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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. Ok, I'm sensing mockery in that post, also.
  2. Please don't complain that you can't grasp the mockery in that last post.
  3. Will someone PLEASE confirm that all active duty military assets are being considered for assignment to Kabul. President Biden needs to activate the Texas A&M Corpse of Cadets to put their elite training to use. Texas A&M won WWII by themselves. Think about that for a minute. 85 million people died during WWII and sacrificed nothing. Only the aggy farm school rednecks sacrificed anything during that war and we owe everything we have to them. If only we could (yet again) deploy the aggy costume fraternity, how many lives in Afghanistan could be saved? The farm school elite troops have been trained especially to save humanity by projecting elite, farm school military force, as all aggys have been since 1876. (whoop! Yay Jefferson Davis!) Oh, PLEASE, aggys, come save us (yet again). We have it on good authority the Taliban won't pile up logs to thwart you. PLEASE, aggys. Save western democracy, just as you have every other time. PLEASE! You have always been an elite military academy that has long surpassed the contributions of Annapolis and West Point (combined). PLEASE SAVE US! IT'S WHAT YOU DO. We are only "sip."
  4. Exactly how many of these are Land Grant farm schools? One - Cornell. And as a "farm school," Cornell is head and shoulders above any S!E!C! Land Grant farm school. To insinuate the education offered at Mississippi State, or even Texas A&M, is indistinguishable from that offered at MIT or Cal is "a bold strategy," to say the least. To ignore the Land Grant farm schools of the S!E!C! are not hindered by the abysmal state of primary and secondary education in S!E!C! footprint states is naive. MIT was a Land Grant school established after Texas A&M. MIT was absorbed as a branch college of Harvard before MIT supporters took action to regain autonomy. Sadly, Texas has not had the caliber of Land Grant college administrators as Massachusetts or California (a fact I have long lamented). The Massachusetts and California Land Grant college experiments have been incredible successes. Unfortunately, as we look to the states that have long filed to fund primary and secondary education Most, if not all of the S!E!C! footprint states, including Texas, the Land Grant experiment has offered far less impressive results. Starting with the appointment of Jefferson Davis as the first president of the state's Land Grant college, Texas' Land Grant college experience has been spoiled by the insistence that redneck cultural considerations must take precedence over academic considerations. That cancer continues to the present. The decision to affiliate The University's athletics programs with the S!E!C! schools was purely a business decision. Any expectations that Texas will become an "S!E!C! school" are comical. To assert MIT, Cal, Wisky, etc., exist as trade schools for inbred smoothbores is absurd. To deny Texas A&M, Mississippi State, Kentucky, Auburn, etc, exist as little other than trade schools for inbred smoothbores is equally absurd. Texas will be a S!E!C! member institution. It will never be "an S!E!C! school." S!E!C! S!E!C! lol.
  5. aggys find "value" in having the highest enrollment of any post-secondary institution in the state of Texas. Which, at the moment, is Lone Star College. Think about that for a moment.
  6. Land Grant farm schools have their place. They are trade schools. But there is a difference between a trade school education and an academic education. Trade schools do not advance knowledge. They perpetuate current understandings. Academic institutions advance knowledge. Academic institutions produce graduates who lead nations through technological revolutions. Trade schools produce graduates who struggle to build things out of wood. Trade schools fabricate lies about their "military history" and insist they have solved the mystery of alchemy. Academic institutions seek to change the world for the better. I absolutely support the trade school experience. Trade schools have done wonders for to help those lacking academic capabilities join the middle class. But let’s not kid ourselves, a trade school education isn’t the same as an academic education. Think about it for a moment. Supporters of A&M, a trade school, bleat about "we has bigger enrollsment" and "we makes e-nuf to live in Katy tree years out of college!" What do either of those "metrics" have to to with education? Nothing. They are demonstrative of a trade school mentality, which is all most of the Land Grant farm school "former students" understand. The SEC is an accumulation of Land Grant trade schools for wannabe (swidt?) farmers and chicken ranchers. UT Austin is an academic institution. The graduates of the institutions have little in common. It is what it is. I apologize for any trade school redneck I have offended. But no one goes to farm school for an actual education and the S!E!C! as it is currently constituted is nothing more than a bunch of Land Grant farm schools (plus Vandy and UF) offering trade school "uplernin." (Excuse me as I laugh at the insistence that Arizona State offers the same level of education as Stanford or Cal, that Rutgers offers the same level of education as Univ of Chicago or Johns Hopkins-yes, both Big 10 member institutions- and Texas A&M offers the same level of education as UT Austin, all because "is has to be that way because they are in the same athletic conference.) And I am absolutely not disparaging Land Grant schools. MIT was a Land Grant school. Founded after Texas A&M was founded. Just like Texas A&M, MIT was once a Land Grant branch college attached to a prestigious academic university. But MIT supporters had the foresight and intellect to end their branch college status and to become a highly respected institution. How the people of Texas ended up with only Texas A&M amazes (and saddens) me. Even Land Grant farm schools have their place, as do the other trade schools. I'm just differentiating between Land Grand farm schools and academic universities. Of course the S!E!C! schools want UT Austin in their conference. Even A&M voted for UT Austin in the S!E!C! The S!E!C! schools need us to class up the joint. Just as people on this board insist Vandy and UF give every S!E!C! farm school “academic prestige,” smoothbore rednecks (and their ilk) can now point to UT Austin and say “we ernt stupid!” just as proudly as they say “I love my couzin.”
  7. Ask some of the UT faculty what they think of Tech or Okie Lite. Find out for yourself. I'm sure many of them will opine that the factors that dictated conference affiliation thirty years ago are not the same as the factors today. Yes, Vandy and UF have reputable academic standing. You seem to "somehow" forget Ol' Miss, Miss St, Auburn, Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Texas A&M, (have I made my point, or should I go on?). The fact is, and long has been, that states in the S!E!C! footprint have long underfunded both primary education and secondary education to the people their post-secondary institutions suck. With VERY few exceptions. Exactly ONE of those Land Grant schools (UF) has any level of academic credibility. Anyone who things Texas is switching athletic conferences to bond with academic peers peers, "bond with family," make friends, "be with our equals," to be "liked," or any other absurd reason is sadly misguided. Likewise, anyone expecting UT to not be continuously singled out for not acting more like the inbred smoothbores who comprise the S!E!C! is also sadly misguided. We aren't Land Grant, farm school rednecks. That would be Texas A&M. We (thank God) aren't Texas A&M. Not even close. We're Texas. The conference switch was purely a business decision, a cultural or academic decision. As for the "leftover five" of the Big 12, fuck them. I understand it was easier when all they had to do was ride the economic coattails of Texas and OU, but those days are over.
  8. When people fabricate "comments," farcically attribute them to me, then use them as examples of how I am somehow "wrong" I laugh. HA! HA! HA! HA! (see what I just did there?)
  9. First of all, my comments on Texas moving to the SEC were heavily focused on the reaction of the faculty. Telling the UT faculty that the Land Grant farm schools are their peers and that UT faculty will collaborate with those other schools on academic issues is laughable. There is a reason the Land Grant farm schools of the SEC have failed to deliver the intellectual capital necessary for the SEC states to create any semblance of economic growth in that region. There is also a reason the area surrounding Austin has long had the intellectual capital necessary to drive the Texas economy through the technological revolution of the past 40 years. As for the media rights of the five schools I mentioned, none of them are significantly higher than any other the others. None of them are national brands of any value. I mentioned nothing about the value of UT's media rights relative to any of those five schools. I'm not following your comment of Texas' media rights doubling the value of those other schools. Had I said anything about UT's rights values, I probably would have said they are about four times that of the "abandoned five." And no, I am not ready to embrace the SEC. I am not a fan of it, but I wasn't asked to make the call. Hartzell, Eltife and CDC are running the show, and I defer to their judgement. That doesn't mean I am in any way looking forward to having a bunch of inbred smoothbores from that hotbed of generational poverty known as the SEC running around Austin during home football games. Nor will I be heading to the shitholes of that part of the world to watch UT play. It's a business decision. That's all it is. I don't see them as friends, peers or equals. And Hell will freeze before I "brand myself with the SEC logo." Thanks for playing. Try to pay more attention next time. Have a nice day.
  10. Do you honestly believe if Texas and OU drop $170 mil today on the Big 12 media buyout that other fanbases will quit talking shit? Fuck them. TCU, Tech, Okie Lite, Baylor and K State all have nearly identical media value. At best, there are four spots in other major conferences for those five schools. Go watch "Death of a Salesman." Willie Loman is who is bitching about Charley and Bernard responding to the changing economics of college athletics. Well, Willie, and Biff, and Happy. This is nothing more than a tale of those who got left behind in the shifting sands of time. Let them bitch. It's the dying gasps of their college athletics dreams. Fuck them.
  11. "College Station is known as the Research Valley because it’s a center for medical research. The Research Valley is always growing and is now moving toward becoming the Research Valley biocorridor. The biocorridor will be a collaboration among clinicians, scientists, government, students, area residents, and commercial partners. The goal is to promote innovation and education while accelerating the economic growth in our area. The idea is that entrepreneurs, researchers, industry leaders, students, and sponsors will work together to solve challenges in the field of global health. The biocorridor would work with research for humans, animals and the environment. The One Health PlusTM biocorridor is driving innovation for the biotherapeutic and biopharmaceutical industries. They are working to be a center for commercialization and production of pharmaceuticals and vaccines in College Station. Currently Texas A&M has a complex for vaccines because of a large federal grant that aims to make College Station a hub for vaccine and bioterror preparedness. Over 25 years the contract is estimated to be worth $2 billion." https://www.tm5properties.com/blog/the-biocorridor-will-bring-big-changes-to-bcs.html
  12. "a cultural bias, which impedes risk identification"
  13. Has anyone actually looked at a list cities with NFL franchises? How many of them are located in “conservative” cities with populations of 250k or less? If a kid ever hopes to play in “the League,” they better start convincing people they have the maturity to live in a modern U.S. city.
  14. There are only so many time slots in a week. If ESPN already has enough content, the Big 12 remnants aren’t going to have their additional content valued very highly. It will be smaller and regional broadcasters bidding for those rights, not broadcasters willing to pay $160 mil/yr for the eight school package.
  15. Not since 1999 has aggy had two consecutive seasons with a winning record in conference play. Think about the teams they have had to lose to in order to make that record of futility a reality. Against conference opponents, struggled to finish above .500 for pretty much a quarter of a century. Longer than aggy’s “16 losing seasons in 17 years” run of ineptitude. Never underestimate the ability of Texas A&M to shit the bed.
  16. Strange but true - Jim Harbaugh has more NFL rushing yards than Bo Jackson.
  17. It’s not what happens behind your back as much as it is what happens over your head.
  18. As much as you may hate it, the culture of The University of Texas doesn’t dictate cultural racial or gender limitations. It’s not what we do. Salivate all you want over the thought of this athlete in assless chaps, you sick fuck. Fat, redneck fucks who insist on imposing limitations on athletes because “We needs to pro-text thems ovar-rees” are sick people. That any Olympic gold medalist is deemed “insufficient” to prance around on a football game sideline is indicative of a sickness within that culture. Regardless of how much you want to restrict those who prance around on sidelines of misogynist, white trash football games, I’m not going to play your game and “look the other way.”
  19. No. A half-century after Title IX we are still having to either accept or completely ignore an Olympic gold medalist is de facto prohibited from being a cheerleader for her collegiate football team because of redneck misogyny. How does any responsible person (not hiding behind a social media screen name) remain silent to the aggy sickness that both “celebrates” her as one of “them” and then denigrates her as unacceptable as a school cheerleader. The “We gots to save them wimmuns ovaries from over exertion” (which was discredited over a half century ago) and “we must protect this wimmun Olympic champ-ee-un from the riggers of sideline prancin’ in milkman suits” is indicative of the malignancy of aggy culture. No, I’m not going to play aggy and “look the other way.” Too many women in my life would look down on me if I “looked the other way.” Say what you want, but I believe women don’t need fat, white trash, redneck men defining their limitations. Likewise, Olympic gold medalists don’t need fat, white trash, redneck men “protecting” them from the dangers of prancing like a queen on the sideline during an aggy football game. There is a sickness deep inside aggy culture. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  20. No, the argument that no woman can be allowed to be a cheerleader for the football team at any “institution of higher education” is thinking that has loooong been completely discredited. “Just leaving it” at “We will celebrate her as long as she knows her place. If she tries to be a cheerleader she will immediately be subjected to death threats” is important to aggys, but it has no place in the world of legitimate (as opposed to aggy) higher education. When women are no longer treated as second class individuals at Texas A&M, it will be to the immediate benefit of the people of Texas. Your “just look the other way when you see aggy misogyny” suggestion doesn’t fly with everyone. Certainly not me. When any Olympic gold medalist is prevented from being a cheerleader for their school football team because of “tradition” it screams that something is very long. It’s time society quits shitting on women and it’s time people quit insisting others “just look the other way” when sick, malignant cultures keep insisting women can’t be allowed to be college football cheerleaders. You remind me of the idiots half a century ago who tried to use law enforcement to “save” ‘wimmuns who dared to want to run a marathon”. You can’t celebrate an Olympic champion and, at the same time, insist she must be limited from athletic exertion for her own good. Well, you can if you think like an aggy.
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