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  1. He plays for Converse Judson, so 6A.
  2. If education mattered, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, etc. would be better at football and recruiting. UT is a good school, but not anywhere near those levels. Alabama isn't getting kids for their educational rankings.
  3. Legacies go to other schools all the time. Dax Hill spurned OSU to go to Michigan, Arch is doing it by going to UT, and spurning Ole Miss.
  4. Gerry conveniently forgets that Peyton's lady friend goes to OU (or is all OU, and will be goin there). It worked in OU's favor for Bowman.
  5. Wait, what? Choctaw is 6A-2. That isn't "low level ball". Just saying. And he stepped it up greatly in his senior season, ended up being a 4 star recruit. Not saying he will set the world on fire, by any means. But at least get the facts straight.
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