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Everything posted by SwAss

  1. What has changed? I agree we need to unlink employment with healthcare and progress towards a system that resembles those in other first world/developed nations.
  2. He was the perfect fit for Tech and had the secret for winning in Lubbock.
  3. That appears to be where we are heading, not just in the housing market, but with wages not keeping up while cost of living continues to rise, and the push by a certain party to limit or eliminate needed regulations that help the working classes.
  4. I'd like to use the polls as part of a BCS type formula for purposes of seeding the teams for the first round (quarterfinal?) of the playoff.
  5. FIFY
  6. While the pre-season polls are fun, I think we should do away with them. They influence the in-season rankings too much and overrated teams with inflated records benefit from that at the expense of the teams who should be ranked in their place. Also, in on first page.
  7. In other words, it looks awesome.
  8. That looks mother-flipping tizzight!
  9. Realignment talk going away? What's next, pussy defeated?
  10. SwAss

    RIP Bobby Bowden

    Turned an obscure program into a football powerhouse.
  11. And I've been on here since Hornfans.com back in 2004. BTW, what is BillFromSinton up to these days, maintaining focusness?
  12. This guy should be a play-by-play caller "Christmas lights like perky titties, I keep them up year round, lol"
  13. And don't forget the value of streaming numbers. Footprint was a major factor 10 years ago, but now with streaming it's not that important as it was. A high number of streamers adds a ton of value and potential revenue.
  14. This.
  15. LOL... Home, home on the rangeWhere the deer and the antelope playWhere seldom is heard a discouraging wordAnd the skies are not cloudy all day
  16. SwAss

    Uniform Pron

    In my honest opinion. I think UCLA needs to go back to the uniform design they wore from 1996 - 2001 with the very light sky blue and old-fashioned font on the numbers/names. Those were classic!
  17. SwAss

    Uniform Pron

    BYU is going All-Royal Uni's for the first time ever against Arizona in Las Vegas.
  18. And look where the Big 12 is now...
  19. His mormon wife Terry Moore posed for playboy back in the early to mid-80s.
  20. Fun fact, Vegas was actually settled by "Mormons" well before Vegas became a Casino town. That is why there is a large LDS population in the Las Vegas area with a large temple on the east side and a "Mormon Fort" museum. http://parks.nv.gov/parks/old-las-vegas-mormon-fort There will be more BYU fans then Arizona fans, we outnumbered them in Phoenix back in 2016 at our first matchup in the series so I wouldn't be surprised if we outnumber them again here, especially with all the LDS in Vegas, Mesa/Phoenix area, Southern California, and Utah. BYU has no qualms playing sports in Vegas, we'lve also played numerous WCC basketball tournaments in Vegas (I'm not familiar with basketball since I only follow CFB and MLB), and we've played in Vegas for decades as members of the WAC and MWC. Hell, Donny and Marie Osmons perform or performed on a nightly basis at The Flamingo!
  21. Baylor's not the submissive type...
  22. Only if the commercials were uncensored.
  23. Pretty sure his focus was on nurturing friendships with other conference coaches and those halftime orange slices
  24. Thujone aught to do a MS paint of peacocks with dicks instead of feathers and stick the images of the faces of these morons on the peacocks.
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