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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×

Gabe Horn

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  1. I used to go to the Suburban Group on E North Loop, it was across the street from house in the same plaza as Epoch Coffee.
  2. What do you guys do about raccoons in the attic?
  3. Well, if that worked, then good. Anyhow the person whose case i had been interested in has just died. No cause of death yet. https://www.gofundme.com/f/in-memory-of-marques-guzman
  4. Sharon Den Adel of Within Temptation gets my vote. Runner ups are Sade and Ann Wilson.
  5. conVINCEd, care to do some details as far as what worked for you? To the other comedians in this thread, uhhh, thanks for your help.
  6. Hey folks. New here, I hear this is the place to ask such a question. In Austin, its easy to see case details on misdemeanor or felony cases. (Case details meaning: the crime that allegedly happened) However, when I called the folks of Bexar County to ask them about a case, the woman to whom I had spoken played dumb, and pretended that public records aren't actually public, and the case info I found online was as good as it gets. According to search.bexar.org the case number is 2019CR7772 and the charge was dropped for whatever reason.
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