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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ultimaton

  1. This was taken today yesterday at the Jon Francis rally that Ted Cruz attended today in Hood County
  2. Seeing my dumbfuck Trumper sister and her equally dumbfuck husband suddenly jump on the "everybody wear masks ya'll!!!" train after months of anti-mask conspiracy theories, it just continues to boggle my fucking mind that if Trump had just done the bare minimum at the start of this and asked people to take this seriously and asked them to mask up, we'd likely be on the other side of this, the economy would be in relatively decent shape, and most importantly tens of thousands of Americans wouldn't have died miserable, lonely deaths. Fuck this motherfucker.
  3. I've seen some screenshots that show that but they could easily be photoshopped. And one of the girls was found alive and well. The prices are strange though, $10k pillows and ikea level cabinets. Hope it doesn't affect the stock price, wayfair has been good to me the last few months Third party sellers that are temporarily out of stock, but don't want to have their listings pulled by marking it as such. Used to see that all the time on Amazon, and I'd assume Wayfair probably operates similarly.
  4. Throw in the governor's mansion and wherever it is that Goeb is holed up while you're at it.
  5. Beetlejuice, but this time directed by David Lynch.
  6. Only way to make sure everyone playing each other is following the same safety protocols and testing/etc.
  7. Ted Cruz has entered the chat
  8. Just got back from voting. If you're concerned about safety now's definitely the time to vote if you have to do it in person -- I was the only voter in there, the entire process took less than five minutes, and it looked like they had a lot of safety precautions in place (everyone masked, sanitizers for the pens and pencils, no contact with anybody else, etc).
  9. Avatar checks out
  10. They told us 24-48 hours. She had a friend that ended up waiting for almost two weeks for results, but from what I've seen and from talking to some other people that've been tested, that seems to have been an anomaly, but who knows at this point.
  11. Just got back from the Round Rock BS+W drive through COVID test (pre-surgery test/screen for my wife). Got there a little after 7 and we were 10th in line, by 7:30 the line was already starting to snake around and was beginning to fill the parking lot. If you end up needing a test, definitely plan on getting your ass there early.
  12. Yes, from the exceptions/exemptions list in Abbott's order: any person while the person is (a) exercising outdoors or engaging in physical activity outdoors, and (b) maintaining a safe distance from other people not in the same household;
  13. And remember, he's supposed to be a "doctor."
  14. Since they'd nixed the idea of New Columbia; The State of Washington, Douglass Commonwealth was the latest proposal I had seen.
  15. I can't remember if I posted here or in the other COVID thread, but update on my granddad: Not COVID, started feeling a lot better yesterday and is up walking around today, so he's headed home as I type this. Obviously that's a big relief and I sincerely want to thank everyone for their well wishes. Wife's friend that got tested last Thursday still hasn't gotten her results yet, but is still very sick and basically doesn't have the energy to even get out of bed right now -- it seems likely the results will be positive whenever they eventually come in. I did HEB curbside this morning in Leander and saw a significant improvement in people wearing masks compared to just earlier in the week, so hopefully the people that let their guard down or weren't taking it seriously before are getting on board.
  16. Thanks, I've been trying to get an update from my mom today, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet. Hopefully we'll know more soon.
  17. My mom called me last night to let me know my 98 year old granddad has been hospitalized with high fever and "stomach" issues. Haven't heard if he's tested positive for COVID, but he was out and about last week to get his fucking hair cut, so the timing would seem to fit. A good friend of my wife's started having pretty bad symptoms last week and got tested Thursday morning, and as of an hour ago still hasn't gotten the results, though since she's still very sick we can pretty much assume she caught it. My wife and I have been on serious lockdown since March 1st, aside from her having an oncologist appointment, neither of us has literally even stepped foot in another building outside of our house until today. It is incredibly disheartening to see that mask compliance in WilCo appears to be nil, and people of all ages and demographics (so not just "boomers") going about their business as if COVID was simply a fucking bad dream.
  18. Senator jelly-belly calling anybody soft is rich.
  19. As far as I know, I don't think Perlman is a masochist.
  20. Probably looking for Lindsey Graham.
  21. https://kstp.com/news/george-floyd-fired-officer-overlapped-security-shifts-at-south-minneapolis-club-may-28-2020/5743990/ The owner confirmed that they were both employed by the club at one point, but how much interaction there was between the two of them, is unknown -- though it sounds like there may not have been much, if any.
  22. Don't think that's going to help him with the black vote. In all seriousness though, even by Trump's usual low standards, those tweets are deplorable.
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