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Everything posted by ernest_t_bass

  1. I live in the country, so yes. I pee off the front step when it's dark.
  2. Wood. Would.
  3. OK, I don't get that one...
  4. Interested to see where they go with it. I still don't think I'm 100% sure WTF is going on.
  5. This happens in other sports. Why should it matter in the NBA?
  6. My Little Girl - Tim McGraw... right in the feelz.
  7. I'm selling a home. Turns out it needs a new roof. Damn near cried when I found out.
  8. Damn
  9. I, too, also hate that as well.
  10. Gotcha. I'll take a look into it.
  11. Yeah, google doc was my first thought. Can each kid have their own database to where they can only input their own stuff, and not edit others?
  12. I like Nickelback. Probably belongs on embarrassing thread as well...
  13. This is a good one. Idiots writing money like this: 1$
  14. Unless you're Vic, in which case you post about all the times you were hit by the pitch Holy shit.
  15. I'm a HS girls basketball coach. Last summer we had kids participate in a "10,000 Shot Club." Kids had to write down their shots each day on paper, with adult co-sign. 2018, and the paper/pencil is archaic. Also, we're joining forces with the boys team this summer. Is there a good way to have players keep track of their individual stats per day, then it gets uploaded to a master document where coaches can see progress (but other players can't edit each others). I had many who did the club last summer, but didn't write stuff down, lost paper, etc. Thoughts?
  16. Hart's cover of Stairway to Heaven (Covers greater than Original thread) got me dusty.
  17. What takes the feelz to 10? What makes you tear up, choke up, etc.? 1 - My children succeeding at things that are out of their comfort zone 2 - I coach... same can be said for my players as #1 3 - Sound of Music is now on the list, thanks to #1 - youngest daughter played Gretyl in school play 4 - "Go Rest High on That Mountain" - Every damn time.
  18. Boring addition Michael Jordan Lebron James Shaq Shawn Kemp Bobby Hurley
  19. You familiar with the spirit of this thread?
  20. Thick milkshakes... I'm not trying to bring any boys to the yard, so I don't like them thick. It's been about 30 minutes since I ordered the fucking thing, and I STILL can't drink it. I'm seriously fucking ragey, to the point I thought about driving back to the shake shack and throwing the fucking thing at the window. It's either the shake of the piece of shit fucking straw that collapses in every time I try to take a drink. Serenity fucking now.
  21. What is a pirate's favorite letter? (person says 'R') You'd think it would be 'R', but it's actually the 'C' (in a pirate's voice)
  22. Who is the spiciest knight at the round table? Sriracha
  23. Why doesn't the queen wave with this hand (wave your left hand) Because it's mine.
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