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Everything posted by SwAss

  1. Or want to get a Tier 1 law degree or an elite MBA or even a JDMBA for starters....
  2. No they don't and its not even close. Utah has the admission standards of a commuter school and always serves as backup to those who don't have the 3.9 GPA plus high ACT scores needed to get into BYU.
  3. Washington State, Oregon State, and Utah aren't exactly academic powerhouses either.
  4. Those who lack sufficient debating skill always resort to logical fallacies. In this case an appeal to insults, which clearly indicates they have lost the debate without even realizing it.
  5. Considering how they left the Big East at the alter after Gary Patterson bitched about us going Independent beforehand and the classless behavior of their fanbase towards us, I don't feel bad for them one bit.
  6. I don't feel bad for TCU. I hope they get stuck back in the MWC or in the AAC when this is all said and done. The irony is rich and delicious.
  7. And they were a backup plan when it came to the expansion candidates, a last minute Plan B or C at that.
  8. It's typical Texas politics, discuss and engage in anything over anything that should take priority.
  9. I'd totally + rep you if I could, this is spot on on what needed to happen in that meeting.
  10. That's what I'm thinking. They don't want to be fighting a war on two fronts that would bog things down, but Clemson and FSU are perfect fits for the SEC. Then later on, poach NC ST and VA Tech and get to 20 with a true, full southeast footprint and undercut the ACC for network viewership.
  11. BYU would certainly elevate their profile with its brand and all that it brings to the table, the trick is finding a 10th team that would elevate it to the degree that BYU does where they could expand the size of the pie, unfortunately who other then BYU does that?
  12. Back on topic, is there a timeline or deadline that needs to be met in order for both teams to move to the SEC in 2022?
  13. Fun fact, Aaron Eckhardt is a BYU alum.
  14. $8M per year in the first contract. The original contract stipulated $8m per year, but since BYU is a private institution, they never really release their numbers so it is hard to verify. The inventory has actually improved. ESPN has benefited from all of the games with P5 schools and Boise State to the point that they have been a key partner in getting games scheduled. We might even have a neutral site game with Notre Dame announced for next year. You underestimate the size of BYU's fan and alumni base. We have a sizeable presence both out west (as much as any Pac 12 school except maybe USC and Oregon) with a sizeable presence in Texas, the east coast and in parts of the South. BYU's academics are solid and would place them in the top half or top third of the Pac 12 academically. The Pac 12 hasn't considered BYU because of one thing, religion. Take out BYU's association with religion and we would have been in the Pac 12 decades ago. The no-Sunday play policy is overblown and easy to work around. The LGBT issue is overblown as well, BYU has made significant progress towards inclusion of LGBT. If they won't take BYU, no way in hell will they take TCU. TCU brings little to the table compared to BYU. BYU already has a sizeable presence within the Pac12 footprint with a sizeable following outside of the Pac12 footprint as well. BYU's tv ratings were also higher then the IR8 schools (exclusing OU/UT) by about 200k viewers per game on average.
  15. I enjoy cheering for the underdog and generally find it offensive when people mock people for being from a small town or having a farming/agriculture background. I cheered for A&M for years because they're right next to the biggest brand in college football, and everyone hates on their school for being an FFA convention with 70k attendees. Then I started interacting with their fans. They often act like a caricature of a fan - delusional and mean-spirited in ways that seem almost ironically humorous. Many are so intense that they'd actually take issue with my first sentence - I've actually offended A&M fans in the past when I mentioned that I cheered for them because I want the underdog to win. They'll often use foul language, revert immediately to personal attacks and vigorously argue points that are entirely detached from logic or reality. Some on this board like to criticize Ute fans, but I can promise you that A&M fans are several orders of magnitude worse than what we've seen with Utah, Boise or even Wyoming. And then once the switch flips and you start hating the Aggies, you realize that it's dang fun! They have a hideous campus and are so oddly proud of it. Everything (from Freshman orientation/Fish Camp to walking under a tree) is a tradition there, to the point of absurdity. They have a program where students LARP as Spanish Civil War-era soldiers - and they're proud of it! Their fight song "Aggie War Hymn" sounds like it was written by an illiterate third-grader and has a bunch of nonsense baby-talk words. And so forth... It's eventually becomes a game of its own to find new ways to poke fun at A&M. https://www.cougarboard.com/board/message.html?id=26527083
  16. "They haven't won a national championship since 1939 and a conference championship since 1998. They think they're Alabama though. Sure some BYU fans are delusional in how they view our position in the world, but A&M is a whole nother level." https://www.cougarboard.com/board/message.html?id=26520608 "There was always something appealing about cheering for the underdog, and that attracted me to A&M. But their fanbase is so delusional, mean, and detached from reality that they’ve come to be my least favorite team. I actively cheer against them." This message has been modified https://www.cougarboard.com/board/message.html?id=26522148
  17. Where can I find more of this hottie? Asking for a friend....
  18. Reggie Bush tweeting how he wants his Heisman back (though that award should have been given to Vince Young). https://twitter.com/ReggieBush/status/1410661680334315521/photo/1
  19. Labia majora on a bun, would you like fries with that?... or extra mayonnaise and ketchup? No thanks...
  20. The Rocky Mtn McOysterSandwhich?
  21. takes a while for that residual moisture to bake off..... You'd be surprised at the level of humidity up there.
  22. I lived next to Kent/Renton (Maple Valley) back in 2012 and they had record heat then 94 degrees (didn't know they hit 100+ in 2009) and with no AC unit in the house the only relief I could find was in taking a cold shower. Oh I miss the PNW, it's usually paradise this time of year.
  23. Especially with no AC, would be hard to tell if those hemorrhoid's be sweating or bleeding at those temps.
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