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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. None of the Klan robes in the aggy faculty/ alumni Klan robe collections belong to Sul Ross, as far as I know. The Klan operated (operates) in secret. When Ross was “doing his thing,” his fellow white supremacists operated out in the open. That were that brazen. The 1886 Texas election that brought Ross the governorship was so amazingly and so brazenly corrupt it set off an investigation by the U.S. Senate. Racial cleansing of numerous counties, open lynchings, and when Black Texans objected, Ross sent state military forces to kill even more Blacks. The Jim Crow laws were first enacted under Ross. Ross did everything in his power to openly support white supremacists from the Governor’s mansion. Since they knew the state would never prosecute racial hate crimes, and knowing a governor’s pardon would be given even if there was prosecution, Ross and his fellow white supremacists terrorized Black Texans without having to hide. (Remember the Jaybird-Woodpecker War?) Hence, Ross had no need to hide his racial hatred behind a Klan robe. After Ross' death, as the racial atrocities began to horrify more and more white Texans, the Klan flourished. And yes, during aggy home football games on campus, they did actually promote upcoming Klan rallies over the in-game public address system. Klan 48 was (is) the Brazos County Klan chapter.
  2. UT Austin educates about 50,000 students on a budget well in excess of $3 billion. A&M educates about 65,000 on a budget of just under $2 billion. Per full time student equivalent, aggy is funded at about $0.50 for each dollar UT Austin receives. I think UT’s influence with state political leaders is quite secure.
  3. It’s comical how aggys completely fabricate stories. Keep in mind, to alter the distributions from PUF investments the people of Texas would have to vote on and pass a constitutional amendment. I guess they don’t teach government at trade schools. “Word is that UT has been informed that the state is reworking the PUF. UT will lose a significant portion to all the other universities in the state not yet included.” ”They get to go to the SEC but it's going to cost them in many different ways. Bet they didn't see that coming.” ”Talked with a high up Tech administrator. Said Gov Abbott has already informed UT it's going to happen. UT and aTm don't control the legislature like in the past. Example is Tech getting their vet school even in the face of strong aTm opposition. Times are a changing.” https://texags.com/forums/6/topics/3236028
  4. About 40 yds from the west entrance to the stadium
  5. OU team hotel: Renaissance Dallas Addison Hotel 15201 Dallas Pkwy, Addison, TX Please use this information responsibly.
  6. OU team hotel: Renaissance Dallas Addison Hotel 15201 Dallas Pkwy, Addison, TX Please use this information responsibly.
  7. OU team hotel - Renaissance Dallas Addison Hotel 15201 Dallas Pkwy, Addison, TX Use this information responsibly.
  8. Hero worship is a core element of aggy culture. They are like little children in that respect. "Sul Ross is my he-ro!" "Johnny Football is my he-ro!" "Jim Turner is my he-ro!" "John Chavis is my he-ro!" Wash, rinse, repeat.
  9. I'd retire, knowing I had done my duty to the people of Texas.
  10. In all fairness, the aggys are doing the best they can. Expecting more from aggy is extremely unfair.
  11. The fact Foster is starting should tell you something about aggy's depth issues.
  12. He thinks "$9 million/yr through 2031, fully guaranteed."
  13. Watching this makes me think aggy is fucked, because if Mississippi St could exploit the weaknesses of Leon and Calzada, teams with better athletes are going to crush A&M. The first three plays pretty much show why Leon O'Neal isn't going to be playing at the next level. The rest of the session is a blueprint for how teams are going to crush aggy this year. A&M just looks horrible in this. It almost breaks my heart.
  14. Joke's on you, sippy! The Fox Sports equivalent is going to be at the A&M/Bama game! Whoop!
  15. Tanner Mordecai lighting up Leon O’Neal in a bowl game would be a thing of beauty.
  16. One of the reasons we have recently witnessed the greatest era in the history of aggy football is because (unlike Texas) they haven't been losing games they were supposed to win. The reason they aren't a top-tier team is because they aren't winning the games they are expected to lose (Alabama). Last year, they didn't really play anyone of significance, so they won the games they were supposed to win, lost the game(s) they were expected to lost (swidt?) and their ease of schedule delivered them to their version of the promised land (a NY6 bowl). But aggy's eternal weakness has always been their inability to recruit a quality two-deep. Their lack of depth is killing them again this year. On paper, aggy could win out after this weekend. On paper, they should win out after this weekend. But we are talking about aggy and we all know some day they will mean-revert and again start inexplicably losing games that on paper they should win. aggy is an amazingly soft culture. Otherwise, they wouldn't have to believe in fairy tales to help them be able to look at themselves in the mirror each morning. Once they begin to mean-revert, the wheels will come off the aggy bandwagon. They will go through a brutal period of infighting and self-destructive stupidity that will carry over well into 2022. This week's aggy game will mean nothing, unless Saban humiliates them. Missouri is garbage (they may very well lose to North Texas this weekend), so aggy's Oct 16 game is meaningless. aggy/ South Carolina on Oct 23 should be worth watching. If So. Carolina beats aggy, grab your popcorn.
  17. And the vomit. I hear there is a lot of vomit this season.
  18. 87,973 paid. https://www.espn.com/college-football/game?gameId=401282095
  19. While we are on that subject, have we seen this game's letter from the visiting fan? I'm going to guess we don't have one from an aggy fan who was glad A&M lost because the other team deserved to win more than A&M.
  20. 13:16 before kickoff and "the finestest fans in all the werld!™" have packed Kyle Field, yet again. They're better fans than anyone else!
  21. 1998/1999 was the last time A&M football put two seasons back-to-back with a winning record in conference play. The problems with Texas A&M football run far deeper than Billy Liucci can comprehend.
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