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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BottleRocket

  1. Subsonic CB caps w/ bolt action .22 (mentioned above) http://tacticalintelligence.net/blog/22-cb-cap.htm "Well short of using a suppressor (silencer) which may not be legal in your area, there is a super quiet round available for your rifle that you may not be aware of. It’s called the 22 CB Cap (short for “conical ball cap”). While not as powerful or accurate over long range as the 22LR round, it is still powerful enough to take small game such as rabbit or squirrel and provides the added advantage of being no louder than a pellet gun (and perhaps even less so). The reason for its silence is due to its minute propellant charge (in many cases it’s just the primer with no gunpowder) which results in a low muzzle velocity of around 700 ft/s (subsonic)."
  2. Subscribed. Need same. Got a really high quote last week from Plumbmasters. I think I’ll wait until this summer when they are less busy from the winter storm. Texas requires it be done by a licensed plumber and that a permit be pulled by COA. My brother in law installed his own. Anyone here just DIY?
  3. I drove to college station from Austin on Friday to get my first shot. I gave up on finding anything in Austin.
  4. Hey @Troph we're neighbors! We live on TC Circle. Just finished turning the water off on the City side manhole. All pressure dropped to zero inside the house but I noticed the hose bib closest to the street still had water flow. I double checked the City valve and sure enough had turned it 180 the wrong direction. Could have been bad if I hadn't double checked everything. Good to have you as a neighbor. Let me know if you need anything.
  5. Do you know why you don’t give a hippopotamus a credit card? BECAUSE HE WILL CHARGE YOUR ASS!
  6. I have joint pain in both shoulders. Sort of a low grade hot pain that’s getting worse and more constant with time. Going on about two years now. Any recs for a supplement or cream? Anyone try cbd oils?
  7. Factually there wasn't much passive about it.
  8. It's crazy that I have to come to surly to get the latest and greatest vaccine info. Thanks for nothing ausitn.gov texas.gov
  9. 1. Snow 2. HEB Pancake & Waffle Syrup
  10. Do these plots include mineral rights? Are there restrictions on plot depths?
  11. I guess this is why I haven’t seen Fresca on the shelves in months. That is my go to.
  12. Manhole covers are round because it’s impossible do drop the lid down the hole . The are also round because they are impossible to put in the wrong way. Shit flows downhill.
  13. That’s the type of thinking that probably got them in this mess to begin with.
  14. I guess I’m dense or something because I don’t understand all of this overflow talk. My wife freaks out every time a big storm comes through and the pool level is full but it’s not a crisis or anything. The water just goes into the yard and drains off just like all the other water that’s not landing in the pool drains. If it’s summertime I’ll just do a few cannonballs and it will all be cool. I mean it’s not like they are intended to be a detention pond or anything.
  15. It's nice to see a thread in DT that isn't about COVID or Protests/Riots* *dealer's choice
  16. My parents gave my older brother and me the naming rights to a white cat we had just got. He was about 5 and I was 3. Mom helped us by recommending that we think of things that were white like the cat. My brother and I wouldn't compromise so the cat was hence forth known as "Cotton Ice Box"...
  17. I have a friend that works at Big Daddy Unlimited which is an online buyers club. He tells me that they have good inventory on firearms and ammunition. You can get a trial membership for something like $1 for the first month if you want to check out their prices.
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