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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. "Agreed. Why is losing 8 in a row relevant? 8 losses are 8 losses. Such a cop out by the committee." https://texags.com/forums/7/topics/3277843/replies/61673449 "Think this is intentional to hold down our recruiting." https://texags.com/forums/7/topics/3277843/replies/61672657 "Surprised nobody has thought about having Barnes play scrubs where we would for sure win, and get seven teams in the dance. Tennessee didn't gain anything by beating us really. Title of tourney winner is it. Think Sankey could have handled that." https://texags.com/forums/7/topics/3277936/replies/61675029
  2. With the exception of Rudder and Houston, A&M has always had bad leaders. The Rudder Association wants to perpetuate that problem. Having a spineless twit as the public figurehead of the university while major decisions are made in back rooms by people who insist in remaining nameless and whose conversations are off limits to the public is simply bad governance. It should not be allowed, but Texas is Texas. Texas A&M primarily exists to perpetuate a certain culture. It is not about leadership. It is not primarily about education. The mentality of those in the Rudder Association who insist "them is gonna out-breed us and take away our culture" is the exact type of thinking that has held Texas A&M back from being a great institution since the days of Jefferson Davis. It is also the exact type of thinking The Rudder Association exists to perpetuate. If the members of The Rudder Association want to come out of the shadows and have an honest conversation about the direction of the university, great. Allow all voices to be heard. But they want power without accountability, influence without disclosure and, quite frankly, to promote beliefs that are rooted in long discredited Sul Ross-era Jim Crow foundations. That being said, if anyone in The Rudder Association wants to take me up on my "$1,000,000 Texas A&M Traditions Challenge" and tell us which game in 1907 their "yell leader" tradition originated, I will send The Rudder Association a $1 million check to fund their activities. But at Texas A&M, the groups that insist they are rooted in "school traditions" are clueless. That alone should tell people these smoothbores aren't concerned about the school, its traditions, or the best interests of the students.
  3. UT Austin has a degree program in truck driving?
  4. There are Aggies, and then there is aggy. I know a number of people who went to A&M, gained useful knowledge, and have done well in life. They were the few that asked reasonable questions such as "If Gill never played in the Dixie Classic game, why did they celebrate him and not the guy who scored the winning touchdown?" Or, "How in the fuck does Fish Camp not teach incoming students to repudiate everything Sul Ross stood for?" Reforming Texas A&M to make it an educational institution and not a white supremacist indoctrination camp would have an immensely positive effect on the culture and economy of Texas. Just over $1 billion is wasted by the Texas legislature every year by luring gullible children into believing a trade school diploma from Texas A&M will improve their time on Earth. One of the truths I have learned in life is that when someone constantly bleats about how they are "a better American" or "a better Christian" than anyone else, they are probably a piece of shit human being. The foundation of aggy culture is sanctimoniously declaring any aggy is a better American than anyone else. You do the math from there. Oh, and Fish Camp doesn't teach incoming students to repudiate everything Sul Ross stood for because those pieces of shit such at The Rudder Association fundamentally agree with Sul Ross' life mission, which was to establish the supremacy of the white man.
  5. The EOT "drama" was generated by a professor on campus who chose to fabricate a version of history in an effort to give himself a soapbox to stand on. He was a race pimp who thought if he was the center of a controversy he could cash in by being the spokesperson for a cause. That isn't unheard of in academia. The aggy "Rudder Association" clusterfuck is influential alumni twisting the arms of high level administrators, in the shadows, to promote the same white supremacy that Sul Ross lived his whole life, and murdered many people of color, to promote. "They" are going to overrun "us." "Other groups" are having tons of kids and are coming here to overrun "our" country. The Rudder Association is aggys at the highest level reacting as they have been taught to their entire lives. Sharp, Perry, Adams. The whole crew. They fired the president of the university because he wasn't one of "them." There are controversies generated by race pimps who want to benefit personally by the struggles of others. And then there are Klan aggys. The Klan aggys are exerting their influence through the Rudder Association. There have been Klan aggys longer than any of us have been alive. Klan aggys are pieces of shit. Don't kid yourself for a moment about the strength of the Klan in and around Brazos County, Texas or their "traditions." If you doubt the influence of virulent racists in Brazos County ask yourself when the radical change happened and what set it off. The reality is nothing about "aggy values" has changed in the past hundred years. Sadly, aggys are proud of that fact. When aggys are meeting in secret to complain that "they is gonna outbreed us" the rest of us need to take note. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  6. The Rudder Association members are modern day Klan aggys. “If we don’t reproduce we’ll be overrun. Other groups having tons of kids and are coming here to overrun our country.”
  7. “It's supposed to be learning about being a Texas Aggie.” In the era of Sul Ross aggy professors lectured students on “the abomination of African citizenship.” In the 1920s the school openly promoted local Klan rallies over the PA system during home football games. The day after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down the decision in Brown v Board, the aggy student body held a referendum and declared they would never abide by the decision. I don’t think incoming students need to “learn about being an aggy.” Those assholes at The Rudder Association need to crawl back under rock they slithered out from under. We know what they’re selling and it’s disgusting. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  8. The fat, white, male redneck contingent of aggy alumni are pushing back on changes at A&M. The school paper is on the story. “It’s about numbers,” Weber is quoted by the minutes. “If you don’t have enough kids in the Corps, they’ll overrun. It’s the same thing in our country. If we don’t reproduce, have kids and raise them right … we’ll be overrun. Other groups having tons of kids and are coming here to overrun our country. When we had people coming in through Ellis Island WE set the rules. Now, we let people in and we let them set the rules for [the] U.S.” “It's not Fish Camp — it's gay camp, or it's critical race theory camp,” Hazlewood said. “But it ain't supposed to be gay camp. It's supposed to be learning about being a Texas Aggie.” https://www.thebatt.com/news/the-rudder-association-a-deep-dive-into-the-conservative-former-student-group-with-plans-to/article_ee9f31ec-9dae-11ec-a4cc-efe4856b436c.html
  9. aggy quote of the day: “Although well-intentioned at first, I found out years later that being a "gentleman" was in fact disrespectful towards women because they too are human beings that can talk, think, feel, believe, etc., just like men can. ” https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3275995/last#last aggy culture is a mental illness. There is simply no other way to adequately describe it.
  10. In all fairness, he didn’t want to be there, so....
  11. The ags are going to redefine "rough week" many times over the next few years. Just remember, Jimbo's contract is fully guaranteed through the 2032 season.
  12. History repeats itself yet again. A&M struggles because all their students are off fighting a war and UT does well because the Longhorns are sitting around, sipping tea.
  13. So how long do people think it will take until the ags start insisting no Ukrainian ever fought to defend their country and that only aggys fought to defend their country while the Ukrainian people just sat around drinking tea?
  14. I always have to laugh when an aggy KNOWS things for a FACT. Lol. Its part of the damage aggy culture does to its victims. They don’t understand probabilities. They don’t know how to manage knowledge voids. They just make something up and KNOW it for a FACT. Which is why aggys worship fairy tales and fake stories. Because they are have no clue when their assumptions are dead wrong. Which is often. (How does one both do nothing and simultaneously file a police report seeking prosecution? Isn’t working within the system doing, by definition, something?) whoop! Jimbo4win said: Riddle me this..what happens to a girl if she pushes a guy, bites him and tries to gouge his eyes with her fingernails? Let's say the guy does nothing about it and then tells police. Will she be treated the same as a guy in the court of law? I KNOW for a FACT she won't be treated the same in the court of public opinion.
  15. I’m wondering if our friend Olin has figured out yet that there actually is such a thing as bad publicity. Probably not.
  16. Tradition https://twitter.com/pooraggies/status/1499101971734802434
  17. Watching aggy fans and other current SEC fans talk shit in social media while struggling to master third grade English reminds me just how low we have stooped by joining that conference.
  18. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess at least a few SEC fans will figure out that Texas and Tennessee are two separate and distinct institutions. And I'm not going to spend much time caring about the ones who are too stupid to figure it out.
  19. Demas is right up there with Leon as being a perfect fit for A&M.
  20. Olin must be having a pretty good day today. Every arrest is great publicity for the team and the university. "as the old saying goes, there is no such thing as bad publicity...."
  21. At least the third for Demas, but I'm pretty sure Jimbo's policy is no more than 12 per athlete. You know, turdition. 1) Texas A&M receiver Demond Demas has been arrested on a charge of assault family violence that occurred on Saturday 2) This isn’t the first time Demas, a five-star recruit out of Tomball in the class of 2020, has been accused of hitting a girlfriend. 3) Also, Fisher deemed Demas “unavailable” during two of A&M’s games late in the 2020 season for an undisclosed reason, (busted for weed) https://www.houstonchronicle.com/texas-sports-nation/college/article/Aggie-Demond-Demas-arrest-charge-domestic-16971403.php?utm_campaign=CMS Sharing Tools (Premium)&utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral
  22. You have to hand it to ol' Jimbo. he knows how to recruit AND how get the most of his players on the field. #elite #gamechanger #lol
  23. You buried the lede: "Last year the mother of an alleged victim reached out to the Chronicle saying she could not get into contact with A&M’s coaches concerning Demas striking her daughter, who was Demas’s girlfriend at the time." So, how many here believe there is no way for Jimbo to have this all blow up in his face?
  24. The irony is deep. Maybe this "proud aggy" wants to cash in on the $1 million I've been offering for years, if only one of them could explain the origins of their "yell leader" tradition.
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