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Everything posted by NomadicHorn

  1. I love the smell of incense. And I get a chuckle out of the idiotic narratives you spin about your better. I remember back in the day, before the leftist insanity turned would-be civil libertarian and card carrying ACLU members into absolute fascist fanatics who spend their time lying about anybody they disagree with, when many here pretended they cared about trying to make our nation better despite its many ills they like to complain about. Back when VAPA showed up and dared to suggest that there was a serious issue with the police culture and that people should film their interactions with cops. Back when he suggested suspicionless checkpoints well inside the nation absent any suspicion leading to thirty minute detentions while being wholly outside the scope of determining immigration status violated the Constitution and case law. But the neo-con twins foaming at the mouth for unchecked government power, who so well represented the Neo-liberals that have become so famous and so well represented on this forum in a fashion that would make Lindsey Graham proud, could not abide that. No sir. Then when he suggested there was a problem with the federal government assassinating Americans without charge or trial in violation of the Constitution, oh hell no! Even if during the time he was posting his concerns he was also refusing an order to assassinate an American and had resigned his commission as a special operator just five years shy of a retirement check for life. Get out of here with all that, we're too busy posting about how concerned we are with the next Hitler and fascism and the end of democracy! So, of course, enter the "sovereign citizen" narrative. Because that's not trying to square a circle, I mean nothing screams sovereign citizen like a military officer using the court system because sovereign citizen weirdos are known for respecting the authority of the court system and forking over six figures of their own money in a lawsuit against a corrupt cop and another suit against corrupt Border Patrol agents in the pursuit of getting government to respect the Fourth Amendment. It's a well known fact that sovereign citizens typically have Top Secret SCI clearances and if all this lengthy documentation doesn't scream sovereign citizen then I don't know what does... And the ACLU flew him to DC to talk to Congress about his border patrol incident because that organization loves to platform sovereign citizens. Some here have mentioned how those clearances got suspended when he refused to assassinate an American. They fail to mention the Air Force found for him and reinstated those clearances and he continued to fly for the military and then retired normally at twenty years. And then, oh my, he got dragged into court by a politician who didn't like being criticized. Where he beat that politician and then turned around and sued the State of Washington and got a law struck down for violating the First Amendment. Supported by the ACLU of Washington who wrote an amicus brief in support. And that brings us to this latest lawsuit where he got our Air Force to stop censoring American citizens who criticize it on social media. Game, set, match, he obviously has no "peace" in his life whatever that means. Other than the peace of serving faithfully, risking himself for the nation and for the liberties and rights that pretenders on this board are so concerned about losing because somebody they disagree with has a different viewpoint and is therefore Mussolini. And, of course, the peace that comes with knowing detractors include weak-sauce lawyers who somehow admit to being sex offenders on this board and nobody bats an eyelash. Gatorubet, she was 15 or 16 and you were 24, did I get the details correct? Anyway, don't mind me. Tell me again about how bad VAPA is. You clowns should work harder to mask the intense jealousy you feel for your better.
  2. I agreed that I could well lose at the Fifth Circuit if the court got it wrong although admittedly I didn't think that would happen. But it did. My disagreement was with lawyers who maintained that I *should have* lost at the Fifth Circuit, and who did not recognize the court's clearly established case law and therefore thought QI should defeat me. There was room for disagreement about what was specific enough to be "clearly established" and I had my view, shared by Judge Elrod, and they had their view shared by the other two judges who ruled against me. I maintain those two judges weren't actually interested in the law, didn't reply to Judge Elrod's dissent, didn't even take on the issue with any substance whatsoever because they were simply not going to rule against the Border Patrol. One of them had dissented in one of the previous cases that was central in my argument that previous court precedent clearly established the law and he slept through the entire oral argument. He didn't rule against me based on legal reasoning. He ruled against me because he was a horrible judge. But we certainly won't come to any meeting of the minds a decade later on matters of QI although I am glad to see the nation has been slowly moving in my direction on the notion of QI with law enforcement more generally. I can't argue about the girl's car but I no longer have that car. True story, was in Key West and we had just bought the camper van. I walked into a gas stationed and a young kid was behind the counter. I asked him if he had a car, he said no, I said "do you want one?" He said yes. Produced the title and signed it over to him. And that was that. So now I drive a girl's van.
  3. Well I'm not sure how I feel about this. It seems my honor has been questioned by an intellectual and powerful representative of the legal establishment whom I most greatly respect. This cuts deep. But perhaps it's an opportunity for a growing experience for me. Toward that end, could you please supply the best argument you can muster for your conclusion that I am "inherently dishonest?" Perhaps the top three assertions of me lying followed by your evidence demonstrating the falsehood I have foisted upon others might help me with my spiritual progression under your tutelage? As a person you have only interacted with online, and given your claim that I am "inherently dishonest" I would imagine a man of your intellectual stature would have no problem coming up with proof of three lies. I thank you in advance, and will now show myself out and await your wisdom displayed as usual.
  4. Don't mind me, just wanted to offer a different perspective on these comments from the lawyer who erroneously thought I was convicted of a crime I was never charged with. I know Dr. Bleeper is a huge fan of the contest of ideas and sharing information so that people can be better informed and decide for themselves. With such a commitment to truth, I don't want to let him down hence my brief and temporary return. Gatorubet says I harassed and cyberstalked the politician. For an alternative view, the court ruled precisely that I did not harass or cyberstalk the politician. I merely shared my opinion on a public forum on the internet without profanity, threats, or defamation. And surely nobody objects to that, right? Gator also said the nature of our dispute was "different" from his memorializing the Japanese American internment as part of the politician's role with the taxpayer funded memorial but that is also incorrect. My criticism of him was that he used the memorial to attack Republicans but not Democrats, that he was silent and did not endorse a state law that would block a federal law that legalized the indefinite detention of American citizens without charge or trial, and that he actually invited a politician to give the memorial's 75th commemoration speech when that very politician had voted to make indefinite detention without charge or trial legal when he was in Congress. While I am hesitant to disagree with somebody as brilliant at Gatorubet, I must disagree with his assertion that my criticism was different from the politician's role with the memorial dedicated to ensuring indefinite detention without charge or trial does not happen again. Additionally, Gatorubet makes a false claim that I used "socks" to harass and insult the politician. Gator doesn't provide any source for his false claim, and the court found that when the politician asked me to stop contacting him, I never contacted him again. Outside of Gator's novel assertion, I don't think there is even such a claim in any of the court filings alleging that I used fake accounts, although they did try to claim that my Facebook page with my first and middle names and my picture was somehow a crafty move of deception on my part but that argument wasn't persuasive or particularly relevant. Anyway, I just wanted to add that into the discussion as I know Dr. Bleeper appreciates facts and reasoned discussion and I didn't want to let such a principled gentleman down. Pardon the interruption, I'll show myself out now.
  5. If I might just dip in here for just one second, I would recommend people read the Kitsap County Superior Court's opinion itself, in addition to the always-quality perspective of Gatorubet (who once thought I had been convicted of something without being charged) but has since then deeply studied and considered just exactly what happened so that he can report back to you all. Those who want to find a collection of national news stories, an NPR audio program and all the court documents to include all the filings can find that assembled here. I would recommend those reading the words of our esteemed colleague Gatorubet also check out those other links in addition to the older link and story from 2017 that he supplies. And if you really want to do a deep dive and go blind on the amount of evidence presented, you can see the full picture of what I dealt with here if you are determined to answer the question, "but was VAPA an asshole for criticizing a politician, or was the politician actually a very immoral individual who deserved to be criticized?" Okay, thank you again for indulging me and I'll show myself out once more.
  6. Pardon me, excuse me, let me just squeeze past you fellas for one second to correct Gatorubet so the rest of you don't suffer from the lengthy research he obviously did (he posted a thread about my free speech case so he's obviously looked deeply into this litigation and just missed a few small details). I was never "convicted" of anything. I've never been convicted of anything. In this case, I wasn't even charged with anything. That may lead a clever lawyer to ask "well then how did you have standing to knock the law down!" A prosecutor emailed saying they were going to sit on the decision on whether to charge me or not depending on my future actions/speech. Based on that email, I got standing to sue the State. Which is even more interesting because prosecutors had already decided not to charge me because they recognized it would violate the First Amendment as this Decline to Prosecute notice shows. The prosecutors also wrote that the muni court judge (personal friends of the politician who was trying to silence my speech) had overstepped when she issued a protection order (which I beat on appeal). And not to quibble with Gatorubet who is a brilliant lawyer just like TwiceHorn, but the speech the politician was trying to silence was ruled by the court to be non-profane, truthful, and non-threatening speech about a public figure on a matter of public importance and the pinnacle of protected speech. Or as Gatorubet calls it, an asshole just being an asshole. Good TechDirt article on the litigation here. And for those interested in the Border Patrol litigation I recommend watching a small portion of the video here starting at 45:10 to get a bit of a different view of that incident from how the esteemed lawyers here have presented it. Now I'll show myself out again. No need to grab the pitch forks and sorry for the interruption.
  7. Anyway, the Hank troll has shown up and the same pattern will repeat. Weak men will show up with their attempts at argument or beating their chests with their "credentials" and I will make them look like fools. Then they will start with the propaganda and smears to try to paint me as some right wing nut job, or a militia guy, or whatever -- tactics that have become increasingly popular by a certain group of people in this nation with disastrous results (and in case you're wondering, that unfortunate slide is readily evident on Surly). Then I will respond in kind to the insults, except better, and they will cry about what a big meanie I am. Bern will say I'm "over the top" while the mob calls for my head, and the pitch forks will come out. I could just suffer the insults and smears and the idiotic claims of me being "crazy" in the hopes of having a valuable conversation with the valuable members of the board from time to time, my submission being the goal here (as it is in an encounter with a bad cop), but that's not how I roll. So I'll bid you assholes adieu and show myself out. Maybe I'll pop back by in another decade just to remind GatoruBet and his friends that a real American exists outside of hollow claims on this board. Always nice chatting with you guys. Cheers.
  8. I was hoping the same angry, bitter, irrational people still smarting from my better argument and honesty would have remained the same angry, bitter, irrational people I remembered. Turns out that after a decade has gone by, they have really flowered into wonderful people. What should we talk about next? Knitting?
  9. Thanks for pointing out how nutty I am with that sane comment.
  10. Ah, whatever I do I'm sure you'll still be here posting lonely threads angry about my legal victories and characterizing all my activism in the worst light you can muster. Just like you tried to do (to an audience of just you) when I had a law knocked down that made posting online with an intent to "embarrass" a person a crime punishable by a year in jail. The ACLU supported me with an amicus brief, the Electronic Frontier Foundation supported me, I was rep'd by the top First Amendment lawyer in the nation for free.....but there was GatoruBet complaining about it. At least one person stopped by to point out that it was a bad law. So you trying to mischaracterize the Border Patrol discussion from a decade ago isn't going to lead to a fruitful conversation. I said then that you and others could well be right that I'd lose with the QI excuse (which is abused left and right in court). I maintained that the law was clearly established in the Fifth Circuit and so QI should have been overcome. I maintain that position as did Judge Elrod with her dissent. I also maintain that your disagreement with me wasn't actually centered on the law, it was centered in your value system. And that is where we disagree and that is what motivated you to create that thread about me long after I had left this board. Your real disagreement with me, and men like me, can be imagined as a boot. Stomping on a human face. Forever.
  11. Copy, you think I'm nuttier than squirrel shit and you publicly express that opinion of me, but you don't know or care what the nuttiest thing about me that led you to that conclusion is. But then you confirm it's the fact that I share the opinion of Fifth Circuit Judge Jennifer Elrod, the ACLU, two Congressman from the video, et al (the nutty opinion) that government is not allowed under the Fifth Amendment (nor should it be) to have armed federal agents seize us inside the country and detain us for thirty-four minutes without even a shred of suspicion of any wrongdoing. And because I post here from time to time, as you do, that is also nutty. Thanks so much for clarifying that valuable opinion.
  12. I think it's the thread for saying one thing and then saying the opposite four hours later? I used to hate brussel sprouts as a kid, but now I like them. I'll wait four hours and then claim I still don't like them. Gil Bang, please let me know if I'm doing it wrong.
  13. I'll try to speed this up. If I am understanding you correctly, the nuttiest thing about me is... ... that I sued the Border Patrol and am of the opinion that armed federal government should not be able to seize and detain an American citizen inside the nation for thirty-four minutes without any reasonable suspicion of a crime (as opposed to your view that the federal government should be able to do that) and despite my view being shared by the ACLU, the Texas Civil Rights Project and other amici and despite it also being shared by Fifth Circuit Court Judge Elrod who agreed with me, and despite that video showing two Congressman agreeing with me and one apologizing to me on behalf of the federal government, me holding that view and filing that suit is the nuttiest thing about me and the pinnacle of your reasoning leading to the conclusion that I'm nuttier than squirrel shit. Did I get that right? If so, whew, that is pretty nutty. You've convinced me.
  14. Let me try to ask it in a more simple way. Please quote the nuttiest thing about me. Thanks.
  15. Says the guy who started this thread about me. And in so doing, actually demonstrated... that nobody cares.
  16. Please quote the nuttiest thing about me. Thanks.
  17. Not yet. But if I were to run into a Hollywood actress, that would be just my luck.
  18. BTW, thanks for the compliment. On 5/8/2018 at 6:13 AM, bernorange said: This is a tough one. It cuts to the heart of the decision making matrix that everyone uses throughout their adult life that can affect their jobs/employment and/or social life. It's easy in hindsight to condemn people for not acting to prevent atrocities (or injustices, if you prefer, it's a matter of scale I suppose). What's the personal risk for doing something? What's the probable consequence for not acting? Are your children going live like the stereotype of New Yorkers - so self absorbed, they will ignore a mugging or rape occurring on the sidewalk in broad daylight. Or will you encourage them to be more like VAPA.Mil and stand up for their convictions regardless of the personal consequences? The calculus in this decision matrix separates leaders from followers. Lives of comfort from lives well lived. The sweet spot in that matrix is going to be different for everyone and depends upon a lot of factors including the strength of one's convictions and the confidence one has to navigate any troubled waters for defending them. ~~~ My oldest son, now a senior in high school was just in Austin for the State Water Polo tournament. They won their first two games and lost the second two. They placed 4th in Texas. Nice.
  19. Thanks man. Was a little less cool after Roadtrek (the company that made it) had a scandal and went tits up crushing our 7 year warranty. But it was the only one we could find that was all electric at the time. If I had the time I would have rather built one which can be done easily, better, and for far less money. This one has 1600 amp/hours of lithium. It's like a submarine. We can drive it and then camp out for at least two weeks just using the lithium to power the induction stove, microwave, etc. So long as we don't need to use air conditioning so pretty limited for Texas unless you plug in somewhere. Batteries will be depleted after running the AC for 8 hours straight. Solar will extend that by a little bit but not much. Van life is a great way to live especially out west with the BLM land.
  20. Okay that makes sense. I wasn't sufficiently deferential to the group which included Hitby using the information in my donation to the website to doxx me, followed by SkipperJ's email to my wife at work, the comments about my wife banging Clarence Thomas, the false comments about me being a sovereign citizen (with a Top Secret security clearance, which is quite a feat...maybe Rocko can weigh in) and all that stuff. Yeah, guilty of using mean words in response. I'm not sure that qualifies me as the top bogeyman of the site to justify being mentioned and lumped into this thread, but opinions are like assholes.
  21. My posts were all sincere, but that's irrelevant to the question I asked. If you think I made an insincere comment that was nutter crazy, feel free to include it. I don't remember having much of a fan base but it has been a decade so, you know, memory. Your response isn't helpful. Got anything more specific? You think that the idea of having rights in the face of government is over the top? You think installing cameras in your car to record cops is over the top? You think advocating for people having the right not to be seized by government without suspicion of a crime is over the top? Surely a comment like yours made me out was backed by something a bit more specific that you could share right?
  22. Bern, can you explain how you thought I was off the rails? BTW, this is VAPA. I know a decade or has passed, but I don't remember my posts being particularly crazy despite the propaganda campaign the usual suspects on here enjoy spinning. Thinking the Fourth Amendment applies at checkpoints and that American citizens shouldn't be assassinated with drones or locked up under the NDAA of 2012 without due process...yeah, that was me. Certainly I never advocated for anything even remotely approaching violence. So how did I get lumped into this in your mind?
  23. That's my understanding as well re: fingerprints/FaceID vs PIN. If you use prints or FaceID on your phone it helps to learn how to quickly reset it with the buttons on the side which then makes your phone require a PIN even if you have those features enabled. Of course if they want in your phone, they'll get in it.
  24. Sorry to shit all over your thread. Just so happy see these guys. They're like brothers to me. From a different mother. Who did a lot of drugs. I wish I could help with the law search but unfortunately I can't. I don't envy your friend having to find a lawyer, so many awful ones out there that think they're all that. The best way to find a quality lawyer is to know a quality lawyer and use their recommendations. If they want to break into the phone they can probably do so. Tools to do it are not hard to come by these days. Whether they're supposed to under the law, probably not unless they think it's part of the "crime" and it's part of their investigation. Of course cops often do whatever they want since they're in large measure untouchable. Hoping for the best for your friend.
  25. No sir. Was the shitter also full in the one you saw?
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