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Everything posted by ernest_t_bass

  1. Watching Letterkenny. Good lord, this shit is funny. Fucking Canucks.
  2. Spent last evening at a reverse raffle with a bunch of drunk assholes. Serenity now... so glad I'm not still one of them.
  3. This is great advice! I'll check with 1) my credit card company 2) my home+auto broker 3) our medical insurance through work.
  4. I have a friend whose wife had a stroke while in Mexico. Buku bucks to get her to a Florida hospital, etc. Not sure if they had insurance. I think $132 could be worth it.
  5. Unfortunately, it's NW Ohio for me. So it will be FWA or DTW.
  6. Officially booked. Now time to wait 11 months...
  7. Anyone recommend (or not recommend) travel insurance? $132.00 for 4 passengers. I'm most apprehensive about getting there on time, and wasting a day of our stay. Example, checkin at 4:00 on Sunday, but not be able to get there until Monday b/c of travel. Insurance would cover that.
  8. We will absolutely be doing the: 1) Full day waterfall guided hike 2) Sloth tour https://tulemar.com/activities/
  9. Once I book, when will be the best time to book a flight to Costa Rica, in your expert opinions? Some sights say 81 days for international travel. Flights aren't even available for searching until 330 days out. Much obliged.
  10. Waiting on booking agent to contact. We will soon be booked at Tulemar Resort! Freaking pumped... just sucks that it's just shy of 11 months away!
  11. Here is a question for a travel newbie. When you're booking flights, say from EST to San Jose. Depart: 7:00 a.m. (EST) Arrive: 1:00 p.m. (San Jose) The sites (Expedia, Delta, etc) so something like above. Is the arrival time in San Jose time, or EST?
  12. Roflbox with the solid not lols
  13. After skimming this thread, I think I’m 100% sold on Tulemar. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. In what resort did you stay?
  15. R.E.M. Out of Time (Cassette) Either Steve Miller Band Greatest Hits or Bon Jovi Greatest Hits (CD)
  16. Is it a ghost, or is it real? Could have been an intruder? Why didn't they show more footage?
  17. I laugh when people flood their pages with selfies, full of bible verses. The love of self is like the exact opposite of jeebus
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