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William Wallace

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Everything posted by William Wallace

  1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCefl-5pmhZmljwZTE2KrcdA VinWiki is fun. I watch Jay Leno Garage every now and then. I used to watch TJ Hunt, Hoovies Garage. Oh yeah someone said Carwow, thats a good one. Thanks for the Recomendations!
  2. Yeah, "I've been working on the railroad" has never been a great song, I don't care if it goes, but I don't see the big deal, I don't think anyones intention of singing it is racist, and no one thought it was racist until one brought it up, but whatevers. End it.
  3. LMAO, New Conservative posting, I have to be a sock account. See all my postings, see if one can figure out who I am. Ugh I'm just here to read, give my opinion and debate. Have a good time debating, Love you guys and gals!
  4. I don't know how this guy has credibility after he told people not to wear masks, knowing people should have masks, so Health Care workers would have masks. It would have stopped the spread, and trust the public.(lol, but contact companies first and make them send shit to the govt)
  5. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-race-ethnicity/ Since everything is Race now, this is interesting.
  6. Is the weightlifter the only trans athlete this year?
  7. Yeah the list has changed a lot in the last 10 years. It used to be a lot better, there is a lot of movies on there that shouldn't be IMHO.
  8. I bought, good shit, hopefully this is the end of the down turn. Setting a stop at 1975 again like I did last night.
  9. I think they made Roy Williams a felon b/c of this. They detained him in Handcuffs for nothing rfor having a rifle, He still had his pistol while hancuffed, made them fools
  10. No opinions on what you would get for 20k? After watching again, I may get a Porcha convertible, just to say I have a Porsche .
  11. Here for the episodes, fk you. Months!
  12. I agree, I am not a fan or superhero movies. It has been a few years, I would say top 50 though.
  13. I agree, not a fan of the movies.
  14. I haven't watched The Godfather in a while I need to watch I and II now.
  15. AltCoinDaily My main, I watch some MDX on youtube, whom do yall follow?
  16. I can post here now! Ugh, Bad day. I have got some good swing trades on ETH. I'm big on ETH . Been a hell of a week. What youtubers do you watc?
  17. HOLY FUCK. Grave of the Fireflies, How has that missed my top 100? Number 42, what is that? Watching today!
  18. Oh man! I need to watch that again, that movie is greatness! For some reason Elite Squad comes to mind. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0861739/ Great Brazilian Cop Movies!
  19. I haven't watched the Bicycle Thief, I keep meaning to watch that.
  20. What are your thoughts? I have watched all but the Anime. I agree Shawshank is the best movie I have seen.
  21. hmm, all I know is they have the best daily stories on politics and not. Give me another? They have plenty of ant trunp/repub stories
  22. I may watch it for Tom, When he became Loki in the Movie, I didn't know that was him..... Great actor. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1399664/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_12 The Night Manager was a great series showing off his acting. I may have to rewatch. Him and Hugh Laurie were great.
  23. I remember watching that in the theater, It was cool then, but prob shit now.
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