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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BottleRocket

  1. One day my sister-in-law got fed up with her kids not helping with dishes and took a bunch of dirty pots and pans up to their rooms and put them in their beds. Always makes me laugh.
  2. Kidd Roofing in Austin is great and been around a long time. I'm friends with the Owner. https://www.kiddroof.com/
  3. I'm in the same boat. My folks will probably be making the move to assisted living in the next year or so. They lived in England in the 1970's and later opened an antique store in the 1980's. They have downsized a couple of times but their current house is full to the brim with their best antiques and artwork. Even if it was our style, which it is not, my wife and I don't have room for anything else in our house. For any new thing we take, something existing will have to go. My mom will walk around her house telling us the history and value on everything and I just roll my eyes knowing I can probably sell it for 1/10th of what she thinks it's worth. I hope I'm wrong. I want the voodoo doll carving that my dad picked up in the Congo doing covert ops for the CIA in the 1960's, not the humongous 1800's antique armoire full of blue Wedgewood china that mom says is worth $30k but I couldn't sell for $1,500.
  4. PSA: 8/18 and 8/19 59th Celebration VIVA TERLINGUA - Luckenbach Texas MICHAEL MARTIN MURPHEY (both nights) RAY WYLIE HUBBARD (both nights) TODD SNIDER (both nights) JACK INGRAM (both nights) MORE TBA SOON!
  5. Exactly! That’s what I always say!
  6. We were at the memorial in Angel Fire on the 3rd and then in Cimarron on the 4th for their rodeo. I have strong ties to Philmont and plenty of friends in Colfax county which is the main reason we would consider this move. It would be a big change from Austin for sure. Thanks for the feedback.
  7. The wife and I just got back from a trip to Red River, Angel Fire, and Cimarron. We're thinking about a move to Angel FIre in the next five years. I'm concerned that the community is too small, but dang it's beautiful. I think access to healthcare would be the big issue.
  8. Respect: Orcas must show respect to fellow members, other clubs, and individuals encountered. Treat others with dignity, regardless of differences or disagreements. Brotherhood: Orcas form a brotherhood, supporting and standing by each other. Loyalty and solidarity are essential within the club. Integrity: Orcas should act with integrity, being honest and trustworthy in their dealings with others. Uphold a reputation of reliability and honor. Commitment: Orcas are committed to the club and its principles. Members are expected to actively participate, contribute, and support the goals of the club. Personal Responsibility: Each Orca is responsible for their own actions. Be accountable for your behavior and the consequences it may bring. Non-Interference: Orcas do not interfere in the business or disputes of other clubs or organizations, unless directly provoked or threatened. Non-Tolerance: Orcas do not tolerate disrespect, discrimination, or mistreatment of club members, fellow clubs, or innocent individuals. Stand up against injustice when necessary. Personal Freedom: Orcas value personal freedom and individuality. Respect each member's right to express themselves and live their lives according to their own choices, as long as it does not harm the club or its members. Honor the Patch: The club's colors and patches are sacred symbols of the club and its values. Orcas should wear their patches with pride and honor, representing the club with dignity. Non-Association with Law Enforcement: Orcas must not associate with law enforcement agencies or individuals known to be involved with such entities, to preserve the independence and integrity of the club. Maintain Confidentiality: What is said and done within the club stays within the club. Members must respect the confidentiality of club matters and not disclose sensitive information. Ocean Etiquette: Orcas should ride responsibly and adhere to traffic laws and regulations. Show respect to other water users and promote safe swimming practices.
  9. Dark Sky was my go-to weather app. Fuck Apple for replacing it with their app. The Apple app sucks donkey balls.
  10. I had never really considered power washing with the pool full. Can you power wash under water? My black algae isn't nearly as bad as in these pictures, but it's getting worse than it has ever been.
  11. It looks like an I-phone 5.
  12. Piedras Negras gittin the bizniz
  13. The air was thick with the scent of smoke as the guests arrived at the dinner party. They were all there to celebrate the success of the dairy farm, owned by Mr. Dimmett. However, the mood quickly turned somber when they learned that all of the milk cows had been burned alive. As the guests sat down to dinner, they all began to wonder who could have committed such a heinous act. The farmhands were all accounted for, and no one had seen anything suspicious. The only lead the police had was a witness who claimed to have seen a man wearing a black hoodie leaving the scene of the crime. The guests tried to make the best of the situation, but it was clear that everyone was on edge. Suddenly, there was a loud crash from the kitchen, and everyone rushed to see what had happened. There, standing amidst the broken plates and spilled food, was a man wearing a black hoodie. His face was covered, but the guests could see that he was holding a canister of gasoline. The man introduced himself as Almond Milk and claimed that he was there to avenge the death of his family's dairy farm. He explained that Mr. Dimmett's farm had put his family out of business, and he had decided to take matters into his own hands. The guests were horrified as Almond Milk poured gasoline all over the dining room table and lit a match. Flames quickly engulfed the room, and everyone scrambled to escape. In the chaos, Mr. Dimmett managed to grab a fire extinguisher and put out the flames. The police arrived soon after and arrested Almond Milk for arson and the murder of the milk cows. It was a tragic end to what was supposed to be a joyous occasion. The guests were left to mourn the loss of the cows and try to make sense of the senseless act of violence. But they would never forget the name Almond Milk and the devastation he had caused.
  14. I was having what I thought was afib last summer. My wife bought me the Apple watch and I ran the EKG. The watch said I was in afib. I went to see a cardiologist and he chuckled and said he would run some tests. Ten minutes later he said the watch was correct. I wanted the watch anyway, so it was a no-brainer.
  15. Haalp! I've drained my pool. I have 4 gal of liquid chlorine and 2 gal of muratic acid. I've been told by my local pool store person to spray the acid on the pool plaster (1:`10 w/ Water). Let it set for a few minutes. Scub and wash off with water. Repeat with chlorine. Scrub. Wash. Does this sound right @Poolflood backstory: I've been fighting green algae for the past six months. Gave up treating this winter with the idea that I'd empty and start over after the oak bloom. Which is where I'm at now. Pools ARE worth it!
  16. Did they let you read Surly in prison? How was the food. What's the difference between shiv and shank? Tic Tac Toe?
  17. I've had success using a chlorine puck to rub the stain like sandpaper.
  18. "The fact that they can be trained in great numbers to collect loose change and possibly drop it in your backyard, making you a sort of tacky entrepreneur that rivals the likes of the head pimp of the Canning Highway/freeway off-ramp window washing operation." http://pilerats.com/written/light-easy/nature-corner-crows-are-geniuses-/
  19. It's a 40' cruiser and it's going to be quite a project. It's barely been used in the last 10 years. Dock queen. Fuel system is gunked, batteries dead, electrical systems unknown, etc.. My wife's uncle is moving and he practically gave it to us. The inside is cherry though. It's going to be nice once we get her up and running. I have boating experience on Travis but not for anything this size. I'll be getting lessons for sure.
  20. Yes. It's a USCG documented vessel. I think I have it figured out now after some googling. USCG documented boats don't get titled by State (Texas) - only registered. So I'm filling out the transfer info on the back of the Certificate of Documentation today with the current owner and notary. Once that's done, I take the paperwork to Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife to register it with Texas, pay any fees and taxes, and get stickers. "Title" is with USCG and "Registration" is with Texas. Sound about right? If everything goes well, I'll be a member of the club by the end of the day! For better or for worse!
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