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Randolph Duke

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Posts posted by Randolph Duke

  1. 2 hours ago, texaslong said:

    Agreed. They can bring in big pieces, but they have no idea how to put them together.

    aggy's big problem is that while they can bring in a few pieces, they can never bring enough big pieces. Their inability to recruit nationally on all but a one-off basis means they always have an identifiable weakness that an opponent can scheme to take advantage of. This year, they have no depth at QB, no defensive secondary and a problem at LB.

    The reason I want to see the aggy/Arky game is that I am somewhat sure Chad Morris is going to have a field day with aggy this year. The Clemson and Bama beatdowns will be written off, but if aggy Chad hangs one on Jimbo, I think it will write the script for how every opponent can slap the aggy secondary around.

    As I have said many times, aggy is facing a version of the BYU problem - their culture is "outside the mainstream" and demands conformity to unfamiliar norms. Outside of Texas, the big states for talent are California and Florida. Looking at the 2017-2019 classes, aggy has 62 recruits or commits. 4 of those are from Calif/Fla. None this cycle.

    Take a look at aggy's QB offers. It isn't pretty. Of all the offers they have out, no one is looking at them. I have no idea who Jimbo thinks he is going to flip, but it isn't anyone he has offered yet. And we all know Jimbo's track record without a top-level QB. https://247sports.com/college/texas-am/Season/2019-Football/Offers

    aggy is fucked.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, markstanco said:

    That wont be for 5+ years with the "wait till next year" crowd.

    Winning 7 or 8 games for the next 3 years will start to grind on them, but by then nick will announce his retirement and the clock will reset.

    Wash, rinse, repeat.

    Two of aggy's big problems are

    a) the big donors who run the football program are never held accountable for bad decisions and therefore, the same idiots who got them 20 years without being competitive in their conference are still controlling the program


    b) They have no clue how to set goals to get them from where they are to actually being competitive in their conference.

    They look at individual games, hoping to a win of significance to hang their season on when they should be asking themselves what they need to do to get a single year with a winning record in conference play. Then aim for consecutive years with a winning record in conference play. Then try for three in a row.

    Programs don't go from not being competitive in conference play for 20 years to playing in the national championship game. It just doesn't happen.

    If any of those fuckers really believed in aggy football, they would be hoping Jimbo can just rebuild the program to allow them to compete for their conference title. One SEC title in Jimbo's ten years would be a HUGE accomplishment that would justify his salary. Then leave the program in the hands of someone who can build on that.

    But aggy gotta aggy. They don't realize they will have to be able to recruit nationally to build a two-deep roster with sufficient talent to be truly competitive, and as long as they maintain their freak show of a culture, they will never be able to recruit nationally at the levels they need to. Three years in a row with a winning record in SEC play should be what they want from Jimbo over the first five years of his contract. And I will be impressed if he manages to pull that off, but I honestly don't think he has a chance in Hell of doing it.

    • Like 2
  3. 14 minutes ago, Deej said:

    Jimbo is not two-faced. If he tells a recruit he can sleep with his wife, he means it.

    Jimbo’s recruit wasn’t the college football player that was banging his wife. The football player that was banging Candi was one of Urban’s recruits. 

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  4. 16 minutes ago, Spawn of Cthulhu said:

    Ross would be very  disappointed to know that today's ags have sullied his reputation. Perhaps RD can remind them about the great man's legacy.

    Most ags have no idea Ross died by eating biscuits for breakfast that were laced with rat poison.

    Ross was a virulent racist who murdered black Union soldiers taken prisoner by his troops during the Civil War. Read about the Jaybird-Woodpecker War and you will see how Ross did whatever he could while governor to disenfranchise blacks in Texas.   

    It is fitting that aggys revere him to this day.  Is exemplifies aggy culture. 

  5. Quote
    There are lots of gay men and women at A&M. They are proud of their school just like everyone else that attends A&M. They don't feel the need to go out and embarrass their school, their fellow students and former students by publicly humiliating their school on a national scale. What was supposed to be a protest against concealed carry on campus turned into one of the most vile and offensive gay pride parades known to man.

    Sometimes the aggy jokes write themselves. Everything with these idiot fucks is a grand Homeric. It's pathological.

    "Lots of gay men and woman at A&M." Lol. You don't say.... Some of them are actually out of the closet.

    Newsflash, redneck - the gays at A&M aren't the ones publicly humiliating their school and the alumni on a national scale on a regular basis.


  6. 1 hour ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    Hey RD you'll like this.  Apparently an aggy commit wouldn't even get out of the car when his 7-on-7 team visited another school due to Jimbo's no-visit policy.

    There are kids who realize with their potential, aggy is one of their few options to play for a major program. 

    I don't know what it is like to get a rejection letter from a school. A lot of us don’t. Almost every aggy knows that feeling. aggys know the constant pain of constant failure and constant rejection.

    I get it that there are kids who have endured so much failure that aggy is the best they have left to choose from. It is sad, but it is the reality of the culture we live in. There are those people.

    Don’t mock those who have no better option than aggy. Their lives are sad enough as it is. Their prospects are bleak, and their futures are limited. 

    They live in a depressing existence few of us can imagine. 

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, markstanco said:

    So gays. 

    Show me current scoreboard and history scoreboard against the gays.  Tell me more about your superiority dominating texas and the rest of SWC and Big 12. 

    Stupid sip - Since scholarship restrictions were put in place in 1992, Texas A&M has defeated the Longhorn football team more than all the other service academies combined.

    Over 80,000 aggy football players have played on teams that defeated the sips in football. All while simultaneously protecting the very freedoms you liberals take for granted.

    Advantage aggy.

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Sejjr said:

    JFC, aggy is milking this masculinity thing like they are filling up jizz jars. The school that made actual national news with the most tone deaf display of humor from their women's coaching clinic (and still employ the dipshit "marine" who wrote the slides), uses closeted gay males for their cheerleading team, dresses up in fake nazi-era military/S&M garb, fondle each others asses and grab their dicks on TV every week, all while paying $75 million to a known cuckold...this is the school that believes that they are the definition of masculinity.

    aggy should seriously create a program called Insecurity Studies....they would no doubt be the global leader in the field. 

    Meanwhile, this is what passes for "masculinity" in the aggy culture:


  9. Players like Lampkin are why I wish the NFL relocates a franchise to the Mexico City market. Cleveland isn't enough of a professional sports purgatory for some players. Mexico City would be perfect for Lampkin.

    • Haha 1
  10. Considering the rednecks were foaming at the mouth, claiming Johnny Manziel was just a normal 20 yr-old aggy acting like a 20 yr-old should act, and all the time he was dealing with mental illness, I don’t think aggys are who should be opining on what “normal male behavior” is. 

  11. 7 hours ago, Tex Pete said:

    It is actually pretty impressive. I know I wouldn't notice the smell of shit on their campus. I wouldn't even notice a piece of shit walking across their campus. Some things just don't stand out. 

    That can’t be the only large pipe openly glowing raw sewage around the aggy campus. I know 1.18 million gallons of untreated sewage sounds like a lot, but there has to be at least a couple open flows of raw sewage of that size to create the problem they have.

    I'm not sure why they have waited so long to address this problem, but for public health reasons, I’m glad this is finally becoming a priority for those idiots. 

    What I don't get is what sort of life these people come from that they can live in the midst of millions of gallons of raw, untreated sewage, and no one think anything of it.

  12. 1 minute ago, RomaVicta said:

    Who hasn't had that dream? Only Jimbo proved man enough to grasp at the chance! 

    It wasn't for money. No. Not money. He came because inside of every American is an Aggie trying to get out. Jimbo's Aggie got out!

    He certainly does seem to have gone "full aggy."

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    So Jimbo would have coached aggy for minimum wage?  Now, that’s an aggy joke.

    The joke is that aggy actually believes that if another school had offered Jimbo more money, Jimbo would have turned them down because his dream in life has secretly always been to be "the Bobby Bowden of Texas A&M."

  14. With conference meetings upcoming, I was reminded of the idiocy when the ags had convinced themselves Clay Travis was a savant and able to correctly surmise the financial impact SECN was going to have on schools such as Texas A&M and Mississippi State, magically transforming them into media powerhouses with values far above programs such as Texas, Notre Dame and Ohio State.


    Put simply, the SEC Network is one of the biggest game changers in the history of college athletics. And most still haven’t recognized this fact yet. The SEC Network’s impact is going to be monumental.   


    The real bump in revenue was from the CFP revenue split.

    Meanwhile, we can assess the "game changing monumental impact" of the SECN windfall to aggy athletics.


    The Texas A&M athletics department’s chief financial officer, Jeff Toole, told USA TODAY Sports that when the facilities-related contributions are removed from consideration for 2017, “we are basically break-even, maybe a little less than break-even, for the year.”


    The more things change, the more they stay the same. And the ags still can't pay back the debt they have owed the academic side since 2006, and they aren't scheduled to have thay paid off until 2028, at the earliest.

  15. 1 hour ago, ButtFumble said:

    someone needs to teach this motherfucker to hit the jar



    There’s An Intruder Breaking Into Texas A&M Student Apartments, Watching People Sleep, And Ejaculating On Faces

    This must be what aggys consider “masculine behavior.” Just “a 20 year-old acting like 20 year-old aggys normally act.” 

    Make sure Jimbo tweets this out to recruits to let them know how his recruits can behave at Texas A&M. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Longboard Horn said:

    Message for Buster

    Buster doesn't understand there are cultures where people say "You guys do whatever the hell you want to. I'm going to do my own thing."

    Other than aggy, I can't think of a group of people who are completely scared and confused by multi-cultural environments.

    It is as if they were never told they are allowed to say "No thanks, that's not for me."

  17. 7 minutes ago, PatSolitanojr said:
    Texas gets shit on constantly in the college football subreddit. It would be pleasant if we put the full force of Surly into this competition and destroyed our enemies. What else are we going to do in the offseason? Who's with me?

    If everyone is your friend, it's because you threaten no one.

    Worry about it when they aren't taking their shots at Texas.

    • Like 2
  18. 1 hour ago, Buster said:


    Really guys? This is necessary for your students. The big dildo giveaway was funny but now this. 


    Looks like there is an awful lot of confusion in on campus right now.

    Hopefully "kissing" Tom can get your football team back on track


    Why does what happens on the UT campus matter in the least to you and what makes you think anything you have to say in the subject means anything to any of us? 

    Aside from your inherent dishonest as a person, why do you think your opinion on how Greg Fenves wants to handle any issue on campus has any importance?

    If you think any reasonably well educated person would agree that more universities should be run with a culture more closely aligned with aggy culture, you are out of your redneck little mind. 

    Trust me, the UT Austin campus is doing just fine and doesn’t need any idiot redneck suggestions as to how things could be better managed. Just because you can’t understand why people are doing what they are doing doesn’t mean they should be doing something differently. 

    By the way, I heard that more aggys spent their military service during WWII digging latrines in Louisiana than graduates from every other college and university in the nation combined. In total, I hears aggys dug over 80,000 latrines during WWII. Is that true? 



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    • Haha 1
  19. If you have relegation, you have massively different cash flows for marginal programs. If Baylor gets relegated, they don’t build their new stadium. Without the new stadium,  they don’t get the support when times are good. Eventually, marginal programs financially wither and die. 

  20. 11 minutes ago, Leanderman said:

    Play for a and m and become Bama's Bitch.

    Play for A&M and hope in one of your seasons the team pulls off a winning record in conference play. Something none of the current aggy roster can say they have accomplished. 

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