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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ultimaton

  1. "BREAKING?" That happened like two months ago
  2. That's how they did it in Williamson County too.
  3. I'm infested with tapeworms chic
  4. Probably just playing it safe, Vance could change his name three or four times before he sits down with Rogan.
  5. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/10/27/trump-speech-madison-square-garden-rally/75881623007/ They changed the headline, but you can still see the original if you search Zac Anderson USA Today on google
  6. What a sad, shameful day for America.
  7. LOL You're going to get a lot of "actually, the age of consent is..." from the "leave our kids alone!!!" crowd and that will be the extent of it.
  8. It took about an hour at the Leander library, but got my vote in today. LFG
  9. "I would never trust a computer" says the man trying to sell me >checks notes< autonomous vehicles, robots, artificial intelligence, and computer brain implants.
  10. wonder what his surly handle is
  11. You've seen who attends these things. Five miles might as well be five-thousand.
  12. Alabama last year, before we beat them obviously.
  13. To be fair, in Trump-time 2016 feels like it was 100 years ago.
  14. Fox News has to settle a billion dollar lawsuit over lies spread on behalf of Trump and literally argued in court that no reasonable person would think they were reporting facts, and some of y'all sitting here acting like that's the same as Maddow being smarmy on a random Monday night or Guyliner von SofaFucker getting fact checked on ADMITTED lies about Haitian immigrants eating dogs and cats. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.
  15. His son became his daughter and started spouting eat the rich rhetoric around the same time his manic pixie dream girl ex started hanging around with Chelsea Manning. That's what happened. It broke his brain.
  16. Even that aggy son of a bitch knows Lyin' Ted is a sports curse
  17. If the technology to create and direct hurricanes has existed for decades, why did Trump allow Florence and Micheal to wallop the south in 2018? Was he aiming them, or just negligent?
  18. I assume it was Republican, which is apparently quite triggering and upsetting to some of our more precious snowflakes like Stanco.
  19. Thanks for keeping our seat warm at #1, Bama
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