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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×


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Everything posted by ernest_t_bass

  1. For as many as James makes, it amazes me how often he misses bunny shots.
  2. JR SWISH!
  3. Heart is racing with this game... at least the end. Rest of it has been meh.
  4. Damn, that's deep.
  5. I've pretty much made it 3 years on/off. I attended one weekly meeting my first year or so, sometimes a 2nd or 3rd. Read the big book. Never formally went through the steps.
  6. So what about the blatant missed OB call the play before that? I mean, they missed the goaltending. I won't doubt that. But you can't focus on one while forgetting the other. Each could have equally had an impact on the outcome of the game. Right?
  7. Lebron gets murdered constantly.
  8. Dog - "fuck you, snek" Dog2 - "I think I'll eat some shit." Snek - "Fuck off, deg"
  9. Your pictures fucking suck.
  10. Holy shit. That's a big nose. /no racist
  11. Thanks!
  12. Blessed to have made it 3 years, today.
  13. Wife: I'm sorry for what I did... but here is why I did it. Here is why you are wrong. Sorry, not sorry.
  14. What we looking at there?
  15. Holy shit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. What’s a cherry milk root beer? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I just had some ice cream there on Saturday, so this hits close to home. .
  18. Just finished "End of the F***ing World." I thoroughly enjoyed it. A very easy watch, a quick watch. Think I finished it in 2-3 days.
  19. Kendrick's brother?
  20. Plays like that make the NBA fucking terrible. In no way is that "basketball."
  21. How is that a jump ball? lol
  22. How TF do you NOT share?
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