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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BottleRocket

  1. He sounded stoned to me. RIP crazy luggage tossing dude. I loved that he used his spotlight to call attention to the minimum wage issue.
  2. Lol lol lol lol call sears lol oh fuck lol lol what a riot lol lol
  3. Did you google “ginger Jewish diamond dealer party band”. Knowing the key search words are... well... key.
  4. Fredericksburg - home base Day trip to Lost Maples (for hiking) /or/ Enchanted Rock Day trip of wineries (for womens) Luckenbach (for mens) Day trip to San Antonio (for Mexico!)
  5. Southwest party days are long gone. smoking ... check backwards facing seats ... check free donuts in waiting area ... check free coffee in waiting area ... check cute air waitresses ... check free cocktails ... check free peanuts ... check
  6. Carhartt for $45 -$100 depending on size. https://www.amazon.com/Carhartt-Legacy-Gear-inch-Black/dp/B00ES8KX84/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1533217633&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=Carhartt+Legacy+Gear+Bag&psc=1
  7. So he had 20 years to plan this and that was the best he could come up with?
  8. I had to read the owner’s manual on my receiver and dig fairly deep in the receiver menu to properly use ARC.
  9. I would recommend that she call him and leave messages, send e-mails, and generally harass the shit out of him until he finishes the project. She needs to be busting his chops every day, multiple times a day. Make his life hell. If he doesn't care about his reputation, that's about the only thing she can do to motivate him to finish.
  10. My guess is the contractor has a cash flow problem and took your sisters payment and paid subs for other projects. Once that happened, your sister's project became a low priority until the contractor gets another project's cash to pay the subs to work on your sister's house. She done f'd up when she paid more than 50% prior to the job being complete.
  11. These things are really taking off. It won't be long until death by scooter is a regular occurrence around town. Are these things supposed to be ridden on the sidewalk or the street? I see both. If scooter people ride in bike lanes do the bike crazies rag on the scooties? Is there a new pecking order on the streets?
  12. Max wants to know what it takes to get a seeing eye cat? 100% blind. 80% deaf. 110% chilly chill.
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