give them up for the world. But... if I had to do it all over again, I'm not 100% sure I would have kids again. To me it's one of those things where I'm really glad I did it, but I'd never choose to do it again.
  20. After I beat the game, I always put it on cheat mode.
  21. Congratulations. Might need to fire this game up tonight.
  22. Uncharted, with my 12 year old daughter who loves Tom Holland. I loved it, but wish Sully was someone older. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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