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Everything posted by ernest_t_bass

  1. Aren't the songs all in jest, and all parties know it?
  2. On a scale of 1-10, with 2 being the lowest and 7 being the highest.
  3. This. They see their kids' success as their success.
  4. Have some reps. Have all of em.
  5. Nephew's coach-pitch league game (he's 7), and my brother is 3rd base coach. Nephew hits a roller and there is a play at first. They gave the tie to the defense, and my brother went nuts. I'm like... "Uh... WTF!?"
  6. Just watch Backcountry. Intense for you campers out there. Based on a true story, apparently.
  7. Holy fucking shit. Like looking in a mirror.
  8. Oh yeah... that too.
  9. Buy them a new lawn mower. You both win.
  10. Planet Earth is and will be just fine. We can't put a dent in her. But she may just give us the middle finger and say she's done with us in the process. I lol when people cry about "what are you doing to the earth," like it matters to the planet. We're only killing ourselves.
  11. I see no problem with it, as long as people are mindful of others. Just like driving. If you want to walk slow, walk to the side.
  12. Good shit. I'm at a point where I'm damn near terrified of life WITH it again. 37.5 months and counting. But who cares about that... today, I'm sober.
  13. How much of it was a surprise to his wife? Did she know he was an alcoholic, just not the certain extent?
  14. Damn, this hits close to home. "I can't wait until (insert future date) so I can (insert change)."
  15. My wife (and kids... pattern) do this. My wife holds salt shaker a foot above her plate and sprinkles like crazy. I'm the asshole, though, for not respecting her method.
  16. I thought I read that it was his left hand?
  17. Not trivial, and revisited 1000 times. Supermarket courtesy and etiquette. Dare I say there is even such a thing. Had a woman today mosey past me b/c I was apparently going to slow for her (I ALWAYS) hug the side of the aisle. She goes up about 10 feet and proceeds to turn her fat fucking ass and cart perpendicular in the aisle so no-one could get through. At least she bought the G2 Gatorade. That will help...
  18. Love the addition of the gun, LMAO
  19. Damn. Sorry to hear that.
  20. Still waiting on the WTF backstory on this one.
  21. Lonzo to Cleveland, PLEASE make it happen. I'd pay money to watch the Lavar hilarity ensue.
  22. Philly. An awesome sleeper would be NOP.
  23. Good one "Rocket surgery" gets me every time.
  24. Can't they just stop the game and call it quits already?
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