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Randolph Duke

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Posts posted by Randolph Duke

  1. Someone hit me with a PM and was asking about UT system finances. I pulled the latest financials filed in connection with the outstanding debt of each system, not just the flagship campuses.

    TAMU has total assets (buildings, real estate, etc) of $14.0B and total liabilities of $7.8B. The net worth of all assets of the TAMU system is $6.13B

    The UT System has $72.3B in total assets, $17.3B in total liabilities. The net worth of the assets of the UT System is $44.8B.

    Now do you see why I keep saying the two organizations are not comparable?


    UT system financial statements:


    TAMU system financial statements:


    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Scholz said:

    Hmm, aggy busted for lying.  Yet again.

    Battered aggy syndrome runs so deep in their culture they lie to themselves on a constant basis. They need to convince themselves they are "just like Texas'" so they do stupid shit like lie about the school's endowment.

    TAMU main campus has a reported privately endowment of just over $400 million, up from $259 million in 2015. UT Austin's privately funded endowments total $4 billion. UTD, UTSA, UTMB, etc, all have separate privately funded endowments. The PUF constitutes the publicly funded endowment of the UT system. Under Regents Rule 80303, UT Austin receives about 1/3 of all AUF distributions. The non-Austin components of the UT system get 1/3, and the TAMU system gets 1/3. None of the AUF distributions are dedicated directly to TAMU main campus, even though TAMU main campus claims all the TAMU system's AUF distribution are exclusively theirs.

    When you have an alumni base that has only given $400 million over almost 145 years, you have an alumni base that doesn't believe in education enough to support the university's academics. It is that plain and simple. TCU's privately funded endowment was about four times that of TAMU main campus so please, spare me the "small military college" crap.

    The aggy education has long been more about vocational training and training of middle level professionals In addition to $10k privately funded tuition at each school, public funds (fed and state appropriations, and institutional money) dedicated to each full-time student at UT are about $43k. At A&M, that figure is less than $20k/yr. That UT students are supported by more than double the public funds as students at A&M is indicative of the fact UT students are educated to a different standard. If the standards at UT and A&M were indistinguishable, the public funding per student would be nearly identical. Remember, A&M pays its professors, on average, less than U of H pays theirs. That is for both full professors and associate professors.

    Most aggys do not understand the facts regarding the quality of education at A&M vs that at UT. Those responsible for appropriating public funds to the two institutions knew the facts very well. Which is why they fund UT at more than twice the level of A&M.

    The ags can claim whatever they want, but until they start supporting the academic mission of their school with billions in additional privately funded endowment funds, their school will continue to provide an educational experience far inferior to that offered at UT Austin.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    For sake of clarity, is the UTIMCO AUF payment what they are calling "investment earnings"?

    I’m not sure what they are calling “investment earnings,” but it wasn’t earnings on the privately funded university endowment. Not unless they had a damned good year and used the entirety of the income generated by their endowment, instead of taking the amount set for maintenance of the long term protection of the endowment, which is generally around 5% (I think the BOR is currently using 5.25% for the PUF distribution to the AUF).

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, GhostofDanJones said:

    How ugly are the women at aggy? Never been to aggyland and never plan to go. 

    Q: What is the difference between an aggy woman and a catfish?

    A: One has whiskers and smells, and the other is a fish. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Irwin F Fletcher said:

    That's got to be an aggy troll. It reads like aggy fan fiction right from the start. 

      Reveal hidden contents

    Lots and lots of takes on the game, "the fumble call", QB rotation, etc. Thought some might find my first experience in Aggie-land interesting.

    I am a Widower as my wife of 20 years passed away a few years back at 44 years of age from Lung Cancer having never smoked a day in her life. That experience and raising my two kids solo these last few years, has really given me some perspective on what is important and not so important at least as far as my life is concerned. It also makes the concept of building memories very valuable to me, so when my 18 year old son approached me last week and suggested a memorable trip for his Senior Year in High School would be an A&M trip, I was all about it. We quickly convinced a Clemson classmate to join us and made plans for a long weekend road trip. We left Friday around noon and made it to Shrevport around 2:00AM Saturday morning. We got a decent sleep and headed to College Station the next morning arriving around 1:00. We parked on the outskirts of campus by the polo fields and headed down to the Dixie Chicken and then over towards the stadium for the afternoon before the game started. Several things were noteworthy.

    1) There is a room I believe was called the "Flag Room". It was in the student center and had 4 or 5 large TVs and lots of sofas/chairs/floor space and there must have been 100-200 folks in Orange and Maroon watching the USC-UGA game and avoiding the mid-day heat outside. It was a great setup and the perfect way for us to watch the "other" important game that day. Lots of nice folks in there - even one gentleman and his wife who offered us their seats. We declined, but the sentiment was indicative of the treatment we would get the rest of the day. These folks are serious about being respectful and classy.

    2) The parade before the game. Right before game time, we lined the streets around the stadium to watch the parade of the cadets make their way to Kyle Field. It was astounding how many there were! After the band marched through to lead the processional, the waves of cadets kept coming and coming and coming! It finally ended when the mounted cadets on their horses and the Howitzer for the game pulled by a mule team made their way down the street on the way to the stadium.

    3) The stadium was very impressive! We were in the upper deck of the End Zone where Tee scored his touchdown across from where our band was located. If I did not know the capacity, I would have guessed it was even larger than 105,000. I guess it was the way it completely surrounded the field that made it look so much larger than I envisioned beforehand. With all of the stadium lights flashing, energized fans, the towels waving frantically, and no place for the noise to escape, it is easy to see how the players could get easily get distracted and intimidated. No doubt about it - it was rocking Saturday night! Even up by 15 points a couple of times, you could feel the crowds energy and knew the game wasn't out of reach. That thought obviously turned out to be prophetic.

    4) Band - I'm not much of a band guy, but the size and precision of the band was something to see. From the upper deck where you could see the formations unfolding as the members marched in all sorts of directions, I thought for certain there would be collisions or errors in all of the coordinated movements. It was flawless with straight lines and changing shapes that must take incredible effort to organize and pull off. It was a great show and worth staying in my seat at halftime to witness it.

    5) The Aggie War Hymn - I think that is what it was called at the start of the 4th quarter had the whole stadium energized and engaged. If you are an A&M person, I could see how that would put a lump in your throat each time that song was played. Even as a visitor it was easy to get into it.

    6 - The Smoke ring from the Howitzer - Someone posted a picture of that earlier today. After one of the scores and firing the round, that smoke ring floating across the field was pretty cool.

    7 Finally and most important the Aggie People.... There was an announcement before the game reminding the A&M fans about class and respect for your opponent. I was blown away at how universal this sentiment was taken to heart by everyone we encountered all day - I mean EVERYONE. We sat in the middle of an Aggie section. We had been elbow to elbow with folks decked out in Maroon all day. Even making our way down the crowded walkways from the upper deck after a tightly contested game with controversial calls that frustrated the home team, I did not hear a single derogatory word. Not one - literally all day. Closest we even came was a car that drove by us walking to the stadium and the students yelled something like "Gig-em Aggies" or something like that. I was stunned to be honest. Much more often we heard "Welcome to Aggie-land" or "Hope you have a safe drive home" and never a murmur of anything condescending or hostile. We all love college football and want our team to win. We all get fired up and heated up when things don't go our way. These folks get it though. Maybe it is just my personal history with tragedy these last few years, but these Aggie folks see things the right way with the right perspective. They fought hard and that stadium was as raucous as you can imagine, but when the game was over we had nothing but pats on the backs, handshakes and well wishes. I just had to write this post to tip my cap Aggie fans, students and Alumni. You may have come up a few points short on the scoreboard Saturday night, but you sure won me over. What a classy, classy bunch that I have nothing but respect and admiration for based on the experience we had last Saturday. I hope it won't be my last trip to A&M, and for those of you that make the trip over next year, I hope you experience the same level of Southern hospitality, respect and sportsmanship we received in spades Saturday evening. My son, my buddy and I had an absolute ball!

    Best of luck the rest of the way Aggie friends. This is one guy from South Carolina who will be rooting for you along the way.




    It has to have been written by an aggy. The lack of understanding what constitutes a proper noun, deserving of initial caps, the use of multi-syllabic words they don't understand he meaning of (processional),; highly impressed by the "Flag Room" but only "believes" he remembers the name; the "War Hymn." He "thinks that what it was called."

    etc, etc, etc.

    Sanctimonious, over-the-top, poor grammar, fawning idolatry. Pure bullshit. But highly entertaining.

    My three favorite things about aggy football are Olin Buchanan's writing, these fake testimonials, and that aggy never wins truly important games but they always derive a moral victory.

    They are an amazing culture. So far the Jimbo Fisher era at aggy is proving to be as glorious as I expected.

    • Like 1
  6. 25 minutes ago, Frank Gallagher said:

    Who gives a shit?  Win football agmes

    I get a lot more pissed when we lose out on a recruit to Stanford than to aggy or OU. Any kid that chooses aggy over UT is either a serious redneck, or has shit for brains. The ones who pick OU go there because the school cares far more about football than academics. The ones that pick Stanford over UT are always ones we wish we had landed.

    I don't to just win football or baseball games. I want to both elevate athletics and academics. And by "elevate" I mean dominate.

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  7. 1 hour ago, TankedBevo said:

    @Randolph Duke have you hit the Forbes article mentions on twitter yet with this gold? I want to see the ags lose their shit. 

    Thanks in advance,


    I'm on vacation this week. Haven't been on twitter since late last week (when I hilariously got into a conversation with a male aggy nurse who insisted he could diagnose patients he had never been within 50 miles of in his life, based entirely on a random tweet send by a total stranger. Not smart people, those aggys, but damned impressed with their own abilities).

    • Haha 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:

    didn't they somehow attach money from, or take money from, their feeder schools like A&M Commerce to pay for some of this shit?

    somehow they used "system" revenue for something 

    I can't imagine our Regents allowing us to take money from UTEP to count towards anything here.

    Here is the header of the documents related to the aggy debt offering. It states the amount was $334 mil, but they offered it out at an above market interest rate, so the proceeds of the taxable muni issue were $350 million. Notice they pledged the revenues from the entire TAMU system, not just TAMU College Station to back the debt.

    The revenues of TAMU College Station are about $1.5B and the entire TAMU system's revenues are about $4B. With the opening of the new UT med school, the revenues of just UT Austin are about as much as the entire TAMU system. That would make two individual UT system components with revenues more than the entire TAMU system (M.D.Anderson being the other). Total revenues for the UT system are approaching $20B.


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  9. Oh, and in the last article that talks about the 2006 initial loan of $16 million coming from "investment earnings" (which is bullshit, it was money that otherwise would have been spent on educating the stupid little rednecks,), here is the snapshot from their 2016 NCAA financials that shows the actual amount of TAMU College Station's endowment:



    Notice carefully and you will see their actual athletics endowments are barely $1 mil. Not nearly enough to generate $16 million in loan proceeds. Their actual endowment for the entire university is just over $400 mil. At a 5% payout, the $16 mil loan was 80% of the entire university's endowment income if the loan had been made in 2016.

    But wait, there's more....

    Look just below line 55 where they disclose the institutional endowment for 2015 - $259 million. Yep, aggy has added to their school's endowment lately. When UT was raising $3.3B, aggy raised $150 mil for academic endowments. Yay aggy!

    Take a 5% payout from the $259 mil figure, which would be the entirety of TAMU"s 2015 "institutional investment earnings," and tell me if you arrive at a figure more, or less, than $16 mil.

    Yep. They lied about where the money came from. It wasn't from "investment earnings." It was from money intended for academics.

    Liars can figure, but figures don't lie. Code of Honor. Whoop!

    • Like 3
  10. 20 minutes ago, TrashMaster G said:

    RD - Can you refresh the details on the loans to the athletic dept that have not been repaid?  Timing and amount.  I have an aggy "friend" I need to educate on this.

    I'm on my work computer while I am on vacation, and it has javascript shut down, as well as other security measures, so I'm not sure if these jpgs or just the links show up on your machine, but here goes:

    Here is the annual debt service of aggy athletics, taken from their budget documents. The $1.6 mil is the annual repayment of the debt.


    Here is where the understanding aggy couldn't cover operating expenses in 2017 came from:



    Here is where the inability to cover expenses in 2012 came from. It's buried in the article, but it is there:



    Here is the link to the original $16 million loan from 2006, that they tried to hide from the taxpayers:



    Let me know if you need more info.

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    • Haha 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Bash Riprock said:

    basically, A&M is Texas Tech

    except Tech is realistic

    and fan base is normal

    Why do you think John Sharp is so adamant that Tech not have a vet school? Because he knows in very short order, the Tech vet school will surpass the quality of education at the aggy vet school.

    Sharp doesn't want the competition from a Tech vet school. He knows aggys don't do well in competitive endeavors.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    From the legally mandated safe distance, I hope.

    "Legally mandated safe distance" is an aggy restriction, not a well-adjusted individual restriction.

    You know, the group masturbation into a community container issue. The enforced self-mutilation by squeezing one's genitals.

    Those are far more problematic than encouraging young Texans to mind their parents and to work hard in school.

    At least outside of College Station, and evidently now the low-lying floodlands around Katy.

    • Haha 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, Bash Riprock said:

    the first 11 all have a natty in the last 25 years....except A&M

    UT has more NCAA national championships since 2000 than A&M has in the history of their school. UT also has more NCAA championships in just one sport than A&M has in all sports, all three genders (male, female, aggy), in the history of their school.

    Then again, having more NCAA championships in just one sport than A&M has in all sports isn't much of a boast. So does Okie Lite, West Virginia, etc, etc.

    U of H has more team national championships that A&M. UTEP has more individual NCAA champions than A&M.

    And then there is aggy academics. Have I told you A&M prides itself on its engineering? If you get into a conversation with an aggy, ask them to tell you about aggy engineering.

    When I am down in Texas and talk with kids, I make sure to tell them to mind their parents and to work hard in school. And I explain if they don't, the only school they will get admitted to is Texas A&M.

    • Like 6
  14. Call me when they finally pay back the loans they owe their academic side and start pumping $10 million+ back to the academic side every year.

    If they are truly generating excess revenue, the also need to be helping the academic side improve the educational experience for the students.

    Oh, but I forgot, they are aggy. Vocational schools don't really do the "educational thing."

    Never mind, just keep being aggy. But maybe you want to spend some money and get the indoor plumbing fixed. Just a suggestion.

    • Like 6
  15. 3 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    RD taking this rather well.  I'd have guessed you'd be stroke'd the fuck out after this news. 

    Also, you're a fucking douche if you talk about how rich your school's athletic dept is.  Brag about wins.  If you need to resort to bragging about something other than wins, go to academic smack...that beats the hell out of the:

    'we're rich!'   <but I'm a poor dumbfuck blowing dudes for cigarettes>

    And, you guys rightfully hold bragging rights over ags/sooners etc on the academic side...now go beat usc. 

    I've spent my career in the financial world. I took vacation this week to hang out with friends. Had lunch today with a kid whose father I knew extremely well. The kid is graduating from college this year. He wanted to know who his dad was. I really haven't given college football, Tom Herman, Texas Redneck University or how much profit any college football team generated from 2014-2016 much thought today up until now.

    College football is a game. Dan Jenkins summed a lot up when he explained that football in the SEC means so much to the fans because those fans have nothing else in life. He asked what the state of Alabama would be without Univ of Alabama football. Well, what would aggy be without aggy football?

    A&M shows the "profit" they do because they won't pay the academic side back the loan they have owed for over a decade. Texas shows the "profit" they do because the athletics department sends well over $10 million/yr to the academic side. Football is great, but when the kids get a lesser education because the alumni have such little else in life, something is fucked up.

    I certainly am not going to stroke out because of an article in Forbes that oversimplifies the larger issue of trying to help kids get a quality education and have a great time. A&M is a glorified vocational school. Anyone who understand the bigger picture would be saying "Great, what's next? How do we improve on this?" Instead, aggy is whooping it up, swimming in the affirmation that being aggy is acceptable. They did the exact same thing after Manziel won the Heisman. They don't build on success. Because they are aggy.

    Like I said, this week is vacation for me. I spent the day visiting friends and talking to some kids of friends I knew well. This isn't the day for me to be dealing with aggy dumbfuckery. They need to pay back their academic side and start pumping $10 mil+ to the academic side each year from their athletics riches. I'll just leave it at that.


    • Like 3
  16. Just now, Snacks said:

    I still don't understand why anyone gives two shits about how much an athletic department makes.

    We've been making money for years, with nothing to show for it.

    Hell, we might be better off with a lot less money and a lot more staff, coaches, ND players knowing how to win... maybe.

    I laugh at aggy talking about "profit." Universities are government entities. Government isn't intended to generate profit. It is supposed to balance revenues taken from taxpayers with cost of services. If the Texas DPS reported record "profit" the taxpayers wouldn't be thrilled about it. If they are generating excess funds, the legislature needs to cut their appropriations.

    And aggy still hasn't paid back the loan they have owed the academic side since 2006. They are paying it back at a rate of $1.6 mil/yr and aren't scheduled to pay it off until 2028. If they were making so much money, they should pay back the academic side that debt.

  17. 3 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Wasn’t this already published? Isn’t it a temporary influx of cash for FrankenKroger? RD, line one?


    Not sure what numbers they are using. I'm on vacation this week and laying low.

    Last year, A&M generated less operating revenue than expenses, according to their chief accountant. Here is a snip from the story USA Today did a few months back.




    If you want to look at the latest numbers (and prior year) financials filed with the U.S. Dept of Education (Title IX), the link is here. You can also look back to prior years for each program:






  18. The team isn't entertaining to watch. The anticipation of the USC game has been replaced with what seems to be forced interest. Enough people have planned to go to that game that it will be well attended, but Herman isn't giving his beat, the team isn't fun to watch and I'm losing my interest in watching the Horns this season. I'm not sure what CDC is going to do to right the ship, but he has a big problem on his hands.

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  19. 3 minutes ago, Treefidy said:

    UT/OU/OSU to SEC, kick aggy out to make room.   Fort Bend county gets washed into the gulf as a result of aggy tears flooding the Brazos. 

    My guess is that schools will not be in the same conference for football as they are for basketball, baseball, or the other sports. I can see smaller conferences of 8 teams, so there are 7 conference games and a number of OOC games, and a reduction of regular season games, with expanded playoffs.

    The money is in maintaining the big rivalry games, setting up big ooc matchups that don't affect a team's chances to win their conference and get into an expanded playoff format. I think all involved will push for more money. A lot of conference games just don't generate revenue. Sacrifice those for an expanded playoff. That's my guess.

  20. The next few years of college football is going to be fascinating. The experiments with conference networks has failed to deliver hoped for revenues and, as 2023 approaches, winds of change will blow harder and harder. When the B12 GOR expires, it will set off  a shockwave, as both the Texas and OU media rights are up for grabs. Del Conte stated that one big reason he switched from TCU to Texas was because he wanted to be in the middle of shaping the new era of college football. Managing the UT media rights puts him right there.

    Second-tier schools, such as aggy, TCU, Tech, Baylor, Rutgers, Ariz State, Okie Lite, etc, have until about 2022 to show where they deserve to be when things settle down. I suspect Scott Woodward realizes all this, and that was drove aggy's aggressive move to try to get a decent football team for the first time in a quarter-century. But their not playing Texas is a huge mistake, as that game is their best option at gaining a larger media presence.

    ESPN put up a graphic this morning showing aggy is riding a 19 game losing streak against teams that finished the season in the top-20. 0-9 at home, 0-10 on the road. The ags lack self awareness to the point they believe their program to be one of the most storied in college football. I think Woodward get the reality, but most of the alumni are oblivious to what is about to happen.

    Unless Jimbo at A&M starts dominating the SEC West, aggy needs the UT game to help position their program during realignment. Del Conte will feel heat from some members of the legislature to take care of little brother (yet again) when things start happening, but I think there is little appetite in Austin to let the interests of UT to be attached to those of A&M moving forward.

  21. How fitting was it then exactly when ESPN switched to their Gameday feed this morning the ags were singing about "varsity's horns" as loudly as they could?

    Yesterday, some of the ags were on social media encouraging as many students as possible to get out to Gameday to "make tu jealous."

    Count the number of Texas signs in the crowd on Gameday.

    And they wonder why they have no rivalry games with teams in their conference.

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