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Everything posted by ernest_t_bass

  1. I don't news... what's the back story on woman on phone?
  2. I love Disney (kids movie) movie music. It's 1) nostalgic and 2) reminds me of innocence. My kids have had it on blast all day on Pandora, and it's great. I'm mostly talking the classics, and not the new made for TV shit. But the classic and current animation blockbusters.
  3. Uh. Uh huh. Yeah. J'eah. Skurr-skurr. What. Yeah. Mollys. Drugs. Percocet. J'eah. Uh huh.
  4. Hypothetical: Imagine having an acquaintance who does not like ground beef. However, he/she loves filet mignon. You, on the other hand, enjoy and will eat both. Every time beef is served, there is one serving of succulent filet, and one serving of ground beef. You NEVER get the succulent filet because you will eat the ground beef. Maybe not so bad, but your friend 100% expects to always get the filet, 100% of the time, b/c he/she won't eat the lesser meat. You are penalized for NOT being a picky person. Fuck those people hard.
  5. This. I wish the league would have made an example out of Olynk when he ripped K. Love's arm off.
  6. Serenity now. Stressful day of dealing with people on the phone, and this disease demands answers (to my questions) NOW, DAMMIT!
  7. Just bought a tractor and implement (tiller). Dealing with salesmen who don't know what TF they are talking about. I got this from so many different people over the last month: "I think. I'd have to check. Not sure off the top of my head. Let me get back with you." Know what you're selling! Know enough to ballpark something within $100. Rage.
  8. I've watched Dark 2x, both with English dubbing on. Thoroughly enjoyed it both times. 3rd time around I will do German.
  9. Same. But I'm 3 years sober now, so at least I'M a better individual.
  10. Maybe my wife will like the same movie...
  11. People who leave a trail, or a trace of their presence. I'm not talking murder stuff. But a mess/crumbs at your table setting, food on your plate, your clothes (insert wife joke here... it applies) laying everywhere, towels on the floor, shit on the counters. I could go on. When I'm done with something, I feel it is embarrassing to leave a trail. I wipe up crumbs (if any), I clean any excess food in trash and rinse plate to put in dishwasher (properly). I take my clothes off every day and either put back away if not dirty, or put in hamper if dirty. Only clothes I will leave out are my shorts on the pillow for bed. Done with towel? Gets hung up. Untidy people are the lowest of the low.
  12. Anyone have the link to the lol picture thread?
  13. Just watched Coco (watching it for 2nd time with daughter)... holy shit. I'm not Mescan, but it still stabs the feels hard.
  14. Your dad called you by your screen name in 1972?
  15. Drake, I don't mind your music, but I suggest you back off from KP...
  16. Fresh 24. Get a bucket quick, in my opinion. Then D up. Don't take too much time off.
  17. For as many as James makes, it amazes me how often he misses bunny shots.
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