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Randolph Duke

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Posts posted by Randolph Duke

  1. 17 minutes ago, HenryJames said:

    Could LSU afford Urban Meyer?

    Sure. Their financial problems are on the academic side and entirely related to a dysfunctional legislature. LSU athletics is one of the few athletics programs that subsidizes the academic side of the institution. Their athletics program is running a healthy surplus.

    Plus, after the sorry state of their program over the past few years, the fact they haven't been competitive against Alabama in a while, that Georgia is rising as the only real competitor to Saban for a run at the conference, and that if Orgeron loses to Jimbo this season, the fans are going to go apeshit, LSU has motive and means to bring Urban into the circus.

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  2. I'm enjoying the possibilities of how the circus explodes if Ohio State cuts Urban loose. I am positive LSU would be the first school to call his agent. If Urban could end up at LSU, it would mean Urban and Saban got to slug it out every season, One of Urban/LSU's first games would be against Ton Herman in Austin, aggy would get knocked down a notch. Recruiting in Texas would spin off its axis.

    Oh, the possibilities.

  3. 23 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    What the fuck is with all the other schools/stadiums in their hall of champions?

    aggy doesn't just have a Hall of Champions. Theirs is 30,000 square feet of space. Literally bigger than the hangar NASA used to house the Space Shuttle.

  4. For the record - when an abuse victim speaks in confidence, it is NEVER the right thing to take that information to the employer of the abuser, with the victim having no clue of your having done so. Think about it for a minute and, if you can't grasp the logic, you have a serious problem.

  5. 9 hours ago, Parliament said:

    If he's they guy who's been droppin' dimes to McMurphy, it's a scumbag move, not befitting the HC of an elite university like Texas.  But hardly illegal, or anything like that.  Not sure why you guys are all wrapped up in it.

    Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day, as thousands of individuals insert themselves into the dysfunctional relationships of former co-workers by calling their former bosses to report information the wife passed on in confidence.

    "Hey, Jim. Remember me? It's Duke. I worked for you five years ago. Well, a couple of weeks ago my wife told me in confidence of a conversation she had (in confidence) with good old Bob's ex-wife. I think it is my duty to share with you the details of the confidential conversation the victimized woman had with my wife. Once you get off the phone, go pass along to Bob what he wife is saying privately. Because, you know, if they are true and Bob has beaten his wife, I am sure now I have gotten you involved, Bob will probably hunt down his ex to apologize and come over to my house tonight to thank both my wife and myself for helping him with his anger management issues. And if the allegations aren't true, I'm sure Bob will do nothing and laugh the accusations off."



  6. 16 hours ago, Modessit said:

    If Jimbo hasn't signed by kickoff of the first game, then is he technically allowed to coach per NCAA rules? He wouldn't technically be an employee of the university.


    I've got to think there is some rule concerning this. You can't just let anyone be the coach on the field or some school would have fired a coach midseason and let a potential replacement coach a game as a tryout by now. Or had a "guest head coach" from an NFL team or something.





    Oral contracts can be binding in many situations not involving real property. All that needs to be present are an offer, acceptance, and consideration. All a written agreement does is clarifies the terms of the contract. I’m sure there was a term sheet signed by both parties prior to the drafting of the contract. They are most likely operating under the provisions of the term sheet. 

  7. I want the LHN to be able to have the game feed for Longhorn games on ABC/ESPN and then have some former UT players give color commentary for the entire game (like Studdard, et al did that one time).

    Make the LHN game feed something UT fans want to watch, instead of just doing the radio broadcast.

  8. 1 hour ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    Also, cant believe they havent won a conference title in the big 3 sports in 20 years



    They bitch about Texas athletics sucking as of late, yet since just 2000, Texas has won more NCAA championships than aggy has won in the history of their school.

    aggy is just a craptastic school.

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  9. 19 minutes ago, Orange^White said:

    And why the fuck hasn't Jimbo signed his contract? Something has got to be p there, right?

    His not signing his contract is a result of changes in the tax law, in particular, the 21% excise tax on Jimbo's salary. A number of coaches are taking this approach.

    There needs to be clarifications regarding how the IRS will be applying the provisions of the new law, and whether the contract will need to be restructured to give Jimbo his $75 million, but in a different format than it is now structured under.

  10. Subtle notice of how Jimbo is handling this is starting to be taken. How Carter handled things this past weekend has raised a few eyebrows.


  11. 31 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    PM Chip Brown

    Paul Finebaum posted the story of Texas to the SEC a long while ago.



  12. 8 minutes ago, Rockethorn1978 said:

    Can I maybe see what Herman actually said before we agree with two football players? 

    I’m still confused how talking behind closed doors about someone is wrong but deshon calling out his ex head coach on social media over multiple posts is ok? 

    I would have no problem with the social media explosion had Herman tweeted something about deshon leaving early. It’s almost like no one can have a differing opinion like “deshon shouldn’t have left early” because the typical response is “doubters always tryna keep me held back by telling me I’m not good enough”. Then gets drafted in the 6th round. Maybe Herman was right so quit being a pussy. 

    He's pissed that Herman motivated the team before the Missouri bowl game by bringing up the fact that they would be without the team's two leading tacklers because DeShon and Malik skipped the bowl game to keep from getting injured and having the injury affect their draft status. Herman said something to the effect of "If they don't want to be here, then to hell with them." DeShon is taking offense to Herman saying the team didn't need them. Which the team didn't.



    they learned they’d be without their two leading tacklers against Missouri in their bowl game. The staff’s message: You don’t need those guys. If they don’t want to play with you, forget ‘em. Though an F word other than forget was probably used. Consider the real pressure that the staff is under at this juncture; a winning season and staff credibility on the line; only to have a player that you featured in your system, that you’ve advised not to go pro for sounds reasons, inform you he’s sitting out with two other teammates to preserve NFL draft status. The coaches have one job to do and that’s the psychological preparation of the team that’s going to play, not dancing around the feelings of those that are on the sideline. Which means rallying around the willing and conveying a message of solidarity and defiance within a depleted team. The result was a spirited bowl win led by the defense.

    Deshon, you made your business decision: to preserve your health, and use twelve games of film for a draft status you thought you had secured.

    The Texas coaches made their business decision: to motivate a football team that lacked self-belief being told they’d be blown out without their stars.



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  13. 8 minutes ago, ShowmeyourTDs said:

    Nobody gives a shit about aggy.  Idiocy and scandal should be the only times that they should be talked about nationally.

    I love the fact that even after the circus that was Johnny Manziel, Jimbo comes in and recognizes A&M has no brand on the national stage.

    After all aggy has been through since 2011, after the stadium, hiring Jimbo, etc, etc, etc, and aggy still hasn't been able to build a national brand. How the hell does Jimbo think he is going to pull that off? The answer is - he isn't.


    “You’ve got to have a national brand,” Fisher said. “In today’s world there are going to be guys outside this state that you’d love to have on your team. It has nothing to do with guys here (in Texas). There are tremendous players here. We’re going to get every one we can.

    "But when you go out and you can brand your name like we want to do with A&M — with all the support systems they have here from facilities to academics to the Aggie ring, the network to everything that goes on — you ought to be able to brand yourself nationally. That’s what we want to do.”



  14. 2 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    It is pathetic how Liucci makes every mundane thing that happens at A&M into some glorious triumph. What a tool. I always felt like he was their Ketchum but somehow worse...and he has remained relevant and center stage so much longer than our tool. Somehow.

    That somehow is because the aggy culture is all about grand Homerics. Every story they tell is of aggy greatness that never happened. Gill on the sideline, alone, being hailed as a hero. Stealing a cannon and heading on the train with it to Waco, with only the combined efforts of every Texas Ranger able to stop The Noble Men of Kyle. Winninhg WWII all by themselves while every single other American (especially those who attended UT) staying home to drink tea. "The Sleeping giant." The 'BOMC' having to combine their efforts to restrain the greatness that is aggy. Etc, etc, etc.

    Liucci is just feeding the aggy penchant for stupidity and fairy tales. Write any driven full of aggy grandeur on he verge of glorious triumph and those dumbfuck rednecks lap it up. It's what they do.

  15. 18 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Brian Perroni: Jimbo on A&M national championship: 'Your timetable is now'

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    ATLANTA - Texas A&M made the biggest splash hire of the offseason. After Jimbo Fisher had turned down other numerous jobs in previous years, the Aggies were able to lure him away from Florida State.

    Fisher is one of only four active head coaches to have a national championship under his belt, winning one in the 2013 season with the Seminoles. Fisher was also the offensive coordinator for Nick Saban at LSU when the Tigers won the title in 2003. In 1993, he was the brand new quarterback coach at Auburn when the Tigers were the only team in the country to go undefeated. Though they were ineligible for postseason play that season, they are at least regarded as that year's best team, despite the fact they weren't awarded the championship.

    Because of his history with winning titles, the Aggies thought Fisher was worthy of giving the largest-ever contract in college football. Texas A&M gave him a 10-year, $75 million fully-guaranteed deal. With that price tag comes high expectations, though.

    Fisher was the first coach to speak at the 2018 SEC Media Days and he was asked about the timetable he has for winning a national title in Aggieland.

    "Your timetable is as quick as you can put things into place and everyone buys into what you're trying to do. Your timetable? Your timetable is now," Fisher said, curtly.

    Fisher knows there is a bit of an uphill battle with the depth and the schedule the next couple seasons. However, he does not want those to be excuses.

    "You want to win immediately and that's your place. Is that realistic? I don't know," he said. "Could it be? Yes. But could it not be? Yes."

    Fisher says the players have been putting in the work, though.

    "It's all about the process of putting things in place, because you want to build the program the right way up and get kids that understand and buy in," he said.

    "But I'll say this - our attitude of our players has been tremendous. I've been very proud of that. They've come in, there's been a lot of change. We do things differently - not that the other side was right, just a philosophical difference - and the way that they've handled it has been tremendous."

    Though the challenge seems daunting as the team has struggled mightily in the second half of the season each of the past four years, Fisher has seen success very early in some places with it taking a few years in others.

    "You never know," he said. "When we went to Auburn that year, 1993, and Alabama was the defending national champs in '92 and we come off a 5-6 team, we went undefeated, so it can happen quickly. At LSU, it took three or four years. At Florida State, it took us, I think, four years to do it."

    Fisher definitely does not like the idea of putting a specific date on when he hopes to win a title, but he is not shying away from expectations that the team will be a contender year in and year out, just as his Florida State teams were.

    "You don't ever put a timetable on things, because you can't judge people," he said. "You don't know how each guy is going to respond and what's going to happen and the chemistry unit, the camaraderie unit and your coaching staff. Hopefully we're going to do it as quickly as we possibly can


    Take two reasonably competent coaches. Give one an All-Start team drawn for the best players from all 50 states. Give the other an All-Star team exclusively from Texas. Which coach wins?

    Until and unless Jimbo can start to recruit top 4* and 5* talent from across the nation, not a damned thing is going to change for the TAMU football program, because until that happens, aggy will always have an identifiable weakness within their 2-deep that will be exploited. The entire reason they had their late season swoons under Sumlin was that they didn't have enough depth. Because consistently recruiting top OOS talent to A&M is insanely difficult.

    Having half the recruiting class 3* or below, and not a single 4* of 5* OOS recruit to help in specific areas where in-state talent isn't there in a given year isn't a foundation for a national championship roster.


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  16. 1 hour ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    Not talking about the reality of it happening anytime soon, just that a true Texas hero and legend, VY, is advocating what many on here consider Texas football sacrilege...playing aggy again.

    Let's be honest. The true enjoyment wasn't necessarily the game, it was more (yet again) listening to aggy blaming everyone but themselves for the team's performance on the field and the decisions of their coaching staff.

    They are like little children.


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  17. Playing A&M on a regular basis is off the table until after realignment discussions start in 2023. It makes no sense to consider a recurring series with any team until the overall conference structure is known.

    Think big picture. 2023 is going to change more in the world of college football than most people imagine.

  18. 19 minutes ago, clarythedrill said:

    That command will have little affect on the Army department, as right now, between the Army scholarship monies and what the university kicks in, almost every Cadet worthy of a future commission is already on a scholarship.  The Army department is currently making or exceeding mission, and due to Cadre strength limitations, is not able to take on too many more into the program, and growing the Cadre is a three year process at a minimum.  UT supports the Army program with most anything they want, so other than speaking or mentorship programs, this command will bring little to Army ROTC.

    I am really surprised that the Texas program has not grown into a small Corps of Cadets, as the support from UT makes aggies pale in comparison to their contributions to their corps.

    The mentorship opportunities associated with those involved with the command and inter opportunities with organizations that are offshoots of the command were what I was alluding to. The new command is tasked with heading in new directions. Being at the epicenter of that initiative will be much more advantageous than being totally disconnected. Plus, one can expect additions to the course catalog that will reflect this new addition to the Austin economy.

    UT ROTC students will get educational, mentor, and intern opportunities unavailable at any other university. Don't forget, this isn't being sited in the general geographic area. The HQ is being physically located in the same UT-owned building as the Regents' offices. There will be significant interaction between command staff and senior UT officials on a regular basis. As a new command, the command will need significant educational support to broaden the expertise and capabilities of those assigned to it.

    What I am waiting to see is how this affects the various graduate and doctoral programs. 

  19. 31 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    UT ROTC only huh? This will impact a lot of groups. With this command comes grant opportunities.  

    Where did you read “only ROTC?” This, on the heels of the $1.1B Navy research contract, will have far reaching effects on UT and the Austin economy. But it’s effects will be especially profound on UT ROTC. All this off of what Bobby Inman put into place. 

  20. It has to drive John Sharp insane with jealousy that the new U.S. Army command is not only being located in Austin, but will be in the exact same U.T. building as the Regents' offices.




    Army: Quality of life, tech culture helped Austin land Futures Command

    The same things — quality of life, innovation, civic support, higher education facilities – that have helped attract countless businesses to Austin also played a key role in the city landing the U.S. Army’s new Futures Command center.

    The facility, which will ultimately employ 500 enlisted and civilian workers, is expected to be up and running by next summer.

    Futures Command’s primary mission will be to conceive the Army of the future. It’s the Army’s first modernization effort in more than 40 years.

    Austin had been one of five previously announced finalists for Futures Command, along with Boston, Minneapolis, Philadelphia and Raleigh, N.C. Ten additional cities, including Dallas and Houston, were cut earlier in the process.

    The modernization effort is a top priority, Army officials said at a Friday morning news conference — so important that key personnel were already being rushed to Austin on Friday.

    Army leaders said Austin stood above the other four finalists, checking off all the boxes on their wish list.

    “The choice was very difficult, but we ultimately had to make the best choice for the U.S. Army,” Army Undersecretary Ryan McCarthy said. “We do not have time to build this ecosystem.”

    A key task of Futures Command will be research and development of weapons and other equipment that America’s soldiers require.

    “The establishment of the Army Futures Command is the best example of our commitment to the future readiness and lethality of the force,” Army Secretary Mark Esper said. “Army Futures Command will help fulfill the Army Vision by addressing the key shortcomings of the current acquisition system, providing unity of command, effort and purpose to the entire modernization enterprise.”

    The city and state did not offer incentives to help land the facility, officials said, as is sometimes the case with major employers in the private sector.

    The Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce was among those working to help seal the deal, answering questions and meeting with Army leaders during their visits to Austin in recent months.

    “This is a major win for the Austin Mega Region,” said Phil Wilson, the chamber’s chairman. “It further reinforces our unique combination of resources — a deep talent base, innovative thinkers and high quality of life — that make the area so attractive.”

    Futures Command appears bound for the University of Texas System building at 210 W. Seventh St. in downtown Austin. The UT System Board of Regents voted Friday to enter into negotiations with the Army for space in the 19-story UT System building, which was completed in 2017.

    “The system is a very enthusiastic partner,” said Randa Safady, a spokeswoman for the system, adding that she is confident terms can be arranged.

    While the facility will be in a UT System building and is expected to lean heavily on UT’s expertise and resources, rival Texas A&M University — a school with a rich military legacy — was quick to chime in with its support as well.

    “The Texas A&M System is ready to support Army Futures Command,” Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp said. “This is a great day for the state of Texas. Government and academic leaders came together to offer an unbeatable combination of talent and resources.”

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott was among several elected officials to applaud the Army’s decision Friday. Many cited the state’s already strong military presence — with facilities such as Camp Mabry, Fort Hood, Fort Bliss and Joint Base San Antonio, to name a few — as yet another key reason Futures Command landed here.

    “The legacy of America’s freedom depends in part on the ability of our Armed Forces to remain at the forefront of technological advancement, expand our military’s power to assess threats and modernize our defense,” Abbott said. “The state of Texas is proud to partner with the U.S. Army in establishing the Futures Command to harness the cutting-edge technologies needed to build an innovative, research-based foundation for our national defense.”

    Members of Texas’ congressional delegation said they’ve worked feverishly in recent months lobbying to land Futures Command. In one letter to Army leaders, obtained by the American-Statesman, nine U.S. representatives whose districts include portions of Central Texas sang the region’s praises.

    “Austin is a renowned hub to a diverse and highly educated technology workforce, employing 130,000 in the high-tech sector,” the letter said, in part. “The city also hosts companies such as Google, Apple, Amazon, IBM, Texas Instruments, Facebook, Oracle, Dell and many others which are potential partners for the Army Futures Command. The command would also benefit from the hundreds of dynamic midsize and smaller startups that drive innovation and continue to grow each year.”

    U.S. Rep. John Carter, R-Round Rock, was among those who signed the letter. He said Friday that he was “proud to have secured the last bit of funding necessary” to create Futures Command in Austin.

    “As the command tasked with spearheading Army modernization projects and preparing for future conflict, the new Futures Command will serve a critical role in strengthening the security of our country and will be an economic driver for the Central Texas region,” Carter said. 

  21. 1 hour ago, Noah Fence said:

    So according to their own "logic," we can expect aggy to shut down their law school because I can assure you that this state does not need an aggy law school.  Anything they are doing there is  being down at other schools with better quality.

    What aggys don't seem to understand is that there is a clear tendency for individuals who complete advanced degrees to remain in the geographical area after graduation. The law school argument wasn't as much about there not being sufficient demand for an aggy law school, it was there wasn't sufficient demand in the geographical area around the Brazos Valley to warrant an additional law school in College Station

    The current vet school structure in Texas is clearly not sufficient. That aggy wants to expand into west Texas makes sense, but they haven't addressed the argument concerning why competition in this sector wouldn't be beneficial. Unquestionably, aggy administrators need something to get them to start being more attentive to the needs of the Texas economy.

    Give the new vet school to Tech, let them compete with aggy in that sector, and maybe Texas will break out of the cycle of perpetually chasing the needs of the state economy. Then Texas will finally have a supply of veterinary professionals sufficient to meet demand.

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