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Randolph Duke

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Posts posted by Randolph Duke

  1. 54 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    "Aggies, he said, were held in very low esteem..."

    One of my favorite lines in all this aggy stuff.  I'd buy a tee-shirt with that quote.

    Much of the history of why ags are looked as they are has been lost to time. All we know is they are weird and they deserve to be mocked. It is how most of us grew up.

    Remember the ag school was started by the Northern-leaning Reconstruction government. It was a federal grant that paid the endowment and the taxpayers of the state were saddled by the hated Reconstruction legislature with the costs of running the place. That got the school off on the wrong foot. That the taxpayers needed to fund a school dedicated to teaching people how to feed chickens or plant crops was not a popular idea in the late 1800s when the state was not wealthy.

    The anti-ag school sentiment carried over past the attempts in 1915 and 1919 to sever the ag school from The University. Remember UT supplied more soldiers, had more training schools, and lost more alumni than aggy during WWI. The 1926 Baylor/aggy halftime fight where the aggy student (Sessums) was killed (remember the farcical aggy cannon story?) was started by the aggys shoving the Baylor female spectators around and then starting to throw punches. The very next weekend, the ags played SMU and started another fight with their spectators.

    Move forward to the Rice game clipping I posted from 1943 where the ags were called out for their poor sportsmanship. Then the late 40s/ early 50s complaints about why assholes they were. Hence, the 1953 clipping you posted.

    From 1953, we have Bear Bryant cheating and getting put on probation in 1956. Their 16 losing seasons in 17 years from 1957-1974. The Jackie Sherrill cheating/ almost death penalty issue. The crap the ags pulled when UT wanted to go to the SEC in the late 80s (crying to the legislature and demanding UT take a&m along). After that blew up, the SEC then took Arky. Fast forward to the LHN deal that the ags cried like children over. Then how they lied to the national sports media about their reasons for moving to the SEC and also slandered Powers, Deloss and Mack as they left.

    There are many, many good reasons why aggy has been held in low esteem since it was founded.

  2. 29 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    I never noticed that they were managing to insult Native Americans in that picture. Whole new dimension.

    You must be reading something into the picture that isn't there. aggys are always respectful toward minorities. Just ask Daniel Figurelli.

    Again, from the April 2000 TM aggy bonfire article:



  3. Just as an aside, I learned this morning that one you paste the image location into a post, you can then resize it to whatever size you want (ahem-smaller) by clicking on the image and resizing it.




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  4. 11 hours ago, tx ind said:


    It is interesting that this picture shows back up on the same day two senior executives of Schlitterbahn were arrested in connection with the death of the kid in Kansas City who died on the water ride. Both were charged with second-degree murder. Three others were charged with involuntary manslaughter. All five defendants are also charged with aggravated battery.

    The indictment against one particular individual notes that although he possessed no "technical or engineering credentials" he controlled "many key decisions" in the design. The design "violated nearly all aspects of the longstanding industry safety standards," the indictment said, adding "in fact, the design and operation complied with few, if any, of the industry safety standards."

    This is how matters of this sort are handled responsibly. People responsible for the needless deaths of others are held accountable. In Texas, the "good old boy" network kicks in if those responsible are politically connected. In Texas, they face no personal criminal or civil responsibility, the story of the event is rewritten to be a grand homeric where the deaths get whitewashed as "an unforeseeable act of God," and the idiots involved start immediately clamoring for the ability to start doing the exact same thing over again (with easily predictably results). All in sick and twisted glorification of "turdition."

    For the record, from 1909, when the first bonfire was held as a way to stay warm during the pep rally held the evening before the UT Thanksgiving Day game, until 1942, the aggy bonfire was just a random pile of scrap wood. In 1942, when they were filming the "Never Been Licked" film, the director wanted a bigger fire, so they modified the design to a tee-pee shaped conical pile of wood. In 1943, they started the practice of trying to one-up the previous year's height. In 1953, theft of property was no longer used to provide fuel and the use of logs was initiated.

    Never ones to pass up an opportunity to interject bizarre behavior into an otherwise normal situation, beginning in 1947, freshmen on campus involved in building the bonfire were required to wear lipstick and rouge and to skip to classes like little school girls. In 1953, the school administrators ordered an end to this idiotic behavior. One freshman wrote a letter to the editor of the school paper claiming a God-given right to skip and wear makeup, and thereby earn "the privilege of saying we are True Aggies." Seriously. They really acted this way.

    In 1954 a student working on the project was first reported hospitalized; 1955 saw the first fatality; after 1959 cartoons depicting injuries became a regular fall feature in the student newspaper. In the 1970s, limits were placed on the height and diameter of the bonfire. As construction designs changed and the wedding cake design was implemented, the fact that no limits were placed on overall volume of wood meant the upper tiers became increasingly larger in diameter. This meant the stack was increasingly top heavy and increasingly unstable with each passing year. Since building the bonfire was a student run endeavor, no professional evaluation was ever performed on how changes in design affected the stability and integrity of the structure.

    (more at http://aggypedia.com/wiki/Aggy_turditions#Bonfire)



  5. 10 hours ago, Modessit said:

    I hate to ask - but what's the reaction over there to this whole Shaggy/Surly fiasco?

    The same as their reaction to most things - utter confusion.

    One redneck quipped the demise of Shaggy was emblematic of the entire UT athletics program. In a classic case of aggy lack of self-awareness, they said that the day after Texas won its 14th NCAA Men's S/D championship (and fourth in a row). Texas now has more NCAA national championships in just one sport than aggy has in all sports (both genders) in the history of their school.

    They mocked my wanting to "borrow my brother's Lincoln Continental to offer a futile and stupid gesture." They interpreted it to mean I didn't own a car and had to borrow my brother's just to run errands.

    Finally, they mocked the stupidity of the Shaggy crew for our futile and stupid act of defiance of re-posting the "Rome Statute" denial of permission text. Evidently one of the super smart aggy redneck lawyer minds researched the subject and arrived at the opinion the denial of permission carried no legal weight (There is no getting anything by a super smart aggy redneck lawyer! Them folks is S!E!C! good!). Of course, the same brilliant minds who didn't get the joke behind the re-posting of the denial text also hated the movie Spartacus and thought Stanley Kubrick was a bad director because at the end of the film all the slaves went senile and thought they were actually Spartacus.

    Oh, and they think I give a shit about the demise of Shaggy because of the loss of all my content in the aggy thread. Knowing me as incredibly well as they claim to, they were (as usual) as wrong as human beings could be. The content continues to be accessible. The crawler last grabbed the content on Feb 24, so even if they deleted any of my content before turning the site over, most of it will be accessible in perpetuity. And aggypedia was last grabbed on March 14, so all my stuff is available.

    Pretty much they are confused, as one would expect from a culture defined by an eighth grade level education that included no liberal arts classes at all. We are all over here laughing about the demise of Shaggy and looking at it as just another story in the overall saga. They are looking at it as evidence of the superiority of aggy. Obviously, advantage aggy.



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  6. 14 minutes ago, Nine-Nine said:

    While we're giving BL a radio segment, give one to RD too. I'm sure he could kill some time about aggy.

    Come on. You know me. I’d never shut up. 

    Let BL help them pick guests if they want help w content.

    There are too many other stories to be told by far more eloquent people than myself. If they ever need historical or factual info, I will do my part, but after today, BL can certainly deliver content far better than I. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Larry T. Spider said:

    Maybe we should spend the next few days responding to every post on the old site that this is the new place and that if you continue to post there you are supporting child molestation by Kevin Morgan. Would give the old site more posts for a while but might drive people over here more quickly. 

    Never again to the other site. I don’t wish bad to befall him. Matter of fact, I hope I am a perfect kidney or marrow donor should he ever need one. I just a not going to ever give him another click. We don’t share common principles of ethics.

  8. 2 minutes ago, michaelpshayes said:

    interview was great really 

    ...I used to have the screen shot from the first night when it was just 3 of us and you put the board up for the first time ...the header was a telephone, and some office equipment for the first few minutes.....who the heck would have thought it would have lasted 10 years

    thanks for shaggy and thanks for this place 

    The first capture on wayback machine is April 2008. 1164 registered users.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Caddox said:

    Just confirmed it was Kevin Morgan who worked with the TABC to set up task forces in his different huts to catch underage kids trying to buy alcohol. What a cool guy!

    Yet he sells shirts promoting a place that sells alcoholic beverages with the slogan "where the cool kids shop." He can't have it both ways. If "cool kids" wear shirts promoting your liquor business, you aren't trying to prevent underage drinking. Or do only non-assholes understand that.


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  10. Just now, cabowabo said:

    So how does Bob not get into more legal trouble for essentially looting Shaggy before handing over the keys?

    Did you switch because Bob enticed or coerced you?

    I sure didn't. I switched because I wanted to. Bob has no control over where I post.

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