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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ultimaton

  1. 320 is Trump's weight
  2. Trump seems rattled, wonder if he's retreated to the bunker yet
  3. Tuned in just in time to see her segment. Such an amazing woman, her recovery is really a testament to her strength and the power of her will.
  4. I'm very much in favor of Trump supporters ingesting oleander.
  5. Ford V Ferrari. Even though I knew how everything turned out historically, still thought it was really exciting and entertaining. Great performances by Bale and Damon.
  6. Date night in the Shapiro household
  7. From the looks of it, he already ate his neighbors and didn't end up sharing with his kids
  8. People not wanting to make themselves a target for the right wing extremists who are going to lose their shit thinking the election was stolen from Trump is probably as big a factor in the yard-sign gap as anything.
  9. You can't use logic to decipher their thought process. It's an emotional thing. It's all about their feelings, if you will. They have to blame the left and media because otherwise there may be a moment of introspection that could lead some small part of themselves, buried deep within their hearts, to realize that they were not only wrong, but at least partially responsible because they voted for the guy that has fucked this whole thing up literally every step of the way.
  10. Yup, there's only calls for him to resign because he's running off black athletes. Liberty University Poured Millions Into Sports. Now Its Black Athletes Are Leaving.
  11. If only Herman Cain hadn't been tested, he'd be alive today.
  12. https://www.statesman.com/news/20200731/army-sergeant-working-as-ride-hailing-driver-shot-protester-garrett-foster-in-self-defense-his-lawyer-says Shooter identified as U.S. Army Sgt. Daniel Perry. Unsurprisingly, he is a fervent Trump supporter, and he'd apparently posted several times on his now deleted Twitter calling for violence against protestors.
  13. So aside from the 14 members of this shit-for-brains family that he infected, how many people in Austin and Dallas and all points in-between did they get too? Thankfully the baby avoided it.
  14. This scene from the late, great Review is basically the GOP now:
  15. Does "treated with oxygen for his lungs" mean he's on a ventilator? Wilbur Ross out of the hospital as of today.
  16. "Who?"
  17. He'll have to clear it with Ted Cruz first
  18. Well, you're in Portland right, so they've come to your town. What are exactly are you doing?
  19. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/507663-chuck-woolery-deletes-twitter-account-after-announcing-his-son-has-coronavirus Life comes at you fast, Chuck.
  20. Wait, @NowThis is Kushner??
  21. Well, that's unfortunate.
  22. Yes, flying out to this event
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