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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ultimaton

  1. Is this going to be like last time, where Abbott praised everyone for finally cracking his super-secret code to masks and social distancing?
  2. Still gov until the 24th I believe.
  3. Greg Abattoir
  4. The common cold wiped out the Martian threat back in 1897 — these new motherfuckers don’t stand a chance with Covid.
  5. It’s worse than you’re probably imagining. I generally don’t believe in the death penalty. He deserves the death penalty.
  6. Joining the chorus here that really enjoyed it. The mix of comedy, drama, and surrealism reminded me of Atlanta.
  7. Is it really all that surprising that a homophobic, anti Semitic, racist asshole raised a son that also ended up being an entitled, bigoted piece of shit? Fuck the whole Paul family.
  8. I wasn’t even aware that Robert Durst was out of prison, let alone running for governor down here.
  9. A few years in the MWC and they won’t give a fuck either.
  10. Nebraska hiding behind Kansas State. How the mighty have fallen.
  11. "Our women are basketball champions." Someone oughta tell him that was over a decade ago -- when they were still in the Big 12 -- and we went deeper in the tourney than they did this year.
  12. Waco apparently being razed to the ground as the earth is salted beneath Baylor's feet is just such a nice cherry on top of everything else.
  13. Chip Brown says yes, Helobious says no. Now we all get to witness what happens when an unstoppable bullshit force meets an immovable full of shit object.
  14. I know it's aggy and all, but how quickly they were willing to publicly emasculate themselves like they have is still surprising to me.
  15. Obligatory gritty
  16. 16 shot, multiple fatalities according to police scanners.
  17. If you're in prison, do you have to buy your adult diapers from the commissary, or do you get them rationed out to you through the prison's medical ward? Asking for a friend disgraced former president.
  18. Half the dipshits in this state are cosplay cowboys like West. That phony fuck fits right in -- in that regard, at least.
  19. Terminator: Dark Fate It was cool seeing Linda Hamilton kicking ass as Sarah Connor again, and I thought some of the ideas it had in the first half of the movie were kind of interesting, but ultimately it ended up still being a dud for me. It was better than Terminator 3, Salvation, and Genisys (god, what a stupid fucking name), so I guess it had that going for it.
  20. You misspelled interred.
  21. If there's not a "The Gang Commits Insurrection" episode on the next season of Sunny, I'm going to be very disappointed.
  22. [GQP]Fixed that for you [/GQP]
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