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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ultimaton

  1. What am I coping with? We’re 9-1 and in the driver’s seat.
  2. yes he flinched
  3. This is the most little brother shit I’ve ever seen. Who cares about the rest of the season if you get that rare win in your Super Bowl?
  4. North Dakota's very own George Santos:
  5. Sounds like any Big 10 team should be held out of the playoffs, to preserve the integrity of the sport. Might as well extend that to future Big 10 teams too, just to be safe.
  6. Another difference is outside of Lubbock or Waco, most Texans are ok with UT ending our... lesser rivalries... if it means getting aggy (and depending on what generation you're from, Arkansas) back on the schedule.
  7. I don't know, I think they might. The current, negative-publicity averse league office is probably having nightmares where the number one story heading into next season is Las Vegas hiring a coach that was drummed out of the college game for systemic cheating.
  8. Yup. Rig 12's fingers were on the scales today, though they ultimately only got half of what they wanted. Fuck OU forever, but fuck this conference too.
  9. Definitely looks like it could hold two of every animal, including dinosaurs. I'm sold!
  10. So when this is over, in true NCAA fashion Jim Harbaugh will have a fat extension, Central Michigan will have a four year bowl ban, and Jim McElwain will be hit with a show-cause penalty.
  11. So he hacked Ryan Day's computer?
  12. Went back and looked at my recording, he walks off the field with a bit of a limp after that sack, but appears fine in the third quarter and he does make some throws down the field without issue from what I can see. It was definitely that scramble that got him.
  13. Running a play that requires Auburn to run for six yards isn’t aggressive, it’s just stupid.
  14. It's like a Yogi Berra quip. He's so popular nobody will vote him.
  15. Ted Cruz already did that back in '21 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ted-cruz-army-veterans-military/
  16. Jeffires: 212 McCarthy: 203 Jordan: 6 Other: 13
  17. "Jordan is beside himself. Driving around downtown DC begging (thru texts) Buck's family for address to Ken's home"
  18. legend making drive for s sanders
  19. helluva a catch there
  20. Betelgeuse hitting up Dante's Inferno Room just reminded her of the good ol' days and she got lost in the moment
  21. "Drok say need one third of Zkrog shiny rock, need pay for big fire, need melt water mountain. Zkrog say no! Make big wall! Keep Moon Clan out, make Moon Clan pay! Zkrog say make pangea great again!"
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