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Certifiably Surly
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About Southernohiobevo

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  1. You could tell how this game was supposed to go in the first 2 minutes.
  2. I'm impressed enough that I ordered a new Longhorns hat. We'll see what happens, but I'm interested again. Hook em.
  3. McGuffey Lane 1979 on YouTube
  4. Ballcap choice is easy this morning. HOOK EM HORNS ! And pass me a glass of that fresh Kool aid.
  5. We got our game plan from the &#!? Bengals !
  6. TEXAS !!! FIGHT !!!
  7. Be stubborn with the run !!
  8. Go K.I. !!
  9. Oh yeah !!!
  10. Good hit on 3
  11. WTF ?
  12. WTF ?
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