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Everything posted by ShilohBarks

  1. I wonder what the new stadium capacity is 🧐
  2. So much negativity spewed lately. I’m going to the game next week and it’s going to be GLORIOUS!!! Get outta here! Hook’em!!!
  3. All these SEZ photos made my day!!! Thanks!!!
  4. We need more burnt orange colored seats around the stadium. Maybe color the top third of the bottom “bowl” burnt orange…
  5. CDC is such a troll… he’s sending us to another conference just for sh*ts and giggles… 😆
  6. Damn Saharan dust…
  7. It’s going to look beautiful once we start winning…. We can’t turn into aggies and complain about everything… but yes, the color does looks interesting to say the least.
  8. They should put Godzukitron on top of the stands. Not in them like they’re thinking.... we gotta keep that uniformity intact... my OCD can get pretty crazy...
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