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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Genghis

  1. Yes I would like to request one 42% 3PT shooter already familiar with the Big XII please. Thanks.
  2. No sunshine anywhere in those pictures.
  3. Hey Texas Family! Gif choice still open !!
  4. 3-20 from 3 while Kansas shoots 58% from the field and Texas still wins? That's a
  5. Feels appropriate for a Wyoming transfer
  6. When he hears about Burnt Ends he's going to try to get himself into the TE room to get invited to the dinners.
  7. Aggy about to claim another national championship. "See we beat Alabama too so clearly we are just as good as Georgia." Granted, even if Alabama won they would have claimed it as well because of the win earlier this year...
  8. Yeah, 54 got away with it twice. Think the ref told him after that one if he does it again he's getting flagged.
  9. It's clearly so that when a recruit accidentally (or not) mentions the stacks of cash given out under the table, Texags as an arm of A&M can say "you misunderstood, he meant they got "stacked" like our NIL deal."
  10. *slaps washing machine on tour of facilities * This baby can hold so many sweat rags you don't even know!
  11. https://247sports.com/Player/Joe-Foucha-92192/ https://arkansasrazorbacks.com/roster/joseph-foucha/
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