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Everything posted by ernest_t_bass

  1. "I know what you did last summer" - 1997 The entire movie was an advertisement for JL Hewitt's breasts. Will watch again.
  2. I laughed hard and farted.
  3. Just checking in to say Texas' defense is trash.
  4. Agreed. I liked it.
  5. Just traded in the iPhone 11 for iPhone 13 Pro. Will get here in a few weeks, hopefully. Had to pay iPhone 11 off at $170 + tax on new phone. $0.00 in installments from now on. I'll take it.
  6. "What If" did not peak my interest.
  7. We're fact checking lol-pics now?
  8. Derp
  9. Watched the new Cinderella last night with my 11 y.o. daughter. Not terrible. Entertaining.
  10. Was waiting for Dickbutt
  11. Soda Stream FTW
  12. Watched Malice in the Palace. Screw the fans. Screw Stern.
  13. I have one on my top middle back, each outside shoulder/arm, left pectoral, and right side/rib. I thought left pectoral was tough, but last night doubled that pain. It was rough. The lower it got towards my belt, the more it hurt. But I lived to tell about it.
  14. Yeah, that was definitely ROUGH.
  15. Fresh today:
  16. It is SO much better than 95% of what is on TV.
  17. Cloak room that way --->
  18. Topo Chico Twist of Lime. So freaking good Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. My 11 year old daughter respectfully disagrees, as Black Widow is her favorite Avenger character. To her, this was the best Marvel movie. To see her eyes light up has me sold.
  20. Saw it today with 11 year old daughter, whose favorite Avenger is Black Widow. Absolutely loved it, and I absolutely loved her sister.
  21. I'm going to have to rewatch this episode
  22. Family reunion this past Monday. Talked to an uncle, maybe 65 years old. He was a drunk for 45 years. He's 6 months sober know.
  23. If I haven't watched the new Loki episode, I don't click the updated Loki thread...
  24. Just purchased and watched Cruella with my youngest. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
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