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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ultimaton

  1. Unfortunately for us, nightmares are dreams too.
  2. I just assumed the only sexual contact they've had together in years probably involved her accidentally walking in on him abusing himself to cuckold porn.
  3. Maybe they're green screening him in like this
  4. Most of that group are very casual fans that think a winning record is a good season.
  5. How many of us were watching the Fox Studio shows with more interest than the actual game?
  6. You avatar stealin' motherfucker
  7. Always bemused by the fact that the same people openly and eagerly calling for “global martial law” and a complete military takeover of our entire communications infrastructure are, by and large, the same people that see being asked to wear a cloth covering over your nose and mouth while in public as the single greatest assault on liberty in human history.
  8. Pretty sure the Kraken got a better offer out of Japan and is making hentai now.
  9. My predictions: Short of Barr telling him he can't, which I find unlikely given Barr's views on executive power, Trump absolutely is pardoning himself with the thought that "his" Supreme Court will take care of him. The kids are all getting pardoned -- well except maybe Tiffany, depends on if Trump remembers she exists or not. He's going to promise a bunch of pardons and not get around to them before he's out of office. He's going to withhold a pardon to punish someone he thinks failed or screwed him -- Rudy actually a good candidate for this one. Dark horse prediction: He announces he's pardoning Hillary, Obama, and Biden.
  10. Also, how much is all this bullshit costing taxpayers in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, etc?
  11. Is it just me, or does literally every single screen shot of OAN look like it's from a porn parody to anybody else?
  12. "Bring back manly men."
  13. Unless it's because he's before a firing squad, who gives a fuck.
  14. https://www.politico.com/states/new-jersey/story/2020/11/09/man-featured-at-giuliani-press-conference-is-a-sex-offender-1335241 I'm sure QAnon is all over this.
  15. More cardio than Trump has done in his entire life.
  16. I'm confused as to why they continue to bring up the 3 day extension when it's essentially irrelevant to the outcome. Get those tossed and you are one step closer to getting all mail votes invalidated.
  17. You old enough to remember January of this year?
  18. Whoever forgot to run TakeSenate.exe really goofed.
  19. He is packing a monster though.
  20. I can see, for the first time, a light at the end of the covid tunnel. It may still be far in the distance, but having adults in the room that will actually listen to science and doctors and at least try to get us out of mess means my wife and I at least have a chance of life returning to "normal".
  21. Oh yeah, this is what a President is supposed to sound like. It was only four years of Trump, but it sure felt like twenty.
  22. goddamn, wrong thread oh well
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