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Everything posted by ernest_t_bass

  1. I hate a lot of teams. As an Ohio State fan, I loathe Michigan. As a Reds fan, I despise the Cardinals. As a Dolphins fan, the Patriots can eat a dick. But goddamn, I can't stand the entire fucking Warriors team, lead by stupid fucking-mouthpice sucking cocky bullshit silver spoon fuckface Curry.
  2. Graduated in 99, and I used to love mid-90's jeans that chicks needed help getting button and zipper up. Saw lots of camel-toe walking through the hallways as a mid-teen boy.
  3. Go fuck yourself.
  4. All in this thread... bruh. I didn't feel the need to stalk your posts on other threads to "neg bomb." Carry on with your ways.
  5. LOL... Immortal taking neg-fest to threads outside of Cavs/Celtics.
  6. I have an almost 13 year old daughter. I pretty much hate 80% of the things that come out of her mouth.
  7. Supporting cast really came through last night. They'll have to do the same and more. Jeff Green needs to have 20... Not looking good for Cleveland.
  8. A lot better than I like Harden's.
  9. Literally FIVE posts before yours.
  10. The guy on the left will win the MVP. I hope I'm wrong, but it is what it is. The +/- is the only stat that he blows James completely out of the water. James leads him 7-4 in categories. I just don't buy it.
  11. Are you telling me Lebron didn't have a great year? Are you telling me Lebron didn't have an NBA worthy year?
  12. Lebron James is the year's NBA MVP. The only reason he won't receive it is b/c he is expected to be super-human, and that's a travesty. Normal guys achieve his every day status, and they are rewarded.
  13. NBA refs are the worst of all professional refs. And I blame the league for their suck-assed-ness more than I blame the refs.
  14. Re: Not saying sorry. IF I ever get a sorry, it's always followed by a "but..." Also see, as noted above, "Sorry not sorry" or "Sorry you got upset."
  15. Good point.
  16. I didn't say they wouldn't be good. I just said it wouldn't work. Someone will not be happy, and I anticipate much resentment. Probably tons of passive-aggressive tweets from LBJ to be had.
  17. One of the reasons I could see this working, is for Lebron's "legacy." If he can join that team of youngsters and mentor them into a contender/champion, I see that as an extra notch in his belt (if that makes sense).
  18. I'm fascinated that my opinion bothers you so much.
  19. Lebron will defer to no one. He may, here and there (see Kyrie), but wherever he goes, it will be HIS team. Can they make that work?
  20. I'm just going to disagree. I think Harden is WAY too ball dominant for a player like LBJ to be called teammate.
  21. Then don't argue... just give your "answer."
  22. Do you think Lebron could play on a team with Harden, and watch him dribble the ball for 15 seconds? Do you think Harden could play on a team with Lebron, and watch him dribble the ball for 15 seconds? Those two could not co-exist.
  23. There is no possible way Lebron and Harden could exist together.
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