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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. The aggy system got about $450 mil from AUF distributions this past year, the highest ever (UT Austin and the non-Austin UT system each also received about $450 mil each).
  2. Just found an "aggy fact" I was looking for about the A&M kiddie corps. The aggy kiddie corps and ROTC are two completely different organizations, but the enrollment overlap is significant. Assuming 100% participation overlap, somewhere under 40% of the kiddie corps is commissioning these days (230x4/2316). The number I was looking for is first year enrollment - 761. Of the 761, we can reasonably expect 230 to complete their time in costume. That makes for a 70% dropout rate. I would say a 70% failure rate pretty well sums up what it is to be an aggy. Posted June 21, 2021: "- Corps strength on the first day of school was 2,316 cadets (this is down from 2,560 in 2017 https://www.aggienetwork.com/media/guides/muster speaker resources/corps of cadets 2017-18 quick facts.pdf) - 761 cadets joined the Corps last year - 17% of the total Corps is female - 24% of the Cadets were from out of state" "This academic year, we commissioned a total of 230 Aggie officers" (note: 103 Army, 73 USAF, 18 USN, 14 USMC. That makes 208. I'm guessing the other 22 were from A&M Qatar and commissioned straight into the Taliban) https://www.serviceacademyforums.com/index.php?threads/texas-a-m-2020-21-state-of-the-corps-from-the-commandant.81829/
  3. I still can’t believe there were people who wanted Urban Meyer as head coach at UT. What would you people do without me keeping you out of trouble?
  4. Few people realize the number of death threats I have received from various aggys over the years for simply telling the truth about the history and “traditions” of Texas A&M. Back when I wrote the true story of their “12th Man” they not only made death threats against me, they started stalking some teacher in Frisco who they insisted was my ex-wife (I’ve never been divorced) and they were even staking out an elementary school, trying to identify children they were convinced were mine (they weren’t my children). All of that was facilitated (encouraged) by those “fine individuals” who own and operate Texags. aggy culture is a sick and horrific culture. There is nothing about aggy culture any mentally balanced Texan or American could ever be proud of. Here's a typical aggy "I am hunting you down to kill you this weekend" message they regularly send to me, and a typical Texags "killing people you disagree with is the only solution." And we're supposed to be proud of Texas A&M?
  5. Ok, I’ll turn it over to the professionals at this point. Hook ‘em!
  6. Some guy is going to pop he question on the field today. One is UT alum, the other TCU.
  7. It’s the nitrogen from the home tunnel. The super high humidity is amplifying the effect.
  8. He actually blocked me long before he sent me that chickenshit dm. I’d gladly have a conversation with him but his stock in trade is shilling fairy tales, not having honest conversations.
  9. you have to meet the standard of what you have to do - Jimbo Fisher $9 million/yr for this, people. $9 million. "Texas A&M Head Coach Jimbo Fisher agrees that the Aggies need to raise their standard in practice. ”We’re preparing, but the standard of how to do details, we’re not detailed enough or we would play that way,” Fisher explained. “Why is that detail? Some of that’s experience. Some of that is youth. Some of that is new guys at critical positions at different moments because you’re rotating guys. You’re playing freshmen linemen, some young receivers, you have a new quarterback. Is that an excuse? No, you still have to meet the standard of what you have to do because that’s when your opportunities come. I tell these guys all the time you either wait to play or you prepare to play. But the one thing you can’t give a guy is experience. You have to get experience in the saddle, and they’ve got to realize that,” Fisher added." https://www.kbtx.com/2021/09/28/aggies-look-raise-standard-practice/
  10. Trade schools don't teach punctuation.
  11. aggy and their "coach salary smack" is hilarious. Notice how Liucci talks about Schlossnagle's contract as being "almost the same as what he was being paid at TCU." Has Liucci ever cited his source for what Schlossnagle was being paid at TCU? No. Will he ever offer any evidence to substantiate what Schlossnagle was being paid at TCU? No. Is Liucci being honest when he says that? No.
  12. 2016 - $773mil 2017 - $834mil 2018 - $887mil 2019- $1,014mil 2020- $1,311mil
  13. Fringe benefits. See attached contract. Jimbo-Fisher-Texas-AM.pdf
  14. Below is an excerpt from A&M 2020 NCAA financials, page 41. Notice Jimbo's 2020 income from A&M was just over $8.9 mil. They were already paying him $9 mil. Texas A&M 2020 NCAA financials.pdf
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