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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ultimaton

  1. Deferred adjudication for raping a child for nearly half their life. At this point I'm rooting for vigilante justice, because that's the only justice available to us.
  2. The guy has to have two porn accountability methods. He definitely follows the other Hastert rule.
  3. She's an NPC
  4. you sure about that?
  5. I'm sure Cameron having a competing business in SkyTree Book Fairs has nothing to do with his position on Scholastic and this totally isn't another grifting opportunity by another right wing loon.
  6. Can somebody please just mix some fentanyl into his ketamine already
  7. https://myadcenter.google.com/home Go through your YouTube watch history and delete any right wing shit in there too.
  8. At some point my number was associated with my grandfather on whatever list they use to pester people, so every election season every fucking GQP roach running for office spams my phone with this shit trying to get him to give them money. And I can always tell when Trump is about to take a big "L" in the courtroom because his people will start blowing my phone up with this shit. I didn't mind it when my granddad was still alive because my intercepting these things kept him from getting robbed blind, but now that he's been gone for a few years I'm kind of over it. This one came in about 10 minutes ago and is probably the fourth or fifth one I've gotten over the last three days or so.
  9. First part of this thread that makes any sense
  10. Careful buddy, you just made Nicole's list.
  11. Sorry we were making too many jokes about the cops that got into a shootout with an oak tree.
  12. no
  13. Damn, RIP Captain Holt
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