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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. Be patient. I am sure CDC will iron out the details.
  2. Since there are no such things as honest errors made by college football officials, can someone explain how these incidents are obvious and irrefutable examples of a vast, inter-generational conspiracy where otherwise honest individuals accepted bribe money from UT Austin alumni in order to "keep the sleeping giant at bay" and inhibit A&M's clear path to the national championship game?
  3. The "dildo" protest on campus was about a decade ago and that has still fractured their psyche. Other than "all gas no breaks" (none of them know how to spell "brakes"), pretty much all they have is fart jokes. As I have said for a long time, The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  4. This is starting to turn into the kind of game that for the first time in a while makes me wish I had more friends who were ‘SC fans.
  5. The drop in acceptance rate was due to a surge in applications. Enrollment remained steady. Their overall goal of overtaking UCF as the school with the nation's highest enrollment remains unchanged.
  6. Yet again, the value of the aggy education on full display. From TOS: "As a state school, I would love for A&M to review the ROI of every major, and immediately reallocate away from the degrees which don't serve Texas / Texans. It likely means you gut the liberal arts department & reemphasize STEM - which would hurt us even more in some of these rankings but be the mission-oriented correct decision. If you can afford to get a worthless Arts degree - have at it at some private school, but public institutions should benefit the society which funds them. https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3226744/replies/60190190 How does someone like this get a college degree? He wants to "reform" higher education funding, not having a clue that exactly what he is asking for has been in existence for decades through the Higher Education Coordinating Board. And the reason he doesn't have a clue about how government uses economics to drive decisions, is because he went to a school where government and economics have already been so marginalized that the students graduate without a clue about even the basics of how government and economists function in the economy. How are those idiots still allowed to vote?
  7. It seems as if there certainly is room for the parties to work with should they want to alter the LHN contract.
  8. I happened across the LHN numbers for license fee, guaranteed minimum production costs, and guaranteed minimum over head costs. Remember, the license fee is only one aspect of what ESPN committed to spend on the LHN deal. Minimum expenses for production and overhead (with annual increases) are also guaranteed by LHN. All in all, if ESPN wanted out of LHN, and both UT and IMG agreed, ESPN would eliminate around $590 million in guaranteed expenses through the end of the LHN contract. The total minimum guaranteed expenses to ESPN for LHN for the year beginning July 2021 is just shy of $52 million.
  9. Nope. You have to follow the aggy story and figure out which game in 1907 the turdition originated. aggys are "super-duper smart" and A&M is such a "vaunted research university," I am sure one of those geniuses can explain which game in 1907. Five options, six guesses. And still not a one of them can figure it out. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  10. When UT had to come to a funding accommodation with its agricultural branch college, 1/3 of the university's endowment was dedicated to the branch college. That accommodation is currently worth around $13B. When A&M had to come to a financial accommodation with Prairie View, A&M's branch college, "the ghost of Sul Ross" rose up and declared PV would get not a fucking dime. Obviously, in the world of Texas A&M, it literally doesn't pay to be Black. "it’s good that they give PV a million bucks a year or whatever" Yea, it's so good of John Sharp to throw a $1 mil a year, or whatever, to PV. Are you serious?
  11. Arky is going to force Calzada to beat them with his arm. 4.8 years per attempt is too much of a weakness not to exploit. An incompletion will kill a drive. As will a penalty, sack, or tfl. They can't play from behind. Shutting down Achane is easy. The risk is Calzada lights them up in the air. Would you accept that risk? Yes.
  12. For those of you needing a quick $1 million dollars, the total amount claimed so far by participants in the “The $1,000,000 Texas A&M Yell Leader Tradition Contest” is exactly $0.00.
  13. On "aggy fact Thursday," I'd like to congratulate Kyle Umlang on his elevation into the Texags Hall of Fame. By the use of a concept known as "honesty" (which is not part of the aggy "corps values") Kyle has so shattered the self-image of aggys he has been gifted his very own texags thread. Turdition demands he now be cyberstalked by that bunch of smoothbores. They will inevitably get his actual name wrong, he will be assigned a farcical personal history, assigned a non-existent ex-wife (that, of course, some redneck aggy from Katy has been confirmed to be "plowing") and all the other accoutrements associated with the trade school-level petulance that is such a part of aggy culture. Here's to you, Kyle! Keep up the good work. As is enshrined on the Duke family crest - "Veritas et probitas super omnia."
  14. Randolph Duke

    Hook 'em

    No one attends UT Austin to achieve mediocrity. The athletes deserve better than to walk out onto a national stage and be completely embarrassed. The Arky debacle is on the coaching staff. They don't get any more mulligans.
  15. “Eric Bieniemy has been one of the top NFL head coaching candidates over the last three years, so there are likely multiple reasons why he doesn’t have a head coaching gig just yet. Some of the issues from his past have no doubt contributed. But what exactly are those red flags? And should they matter? Let’s go through the confirmed and alleged incidents one-by-one and then determine if a team like the Philadelphia Eagles will/should consider them.” https://thebirdsblitz.com/will-red-flags-in-eric-bieniemys-past-cross-him-off-eagles-list-should-they/
  16. One thing that holds back aggys and will never change until A&M is mercifully reformed from the top down is that aggys never pay attention to details. Cutting corners is de rigueur for aggys. Half-assing is every bit as acceptable to them as being meticulous. I do not believe for an instant this guy was the first or the last to be granted a degree by Texas A&M and not have fulfilled the requirements for the degree.
  17. 4.8 yards per passing attempt for Calzada. 4.0 yards per rushing attempt for the team Brutal.
  18. The current AD at LSU is the person who gave Jimbo his original A&M contract. I think Woodward’s philosophy on coaching contracts is pretty clear. He’s not afraid to overpay. Jimbo’s issue is he has to win something. It’s been a while since aggy dropped a game to a team they had no business losing to. That has been the key to their last 10 year run. At some point, either aggy mean reverts and drops a couple of head scratchers, or Jimbo actually win something. Smart money would bet that they mean revert. If Jimbo wins something, LSU would pay him what he wants. Coming up, the ags have arky, Miss St and Bama in three successive weeks. The best of those games will be Miss St. Mike Leach is going to be in rare form the week before that game. Based on what we saw yesterday, aggy looks to have depth problems. My guess is Leach frustrates the living Hell out of Jimbo this year, we transition back to “wait until next year” and Jimbo starts getting heat for never being able to deliver.
  19. Jimbo is enuf of a dumbfuck West Virginia redneck to think he can sniff the jock of the other West Virginia redneck head coach in the S!E!C! Jimbo wants to win at least one more championship and by now he realizes why that will never happen at Texas A&M. He’s playing with house money after his A&M gig. Now it’s for bragging rights. And Texas A&M is a joke, not something you brag about. He would jump in an instant.
  20. If they didn't have the broadcast rights, the school wouldn't allow the broadcast equipment truck to be on campus, let alone allow them to set up the broadcast equipment.
  21. To the Supremes. Not likely to happen. But it at least looks like the aggy administrator is going to get nailed for a few million in damages. I think aggy’s insurance police for this stuff is for $5mil. I assume they will settle for around that amount, the school will indemnify the employee and insurance pays the writer.
  22. 11th Amendment. Yes, every state. Only to the states. But all kinds of exceptions apply as well as other protections granted to municipal governments.
  23. And the other decision is out. A&M can't be sued. https://www.reuters.com/legal/transactional/texas-am-escapes-copyright-claims-5th-circ-over-12th-man-story-2021-09-09/ Texas A&M escapes copyright claims at 5th Circ. over 12th Man story (Reuters) - Texas A&M University is immune from a sportswriter's claims that it infringed his copyrights by publishing a story he commissioned about the school's "12th Man" ethos without permission, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled. As an arm of the state of Texas, the state school's athletic department has sovereign immunity from Michael Bynum's claims, U.S. Circuit Judge James Graves wrote for a unanimous three-judge panel on Wednesday. Bynum's lead attorney Elaine Goldenberg of Munger, Tolles & Olson didn't immediately respond to a request for comment, nor did A&M or the Office of the Texas Attorney General, which represents the university in the case. In 1922, A&M athlete E. King Gill was called to suit up for the school's football team when it nearly ran out of reserve players due to injuries, becoming its "12th Man." "Today, the 12th Man tradition is a symbol of the Aggies' unity, loyalty, and willingness to serve when called upon to do so, and is woven into many aspects of life at A&M," Bynum said in his 2017 complaint. The school also owns a trademark covering the term. Bynum, a Birmingham, Alabama-based author, commissioned a short biography of Gill from sportswriter Whit Canning for a book about Gill and his impact on the school's football program. Bynum contacted Brad Marquardt, a media rep for A&M's athletic department, in 2010 for photographs to use in the book, and included a draft in his email. In 2014, Marquardt allegedly had the story copied to use in fundraising efforts, removed any references to Bynum, changed the title, and altered the byline to suggest that the College Station, Texas school commissioned Canning's work. In the three days before Marquardt took it down, the department promoted the story to "hundreds of thousands" of social media followers and subscribers to its e-newsletter, destroying the market for Bynum's book, according to his complaint. Bynum sued Marquardt and A&M's athletic department in Houston federal court in 2017 for copyright infringement and allegedly violating parts of the U.S. and Texas constitutions. U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen decided in 2019 that the athletic department couldn't be sued separately from the school, and that the university had sovereign immunity from Bynum's copyright claims. After the Supreme Court decided last year in Allen v. Cooper that North Carolina was immune from a filmmaker's copyright claims, Hanen dismissed the case against all defendants except Marquardt. On appeal, Bynum argued among other things that the athletic department wasn't immune from the claims because it "operates with total financial independence" from the state. But Graves, joined by Chief Circuit Judge Priscilla Owen and Circuit Judge Jerry Smith, said sovereign immunity applied because the department is run by the school and can't sue or be sued in its own name, among other things. Bynum also failed to show that the department, not the state, would have to pay for any judgment against it. The panel also rejected Marquardt's challenges to the claims against him in a separate opinion. The cases are Epic Sports v. Texas A&M University Athletic Department, 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, No. 20-20503; and Epic Sports v. Marquardt, 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, No. 20-20530. For Bynum: Elaine Goldenberg of Munger, Tolles & Olson For A&M and Marquardt: Melissa Mather of the Texas Office of the Attorney General
  24. Personally, I don't give a shit if a university provides remedial Boy Scout training. Most respected universities that care check for "public service" as part of the pre-acceptance evaluation. I point out that academic instruction, the raison d'être of any undergraduate institution (other than aggy, evidently) isn't anywhere to be found in the metrics Washington Monthly uses to determine its rankings. So if you don't care about education, but you want to concentrate on remedial Boy Scouts, these rankings are for you. "We rank four-year schools (national universities, liberal arts colleges, baccalaureate colleges, and master’s universities) based on their contribution to the public good in three broad categories: social mobility, research, and providing opportunities for public service." https://washingtonmonthly.com/2020college-guide
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